"Although I have been looking for the child of prophecy outside, I have also seen a lot of darkness in the ninja world. The existence of the Daimyo Mansion is the place where the darkness is most serious that I have seen."

"Acts such as forcing women into prostitution, robbing and oppressing the people are endless in Daming Prefecture and within its sphere of influence. This is also an important reason why I have always hated power."

"This shouldn't be your real reason! There must be some inside story, can you tell me?"

Naruto has Kagura's inner eyes and the Nine-Tails' perception of malice. The combination of these two allows Naruto to sense the inner fluctuations of others, so Naruto knows that Jiraiya has hidden something and didn't say it.

"You are really sharp! Naruto."

After being pointed out by Naruto, Jiraiya smiled bitterly, as if he was lost in some memories, but he sighed and slowly told his experience.

"I once secretly helped a man from a small country that had been in chaos for a long time to become a daimyo. When I met him, he was the one who cared about the people the most among the daimyo heirs of that country."

"I admired him very much, so in order to restore peace and stability to the country, I helped him eliminate other competitors, and he naturally became a great figure in the country."

"He did become a wise ruler at first, working diligently and caring about the people. But when I passed through that country again a few years later, everything had changed."

"He no longer cares about the lives of the people, but how to maintain his own power and how to use his power to enjoy a life of luxury."

"A person changes so fast that I am really caught off guard. Both the teacher and he have changed after gaining power, and have become people I have never recognized."

After Jiraiya finished speaking, he fell into a state of autism and stopped talking.

The other family heads also began to ponder after hearing this. They were also afraid that they would become unrecognizable to themselves. After all, they are now at the peak of power.

"Do you know what will become of you?"

"I... I don't know!"

After Jiraiya finished speaking, the atmosphere became extremely dull, and everyone was in deep thought.

Naruto came out to break this dull atmosphere. Although Jiraiya was Naruto's master, Naruto, who had received education in Chinese history, might understand these things better than Jiraiya.

"Because you let him gain power easily, he did not truly win the battle for power through his own efforts. In the end, he will only worry about gains and losses, fearing that his power will be intercepted by others in the same way!"

"In order to consolidate his power, he would focus on how to consolidate his power, and the people would gradually neglect it. Moreover, prostitution, gambling and drinking became the three forbidden things for ninjas, because they would disintegrate the ninja's spiritual will. It is a bit unrealistic to expect a person who has not suffered much to be able to withstand these three tests after becoming a daimyo."

"Moreover, being able to play with other heirs for so long also proves that he is not a fool. At that time, he might have behaved like that just to win people's hearts and gain the key to victory. He might not have expected that catching a big fish like you could help him get the daimyo position so easily. You just didn't choose the right person! This kind of person is different from your teacher, and he is not worthy of being compared with your teacher."

Naruto also expressed his own opinion. It depends on him whether he wants to understand it or not.

"Even if I was wrong, what about the teacher?"

Jiraiya was actually intrigued by Naruto, he wanted to see what Naruto thought of the teacher.

"You should know why your teacher became Hokage, right?"

Jiraiya nodded, wanting to see Naruto's opinion.

"Although your teacher accepted the appointment of the second generation, no one in Konoha has actually seen it. Konoha has always voted to elect the Hokage except for me, and has never directly appointed the next Hokage, but your teacher eventually became the Hokage."

"So your teacher can be said to have become the Hokage through his own efforts, but Sarutobi Hiruzen will eventually grow old, which also means that he will have too many things to think about and become timid. No one can always look young, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a human being."

"This is also why you think he is no longer the high-spirited Hokage. In addition, one of you three ninjas ran away because of a prophecy, one of you has hemophobia and is useless, and one of you has a unclear relationship with Danzo."

"None of his disciples could share his worries, and his son didn't have much ability. When my father was still alive, he thought he could retire."

"But my father died young, so the only people he could rely on in Konoha, which was in a period of transition, were Danzo and his advisors. But don't tell me you don't know what kind of people they are."

Jiraiya understood after hearing this, and said suddenly,"So it's our fault!"

"What do you think? If you had stayed in Konoha, the position of Hokage would have been yours long ago. Or if Orochimaru hadn't been fooling around with Danzo, my dad wouldn't have become Hokage. If that were the case, would Danzo and those old guys still be so happy?"

"But don't we still have Shikaku and others who can provide advice to the teacher?" Jiraiya didn't understand, aren't there still some talented people?

Shikaku cursed in his heart, does your teacher trust me? My advice is useless at all, but he believes what those consultants say, and he didn't even want to speak in the end.

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying? Old people are nostalgic, so do you think Shikaku will really gain your teacher's trust, especially since those advisors have been through life and death with your teacher. Black gloves will develop feelings after being used for a long time, and besides, your teacher can no longer control the advisory group, and those advisors will never dislike having more power!"

Naruto was also a little speechless. He had been escaping for so long, and he knew a lot of information from the outside world, but he didn't know what his own family was like.

Jiraiya saw that Naruto did not discredit his teacher, and asked tentatively:"Naruto, do you still hate your teacher now?"

"I never hate someone who died at my hands, and don't think I've let it go just because I didn't say bad things about your teacher. If your teacher appeared in front of me now, I would tear him apart just the same."

Naruto looked at Jiraiya coldly, without any emotion in his words.

"And your teacher also has a lot of scandals. Do you want me to talk to you about it?"

"Forget it, forget it. Let him rest in peace!"

Naruto didn't expose these scandals after his teacher's death, but as a disciple, he let these scandals be exposed. I'm afraid his teacher won't rest in peace even after his death.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Advisor Fugaku, you will bring Chanel Uzumaki and Itachi Uchiha to my laboratory in a week, and you can start the cell implantation."

Naruto didn't want to talk to Jiraiya about the Third Generation either. The Third Generation treated him well on the surface, but he should never try to control his life.

"The research was successful! That's great."

Uchiha Fugaku was too happy. His child was just an ordinary person now. He was almost moldy at home. Konoha now had great room for advancement for talented people. He didn't want his child to waste this opportunity. He didn't know when the next opportunity would be.

"The human experiments that have been conducted so far have been successful, but for safety reasons I will still observe for a week before making any decisions."

Naruto was not surprised that it was so fast, he was just doing the finishing work, it was really rare that the researchers from Orochimaru and Danzo had already done it for Naruto.

"What are you going to do with those successful experimenters, Naruto?"

Jiraiya was a little curious about this

"Kill them, otherwise why keep them! I use death row prisoners from Konoha Prison, all scum who have committed serious crimes, don't tell me you want to keep them"

"So that's it! I really shouldn't have stayed."

Jiraiya said with a wry smile, it seemed that he had thought too much, it seemed that Naruto was only targeting his teacher and the advisory group.

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