A few months passed, and winter arrived. Konoha in winter was covered in snow, which was very special. But it was not so beautiful for Naruto. Naruto's secret base was covered in snow, so he could not exercise at all. He might as well do some exercise and meditation at home.

At noon, the third generation came to visit and gave him food money. The Sandai said to Naruto with a smile,"Little Naruto, how have you been lately?"

Naruto complained in his heart,"Don't you know what I do every day? There are four Anbu watching me at all times." But he still smiled and said,"I'm still living a good life now, and I exercise every day now, so sooner or later I'll become a powerful Hokage."

The Sandai was very satisfied with Naruto's words, and said with a smile,"Naruto, although you practice very hard, you still need to find some friends. Without someone's support, a person can't become Hokage."

Naruto pondered for a while and said to the Sandai,"Don't worry, I will definitely find a partner to rely on."

The Sandai was very pleased with Naruto's answer, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart,"Minato, you really gave birth to a good son! Don't worry, I will definitely train Naruto to be the successor of the Will of Fire." Then the Sandai touched Naruto's head and left.

In this regard, if Minato knew that the Third Generation did nothing or allowed Naruto to become the outlet for the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he would definitely come out of the belly of the God of Death and give each of the advisors and the Third Generation a Flying Thunder God Second Stage.

After sending the Third Generation away, Naruto opened the refrigerator to prepare for cooking, but found that there were no vegetables in the refrigerator.

In this regard, Naruto decided to go out for Ichiraku Ramen and go to the Akimichi clan to buy vegetables.

Ichiraku Ramen was the only merchant among the civilians that Naruto did not feel malicious about.

After Naruto got dressed, he went out.

When Naruto walked to the entrance of an alley, he heard a voice of"Baiyan Youkai".

Naruto was a little curious about this.

Who in Konoha didn't know that the Byakugan was the second most powerful clan in Konoha? They called the Byakugan, which they cared about the most,"Baiyan Youkai".

Naruto wanted to eat this melon.

When Naruto arrived at the alley, he saw three little boys bullying a little girl from the Hyuga clan.

When Naruto arrived, he did not hide himself. One of the thin little boys found Naruto and yelled in fear,"Look, that demon fox is coming."

The other taller little boy did not care but said arrogantly,"Even the white-eyed monster is not our opponent. Today we will get rid of the evil for the people." After that, he clenched his fist and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto slightly sideways to avoid his fist and tripped him to the ground.

Naruto smiled and said to these children,"To be honest, I admire you for rushing forward without knowing anything.

If you bully the children of the Hyuga clan, can the parents of you, the children of the common people, withstand the wrath of the Hyuga clan!

I hope you can live so easily in Konoha in the future or live a happier life after death.

" It is not uncommon for the powerful families to bully the common people in Konoha.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the big families will not care about your common people's affairs.

But there are always people in this world who think that it is okay to bully some small vegetable vendors in the big families.

However, people who have such thoughts are often miserable.

Last month, a businessman who looked relatively wealthy molested a woman selling vegetables from the Yamanaka clan and had his legs broken the next day.

After hearing what Naruto said, several little boys ran away in fear. When Naruto was about to go and see if the girl was okay, a guard ran to Hinata and said,"Hinata-sama, please don't run around. It will be very difficult for us to deal with you if you do this."

Seeing that someone went to help, Naruto stopped meddling and went to Ichiraku Ramen. However, in the clear eyes of the little girl, all she saw was the heroic figure of Naruto.

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