Naruto's daily life can be said to be very regular. He exercises or meditates every day. That is, on Wednesdays, Naruto will put down his practice and go to the streets of those big families to see and buy enough food for a week. On that day, Naruto will only do some basic exercises, not practice all day, and go shopping at other times. Yes, you read it right. Naruto will spend that day shopping. Although Naruto will not communicate with their vendors, this place can give Naruto the motivation to move forward again. Naruto's heart is eager to join this beautiful place instead of watching from afar. This desire will also support Naruto to go further in tomorrow's practice, so as to break through his own limits. The most important thing is that Naruto does not want to gamble on the tolerance of the third generation and Danzo for himself. He does not have any friendship with the big family now, so the person closest to Naruto on the surface is still the third generation. And this can make the third generation have the illusion that everything about Naruto is arranged by him. Naruto is not sure whether the third generation is a good person or is wearing pants with Danzo, but doing so will most likely not cause unnecessary trouble to himself. Although the members of the big family would not treat Naruto well, Naruto did not want to lose these last peaceful places for his momentary happiness.

According to the words of the previous three generations, Naruto can make friends now, but Naruto thinks it is better not to be from a big family to avoid unexpected situations.

Not long after Naruto's 4th birthday, his Qi is gradually getting stronger and has increased very rapidly recently.

Now the strength of his Qi is almost the same as that of the person who monitors him.

Give Naruto another three years, his Qi will definitely be stronger than the third generation.

Even if his actual combat experience is poor, he can still do it with great strength.

After that, Naruto followed his plan every day to train his physical strength. Although the intensity of daily training is very high, he will feel better when he wakes up the next day, and the strength of his Qi will be a little stronger. This is another reason why Naruto can persist.

When Naruto was four and a half years old, Naruto was practicing normally in his training base, and a happy shout of"found it" attracted Naruto's attention. Naruto couldn't help but stop doing his push-ups, thinking,"No one will come to my place! After all, after a few residents came here before, this place became a place for fox demons, and no one dared to come here at all."

Naruto looked in the direction where the voice came from, and found a little boy who was taller than Naruto holding a herb with a happy smile on his face. When the little boy put the herb into a small bag, he happened to see Naruto looking at him. The little boy quickly apologized,"I'm sorry, I disturbed your practice."

Naruto didn't care much about this, but became interested in the little boy. After all, Naruto's notoriety has spread in Konoha, even if Naruto rarely appears in front of them. Naruto boldly guessed that the old man Danzo specially arranged a few troublemakers among the civilians to say bad things about him every day.

Naruto suddenly said to the little boy in a voice,"I am a fox demon from the land of fox demons. Aren't you afraid that I will eat you? Hahaha."

The little boy replied calmly,"Your eyes are very clear, so you won't hurt me. If you are a fox demon, then you must be very strong. If possible, please let me practice with you. My dream is to become a strong ninja who can protect others. My name is Xiao Li, please give me your guidance." When he said the latter words, a flame called"yearning" appeared in Xiao Li's eyes. This was the first time

Naruto had seen such a bold person. He couldn't help but think,"Practicing with a fox demon! It seems quite interesting! Having someone to accompany you won't be so lonely."

Seeing that Naruto didn't answer, Xiao Li thought that he would be disliked by others again, and left first with a little disappointment.

Seeing Xiao Li was about to leave, Naruto quickly shouted to Xiao Li,"Come back here. If you are not afraid of me, I can also let you practice with me."

Seeing that Naruto was willing to let him follow him, he was instantly moved to tears and quickly bowed and said,"Thank you for teaching me.

" Xiao Li is not a Muggle.

Xiao Li has certainly heard about Naruto, but when he saw Naruto's clear blue eyes, Xiao Li was not afraid.

Xiao Li did not believe that a person with such pure eyes was a demon fox who would eat people.

This was Xiao Li's own intuition.

Xiao Li never doubted his intuition and Naruto must have his own strengths to be called a demon fox.

If he could learn a little, then there would be no problem in going to the ninja school.

After that, Naruto got Xiao Li the same model according to his own training schedule.

However, a few days later, Naruto found that Xiao Li's body could no longer keep up.

Xiao Li gritted his teeth and persevered every time he exercised, but his body was sore the next day.

This is why Xiao Li came here to pick herbs.

Because the herbs that Xiao Li picked that time are a kind of medicine for treating injuries, and they are also effective in relieving the pain after exercise.

Naruto could only let Lee stop for a while and wait for Lee's body to adjust before exercising again.

Naruto didn't want Lee to be tortured by his own hidden injuries after middle age, and this would not be conducive to Lee's future growth.

For this reason, Naruto could only find the third generation to teach him some medical ninjutsu to deal with the emergency.

The third generation was of course very happy to see Naruto learn medical ninjutsu specifically to help his friends.

And as long as he guides him a little, Naruto will follow Tsunade's path.

It would be best if there was another human pillar like Tsunade in the village.

Not only could they have a very powerful team gain, but they would not have to worry about the human pillar being too powerful and out of control.

It was a wonderful thing to kill two birds with one stone, and the third generation immediately supported it.

He also promised to send someone to teach Naruto medical ninjutsu, as long as Naruto passed both climbing trees and treading water.

Because of the air, although Naruto's control over chakra was not good, Naruto was still very proficient in air.

Naruto directly uses Qi as the valve of his chakra, thus achieving a higher level of control over the chakra and avoiding interference from the Nine-Tails.

As long as Naruto is familiar with using Qi to control the amount of chakra, then when he does not use Qi, he can quickly master the control of chakra by finding the feeling of chakra being precisely controlled.

(It is just like encountering a question that the teacher has taught in the exam room.

Once you have an idea, you can answer it quickly.

It is much better than slowly trying to figure out the idea for a question you have never seen before.


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