Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1301: The world is falling apart

"This guy, his physical strength has reached such a terrifying level. Right now, his physical strength alone is enough to fight against the Intermediate Emperor Realm!"

Nearby, Ren Shanshan couldn't help but stare at Lin Fei who was bathing in the khaki divine glory without blinking.

After Lin Fei checked his physical strength, he looked at Ren Shanshan.

"Hey, how is Azi?"

Lin Fei swept away his eyes, and saw that on a piece of grass next to Ren Shanshan, A Zi unexpectedly appeared.

A small and exquisite little pink fox, with three fluffy tails behind him.

And lying motionless, as if sleeping soundly.

And Ren Shanshan was standing beside A Zi.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked. With a movement, he came to A Zi's side, and his divine consciousness was released to perceive A Zi's physical condition.

What made Lin Fei a little relieved was that Azi's breathing was smooth, his breath was steady, and his body seemed to be fine, as if he was sleeping normally.

"After she received the vitality initiation, after coming down, she began to fall asleep.

Before falling asleep, she asked me to tell you that she was going to fall into a deep state of cultivation. "

Ren Shanshan said.

Lin Fei suddenly stopped worrying, because this kind of situation had happened to Azi before, maybe when she woke up, it was when her strength increased by leaps and bounds.

"Three tails, I don't seem to have seen such a fox. Which race does she belong to?"

Ren Shanshan stared at the three tails behind Zi, very curious, and asked Lin Fei.

"Nine-tailed demon fox."

Lin Fei said softly.

"It turned out to be the legendary nine-tailed demon fox!

It is said that the nine-tailed demon fox used to be one of the overlords of the demon world in ancient times. Unexpectedly, this race still exists now! "

Ren Shanshan couldn't help but gasped, showing a shocked expression.

"Well, we should leave this valley now."

Lin Fei said, sending Ah Zi back to the magical bead with a move of thought.

This time, when he entered the Valley of the Valley, Lin Fei had two main gains. One was to harvest a large amount of Taoist medicine, the quantity was counted in thousands, and the second was to gain vitality initiation, breaking through to the realm of a junior half emperor.

Lin Fei is quite satisfied with this gain.

As a result, the two returned to the position they had just entered the valley in the middle of the valley.

It is the transmission channel that the valley enters.

Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan moved through the light gate in an instant.

A burst of teleporting force struck.

Then, the next moment, the two found themselves back in the palace.

Boom, boom...

As soon as the two of them appeared in the palace, they found that the whole palace was trembling slightly, and bursts of earth-shattering loud noises passed in from outside.

Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan released their divine consciousness and immediately understood what was happening outside.

"They are indeed violently cracking the barriers on the golden road, and they have already cracked more than half of them!"

Lin Fei's face was a bit ugly.

The golden road in front of the palace gate, about two hundred meters long, had already been cracked with over 180 meters of formation, leaving only the last ten meters away.

It seems that it won't take long for the disciples of the school outside to enter this palace.

This situation caused Lin Fei a headache.

Lin Fei knew that as long as he showed his face, those outside would never let them leave, and would definitely be embarrassed by them.

Boom boom boom...

Loud noises continue to pass in.

"The last ten meters are left!

We can enter the Valley of the Valley soon! "

Xiao Changsheng was in a great mood, and said loudly.

The other disciples of the sect were all very excited, and one by one was more enthusiastic, blasting out a series of powerful attacks.

"Hmph, after I go in and find that little bastard, I must smash him into pieces and let go of my hatred!"

The purple shirt youth in Taizhen Holy Land couldn't help gritting his teeth when he thought of Lin Fei's previous attitude.

"Yes, let him understand who can offend and who cannot offend!"

Xiao Changsheng was beside him, his eyes also showed a fierce look.

After about half a stick of incense.

"Great, we finally broke all the barriers of formation!"

"Haha, hard work pays off, it's worthwhile we spent most of the day!"

"What else to say, hurry up and enter Mid Valley Valley!"

The loud bombardment outside the palace stopped all at once, and then hundreds of people cheered at the same time.

"No, they really broke all the barriers on that golden road."

In the palace, Ren Shanshan couldn't help but change her face.

"Miss Ren, let's avoid it first, wait until the opportunity is right, and then take the opportunity to leave.

Don't resist with luck, I want to teleport you into a space magic weapon. "

Lin Fei thought of an idea between the sparks and fire, and said to Ren Shanshan.

So, with a thought, the teleportation power of the city on his body appeared, instantly teleporting Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan into the city.

And that city turned into a dust and fell on the ground at an angle of the palace.

next moment.

A group of figures rushed in from the gate of the palace.

"Look, there is a light gate, which must be the entrance to the valley in the valley."

Someone cried out in surprise.

Suddenly, everyone desperately rushed towards the light gate in the center of the palace.

Soon, all the hundreds of people entered the valley in the valley through that light gate.

"Finally entered the Valley of the Valley!"

"The aura of heaven and earth here is indeed much richer than outside. There must be a lot of precious herbs!"

In the valley in the valley, hundreds of disciples of all sects walked out of the portal of light, looking at the sunny and sunny world in front of them, all ecstatic, and they immediately started desperately He rushed out in all directions and started the treasure hunt.

After all, in this situation, whoever moves faster may find more treasures.

In the palace outside.

Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan stayed in a street in the city.

Looking at the vast expanse of the city in front of him, Ren Shanshan couldn't help being shocked.

She could not think that Lin Fei actually possessed such a vast space magic weapon.

Ren Shanshan found out that the longer she spent with Lin Fei, the more things in Lin Fei's body shocked her.

In the depths of Ren Shanshan's heart, her curiosity towards Lin Fei is getting stronger and stronger.

Although Lin Fei was in the city, his divine consciousness was always aware of the outside.

I found that all the people had rushed into the valley in the valley, and there was no one in the palace.

"Okay, let's get out quickly. Leave this palace first."

Lin Fei said.

So, Lin Fei had a thought, teleporting himself and Ren Shanshan out of the city.

Then, the two left the palace directly.

At this time, in the middle of the valley.

Some people, found the empowerment platform, are trying to climb the stone ladder.

Some people found a medicine field that had been emptied.

There were also many people, on top of the mountain peaks, found many closed cultivation caves, and forcibly blasted through the stone gates of those cultivation caves, rushed in and obtained many precious treasures.

There are five or six hundred figures in motion throughout the valley in the middle of the valley, making a noise.

On one of the huge peaks covered by clouds.

"Senior Brother Lu, there is a large-scale cultivation cave here!"

A disciple from Taizhen Holy Land exclaimed in surprise. In front of his eyes, there was a very high-end cultivation cave, and rich spiritual energy overflowed from the cave.

Suddenly, the purple shirt youth in Taizhen Sacred Land instantly came to practice the cave mansion with a full display of body skills.

"The master of this Cultivation Cave Mansion must not be simple, there must be treasures that are worthy of heaven!

Everyone worked together and blasted Shimen! "

The purple shirt youth is overjoyed.

Therefore, all the disciples of Taizhen Holy Land gathered before this cultivation cave and began to break the door.

Inside the cave mansion, there is a skeleton.

Suddenly, on top of this skeleton, there was an illusory figure, slowly floating.

Appearance is an old man about fifty years old.

"Alas, Valley of the Valley, it has been in dust for tens of thousands of years. Unexpectedly, outsiders finally broke into here.

Regardless, the Blue Pill Valley has long since disappeared, and there is no need for the Valley in the Valley. Bury everything. "

The old man sighed.

Then, I saw his hands waved again and again, hitting out a magic trick.

next moment.


Throughout the valley in the valley, the sky began to collapse, the earth shattered, and the sky fell apart!

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