Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1302: Forbidden Valley of Chaos

"No, get out of here, this space is beginning to collapse!"

"Damn, run away!"

Suddenly, all the people in the valley in the valley began to flee desperately, rushing towards the position of the light gate at the exit.

Then fled the valley from the light gate.

After a stick of incense, the entire valley in the valley was completely shattered. The earth, mountains, rivers and even the sky were all gone. The entire valley in the valley was completely destroyed, leaving only a chaotic void.

A small number of disciples who were too late to escape were dragged into the shattered chaotic void and turned into powder.

In the palace at the exit of the valley in the valley, the disciples who had just escaped from the sect, rushed out of the palace gate one by one, until they stood around the valley outside, they dared to stop, and when they turned around, there was a lingering fear. Looking down at the palace.


In the end, even the palace was completely shattered and turned into ruins.

"Damn, it took more than a long time, and finally broke all the barriers on the golden road. Unexpectedly, it was such a result. I was busy for nothing!"

"It's really bad luck. Fortunately, I just ran away a little bit faster. Otherwise, I guess it's already in it."

"Yes, it's terrible, the real world is falling apart, I've grown up so, this is the first time I have encountered such a horrible scene..."


Around the valley, all the people looked at the razed palace in the middle of the valley, cursing one after another, all of them looked ugly.

"By the way, everybody just entered the valley in the middle of the valley. Has anyone found the little **** who went the most advanced and Ren Shanshan from Luohai Commercial Bank, these two people?

This pair of dogs and men entered the Valley of the Valley half a day earlier than us, and they must have obtained a lot of treasures.

If you can find this pair of dog men and women, hehe, maybe you can learn something from them. "

Suddenly, Xiao Changsheng said loudly.

Hearing that, all people are refreshed.

Yes indeed.

That kid and Ren Shanshan of Luohai Commercial Bank had already entered the Valley of the Valley most of the day before, and they must have searched it through and obtained many treasures.

"It's no wonder that I found a large field of medicine that was picked in the valley in the middle of the valley. Now I finally understand that it must be a good thing for the dog and the man."

"Yes, I have also seen it. Judging from the remaining breath of that medicine field, there must have been a large number of Dao medicines of inestimable value."

"Damn it, it looks like that must get a lot of benefits for both the dog and the man."

Everyone immediately began to discuss.

"However, in the Valley of the Valley, it seems that the dog and the man and woman have never been found."

"Yes, I haven't met them either."


Soon, everyone said that they had never met Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan inside.

"It's weird. Could it be that there is another exit in the valley in the middle of the valley, and the pair of dog men and women left early?"

"I think it's very likely that the couple of dogs and men are hunting treasures in a certain cave or a certain corner, and there is no time to escape. They are now dead inside."

Everyone speculated.

However, no one could guess the true whereabouts of Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan.

"No matter, this so-called Valley in the Valley, it seems that it has completely collapsed.

In my opinion, it is more practical to continue to pick herbs in this wild medicine forbidden valley. "

Soon, everyone began to leave.

After a while, there was dead silence around the valley, and there were no more people.

The Barren Medicine Forbidden Valley was open for one month, and now more than ten days have passed, and about half of the time remains.

The disciples of all sects all began to speed up, looking everywhere for picking herbs.

In order to compete for herbal medicine and heavenly materials and treasures between different sects, more fierce fighting broke out.

Even many disciples of the sects simply took up the task of blocking the road and robbing them. This method is much more straightforward than working hard to find and pick herbs, and they have gained more.

In short, during the remaining last days, in the entire Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley, the scene started to get a little out of control.

Almost every moment, there was an outbreak of fierce fighting, countless people were killed, some sects, and even all the disciples of the entire sect, all were besieged, blood flowed into a river, it was terrible.

On this day, in the surrounding area of ​​the Forbidden Valley, in a certain mountain range.

Luo Hui led more than fifty disciples from Cangyan Holy Land, picking herbs in a large dense forest.

at this time.

"Hahaha, unexpectedly, there are dozens of fat sheep here!"

A wild laugh came, and in the distance, a stern figure rushed over.

In a moment, a total of more than 300 people came, and the group surrounded the Cangyan Holy Land.

"I won't say more nonsense, now I will hand over everything on you. Otherwise, all die!"

The leader is a long, jade, and energetic white-shirted youth. If Lin Fei were here, he would definitely recognize that this white-shirted youth was Senior Brother Luo of the Tianyuan School. All the three hundred people behind him were He is a disciple of Tianyuan School.

Luo Hui waved his hand, all the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land gathered together.

"Hmph, it depends on you."

Luo Hui snorted coldly.

During this period of time, these disciples of Cangyan Holy Land had encountered this situation several times.

The main reason was that the number of disciples in Cangyan Holy Land was too small, only over fifty.

In general, there are two to three hundred people in the other schools.

Therefore, the other disciples of those sects, as long as they encounter this group of disciples in the Cangyan Holy Land, they will deceive more and less and want to **** their herbs.

Luo Hui knew that under this circumstance, it was useless to say anything. Only the first battle was the most practical.

"Damn, I toasted and didn't eat fine wine. In that case, give it to me and kill them all!"

Tianyuan sent Senior Brother Na Luo to wave.

Suddenly, all the disciples of Tianyuan sent a swarm and rushed towards the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land.

A series of majestic and powerful Yuanli bombardments began to erupt, and the battle started completely.

Although the number of these fifty-odd disciples in Cangyan Holy Land is small, they are all very powerful. They are back to back, forming a battle formation, taking care of each other. The people of the Tianyuan faction, for a while, basically It won't account for much benefit.

Luo Hui took out the halberd and bombarded out the dazzling terrifying energy light groups. One person dragged two high-level emperor realms and three middle-level emperor realms alone. The combat power was so powerful that it was terrifying.

"Damn, where did a group of such powerful guys come out!"

Senior Brother Na Luo of Tianyuan sent his face a little gloomy.

Because of the powerful combat power of more than fifty people in front of him, he was a little caught off guard.

Four or five kilometers away.

Two figures are flying by.

Suddenly, one of the figures stopped.

"It turned out to be Brother Luo and the others!

Hey, I didn't expect that those guys from the Tianyuan faction had found our disciples from the Cangyan Holy Land. Well, in that case, I'll go and join in the fun. "

This figure is Lin Fei.

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