Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1325: Break and stand

"When did this outer disciple join our Sunyue Sect?"

The gaze of the third elder fell on the black-robed man who was killed by Lin Fei, that is, the young man in purple shirt who came with Xiao Huafei during the day.

After Lin Fei learned the true identity of this purple shirt youth, he was shocked. Who could imagine that an outer disciple of the Sun-Moon faction was actually a killer in the world.

Sure enough, the identity of every assassin in the killing world is very mysterious, and it is very likely that they are people they usually know around them.

This is also one of the reasons why the killer of the world is terrible.

"This disciple is called Lu Shuang, who passed the examination through the public recruitment ceremony of our Sun-Moon Sect and became our Sun-Moon Sect disciple a year ago."

Deacon Ma said to the three elders.

"Well, it seems that someone secretly hired a killer to kill our elite disciples in the Sun-Moon faction.

Therefore, these assassins from the world of killing have mixed into our Sun-Moon Sect disciples and assassinated our elite disciples.

Apparently, it should have been done by the other three sects in Qin State.

From now on, thoroughly investigate all the disciples who joined our Sun-Moon faction a year ago.

Dispose of all the suspected disciples!

Hmph, what about the killer in the killing world, as long as there is the blood of our Sun-Moon Sect disciples on his hands, he must pay the corresponding price! "

The three elders' tone was a bit cold, and there was a harsh color flashing in their eyes.

"Also, secretly protect the disciples on this mountain. Those assassins are very likely to make another move."

The third elder ordered that his status in the Sun-Moon Sect was the Supreme Elder, with a very high status, and he might even be above the head.

Deacon Ma and the other three old men nodded and said yes.

"You have to be careful too.

And you, Lin Fei, you did a good job. Facing the assassination of the killer, not only did you have nothing to do, but you killed the killer. "

The three elders looked at Lin Fei, full of appreciation.

Other people, including the four high-ranking figures of the Sun-Moon School, and those disciples, also had a look of wonder in their eyes.

The killers in the killing world, unless they don't make a move, once they make a move, most of them are sure to kill.

In the hands of the killer, almost all the people who can escape are amazing talents.

And Lin Fei could not only escape to death, but also kill the killer in the world. This is a rare thing.

"Hehe, luck."

Lin Fei smiled awkwardly.

"Well, everyone, please be careful."

The third elder nodded to all the disciples, and then left with Deacon Ma and the three elders.

Together with the corpses of the four killed base disciples, and the corpse of the killer, the purple shirt youth, were also taken away.

Lin Fei and the rest of the disciples also returned to their courtyard.

Everyone knows that next, this mountain will be protected by a master of the Sun-Moon Sect.

In the room, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, thinking of the black-robed man's assassination of himself just now, still feeling a little shaken.

"Sure enough, killing the scriptures is very powerful. If I didn't have the small cauldron of divine consciousness made with the sacrifice of Hongmeng, I would definitely not be able to kill the killer.

Are ancient scriptures so powerful? "

Lin Fei secretly ordered.

"Emperor Yan, you said that killing scripture is one of the ancient scriptures of the Eastern Region.

So, besides killing sutras, are there any ancient sutras in the Eastern Region? "

Lin Fei asked Yandi.

"In our Eastern Region, there are about a dozen ancient scriptures recorded in history. Each ancient scripture represents a long-term inheritance and is an incredible secret technique.

However, most of the ancient scriptures, some are in the hands of huge forces like the Holy Land and the aristocracy, and some have been annihilated in the long years and disappeared.

Ordinary warriors would never have the opportunity to obtain ancient scriptures.

For example, the three holy places and the three aristocratic families, each holy land and each aristocratic family, each hold an ancient scripture. "

Emperor Yan said to Lin Fei.

"Since the three holy sites all have ancient scriptures, I don't know if there are ancient scriptures passed down from our Cangyan Holy Land."

Lin Fei was a little curious.

"Cangyan Holy Land, before it perishes, I heard that there is an ancient scripture.

However, after Cangyan Holy Land was destroyed overnight, that ancient scripture also disappeared.

As for the current Cangyan Holy Land, whether he inherited that ancient scripture or not, it is estimated that no one knows except the few core characters in Cangyan Holy Land.

Every ancient scripture is invaluable and immeasurable.

With the current power of Cangyan Holy Land, even if he really has the ancient scriptures, he dare not let others know.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the warriors of the entire Eastern Region will be crazy to seize it. "

Yandi said.

Lin Fei agreed and nodded.

The current Cangyan Holy Land is indeed relatively weak, and can only choose to secretly develop under cover.

It is not easy to rebuild and restore to the peak strength level of one of the four sacred sites in the Eastern Region.

The next few days.

Lin Fei stayed in the courtyard to practice.

Above this mountain, it has been calm, and the killers who kill the world no longer appear.

Even the disciples of Truman did not come to harass.

I want to come, those high-level members of the Sunyue faction have already begun to conduct thorough investigations on the external disciples.

The young man in purple shirt was from Truman, so the high-ranking sect would definitely attack Truman and thoroughly investigate the identity of every disciple in Truman.

Therefore, every disciple who joins Trumen is probably dealing with sect investigations recently.

Lin Fei stayed in the room all the time, cultivating his divine consciousness.

Lin Fei took out the Tao medicines he had obtained in the Valley of the Valley one by one, allowing the soul tree to absorb the essence of the medicine.

As a strain of Taoist medicine was absorbed, Lin Fei became aware of the lake of spiritual consciousness in the sea, and its area slowly expanded.

Time passed day by day.

Ten days later, the soul tree had absorbed the medicinal power essence of more than 300 first-grade Tao medicines.

At this time, the height of the soul tree was already close to four meters.

At the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, the area of ​​the lake of consciousness has reached a diameter of about 100 meters.

In the lake, those lake water condensed by pure divine consciousness, ripples from time to time, very strange.

"Well, my spiritual consciousness has improved a lot in recent times.

It seems that it should be able to integrate more Hongmeng vitality. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

That god-conscious small tripod can be said to be one of Lin Fei's best cards right now.

Naturally, Lin Fei would spare no effort to let it merge with more grandeur and make it more powerful.

So Lin Fei took the soul tree back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The power of divine consciousness extended into the dantian, in the hongmeng cauldron, ready to let that divine consciousness little cauldron merge with more grandiose energy.

In order to let the small cauldron of divine consciousness integrate more of the great energy, the first step that Lin Fei needed to do was to smash the small cauldron first, and then re-make the sacrifice.

This is a step that is broken and then standing.

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