Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1326: Recast Xiaoding

According to Hongmengding's records, Lin Fei used his mind to control the small god-conscious cauldron, and violently rushed to the wall of Hongmengding.

After hitting it three or four times, the small cauldron of divine sense exploded to pieces.

Then, Lin Fei started refining.

First of all, use the power of divine consciousness to fuse those black and yellow grand qi.

After a day's trial, Lin Fei succeeded in incorporating more Hongmeng qi than the previous one, about half the volume of a walnut.

Last time, Lin Fei's fusion of great vitality was just as big as a soybean.

Then, Lin Fei began to re-train the divine sense Xiaoding repeatedly.

Because of the previous experience, this time, Lin Fei's speed was much faster.

Four hours later.

A new ancient tripod of divine consciousness appeared.

The volume is about half the size of a walnut.

It exudes a terrible sense of power, simple in style and majestic.

"Let Emperor Yan evaluate the power of this small tripod of divine consciousness."

With a thought, Lin Fei released the small tripod of divine consciousness out of the sea of ​​knowledge, flying slowly around his head.

"Emperor Yan, you can feel how powerful my newly refined small tripod is."

Lin Fei said to Emperor Yan.

The Emperor Yan then released the power of divine consciousness and felt the small divine consciousness cauldron rotating around Lin Fei's head.

"Boy, how did you refine it?

This small tripod, I guess, can at least be used to deal with and contain the junior masters of the sea of ​​suffering!

With this small tripod alone, you have the ability to fight Zou Shan, a sacred place of heavenly measure. "

Emperor Yan sighed.

Lin Fei also showed a satisfied smile upon hearing Yandi's comment.

It can be said that with this small cauldron of divine consciousness, even if he encounters a high-level emperor, he has the power to fight.

at this time.

Lin Fei moved his mind.

More than a dozen figures rushed from a distance and landed in the courtyard outside Lin Fei's room.

The leader is Luo Hui.

The others are all disciples of the emperor realm from the base.

"Brother Luo."

Lin Fei swayed and appeared in front of Luo Hui in an instant.

At the same time, the roar of the clothes broke into the air, and the other half-emperor-strength base disciples on this mountain also appeared one after another. They landed in Lin Fei's courtyard. Luo Hui should have notified them to come together.

"Junior Brother Lin, I heard that you were assassinated by a killer. You also killed that killer."

Luo Hui looked at Lin Fei with a look of shock.

Being attacked by a killer in the killing world not only did not die, but killed the killer. This is absolutely a rare thing.

"Yes, just a fluke."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Junior Brother Lin is really extraordinary, and he deserves the killer's luck.

Not only you, but our emperor realm strength base disciples, have also been assassinated by the killer.

Three died and one was seriously injured. "

Luo Hui said.

Lin Fei and other disciples were all surprised.

Sure enough, there were a total of 20 disciples with the strength of the Emperor Realm who originally came from the base of the Cangyan Holy Land, but now there are only 17 left.

Three indeed died.

"Unexpectedly, among the Sun-Moon faction, there is a killer who kills the realm, who came in.

However, now the high-level martial art has begun to investigate.

It is estimated that these assassins will hide in hiding during this period of time and will not reappear for the time being.

Therefore, we are safe for the time being.

Now, we have the task of practicing outside. "

Luo Hui continued to speak to everyone.

"The disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect in the 100,000 mountains of the Qinling Mountains have been killed and suffered heavy losses in the past few days.

It has been ascertained that these disciples of our Sunyue Sect were killed when there was a conflict with the disciples of the other three schools of Qin.

There will be four leagues in more than a month.

Now, the four major sects of the Qin Kingdom are already at war. Among the disciples of different sects, whenever they have the opportunity, they will kill the disciples of other sects.

The three elders were very angry, and sent us into the 100,000 mountains in Qinling, looking for opportunities to kill the disciples of the other three schools.

Without further ado, let's set off immediately. "

Luo Hui said.

On this mountain peak, there were originally thirteen disciples from the base, four died, and now there are nine left.

The nine disciples, including Lin Fei, nodded.

So he immediately followed Luo Hui and left the mountain.

After a while, under the leadership of Luo Hui, the group left the Sun-Moon faction and hurried towards Qinling's position.

Luo Hui was originally a disciple of the Sun-Moon Sect before. Because of his extraordinary aptitude and potential, he was sent to the base for training.

Therefore, he is naturally an old horse who knows the way and is very familiar with the geographical environment of the Qin State.

A few days later, they led everyone into the Qinling Mountains.

Qinling is a primitive dense forest with a vast area in the Qin Kingdom, a paradise for demons and monsters.

At the same time, it is also the first choice for disciples of all sects.

Because, generally speaking, the disciples of the sect all like to improve their actual combat ability by fighting against the monsters and monsters as a calendar.

After entering the middle of the Qinling Mountains, looking around, there are endless primitive dense forests, rugged mountains, majestic mountains, huge peaks, cliffs, unnamed swamps, and the terrain is very complex.

"No, we Sunyue faction, another disciple was besieged.

We hurry to rescue. "

Soon after entering the Qinling Mountains, Luo Hui's spiritual consciousness changed slightly, and he took out a piece of jade slip for communication.

It turned out that there was a disciple of the Sun Moon Sect who sent a message for help.

Therefore, under the leadership of Luo Hui, the group performed unfolding stamina, and rushed forward at the fastest speed.

After a few sticks of incense.

Amidst the mountains ahead, fierce fighting sounded.

The bursts of rumbling Yuanli explosion sounded constantly, and the ground was trembling slightly.

Soon, everyone came to the fierce battle.

There are more than 100 people on the two sides at war.

On the other side, there were only more than 30 people.

The party with more than 30 people is the disciple of the Sun-Moon School.

The Sun-Moon Sect disciples are already at an absolute disadvantage due to the small number of disciples. More than 30 disciples are struggling to support it.

"Look, it's Brother Luo Hui!"

A disciple of the Sunyue School with a high body, saw Luo Hui and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Luo Hui used to be a disciple of the Sun-Moon Sect, and many disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect recognized him.

"Huh, it turns out that they are from the Thousand Profound School, they don't know the shame, and they bully the less by more."

Luo Hui was furious, his figure moved and rushed over.

It turned out that the more than one hundred people who were besieging the Sun-Moon Sect disciples were all disciples of the Qianxuan Sect.

The Qianxuan Sect was one of the four major sects in the Qin State, and its strength was comparable to that of the Sun-Moon Sect.

"Haha, Luo Hui!

It turned out to be you!

After the First World War two years ago, your figure dare not appear in Qin State again.

It is said that you entered the back mountain of your Sun-Moon faction, a secret base, and you were trained with emphasis.

Humph, in that case, then I will come to learn it again! "

Among the disciples of the Thousand Profound School, a young man with a slender body, eyes like hanging stars, and a face like a bright moon, moved towards Luo Hui.

"Okay, Yang Xiu, we will have a good fight today."

Luo Hui smiled coldly.

Obviously, Luo Hui and this young man of the Qianxuan Sect knew each other, and it seemed that the conflicts he had had before were not small.

In an instant, Luo Hui fought fiercely with Yang Xiu of the Thousand Profound School.

Lin Fei and others immediately joined the battle group.

"The **** of the Sun Moon Sect, die to me!"

An intermediate disciple of the Qianxuan Sect with the strength of a half-emperor rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't evade, slapped it out.

The violent and terrifying physical power completely enveloped the opponent in an instant.


The body of that intermediate half emperor exploded instantly.

An ordinary intermediate half emperor, for Lin Fei's current strength, is simply not worth mentioning.


With a move, Lin Fei looked at the five or six mid-level half emperors of the Qianxuan Sect, and blasted out with a punch. At the place of his fist, more than 30 dragons roared out, shaking the world.

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