Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1345: Peng Demon King

After refining this copper furnace, Lin Fei clearly felt that there was a small, dark flame in the copper furnace, which was very inconspicuous and easily overlooked.

Could it be that this ray of flame is the black prison fire?

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Thinking of the monstrous black sea of ​​fire that had just erupted from the copper furnace, it was unexpected that it was formed by this flame that was so small that it was almost ignored.

Lin Fei studied this copper furnace for a while before hiding it.

The power of this copper furnace is very powerful, Lin Fei plans to find some time to study its usage, maybe it can become a powerful hole card for himself in the future.

call out!

A beautiful shadow flashed in the distance, and instantly came to Lin Fei. It was Princess Peacock.

"Even let him run away!

Unexpectedly, he actually understood a secret technique for overdrawing his life, and forcibly escaped at the cost of burning life essence. "

The peacock princess hated her.

Lin Fei heard it, but it was also a pity.

"We are going to leave immediately. It is estimated that in the near future, the family planners will continue to come."

Peacock Princess said.

"Yes, we must leave immediately."

Lin Fei was also taken aback. It was indeed the case. Once the planner learned that Princess Peacock had appeared here, he was afraid that they would swarm in immediately.

As a result, a dozen people immediately started their exercises and left quickly.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of meters away, a black light swiftly passed high in the sky.

A figure wrapped in black light was Ji Wushuang. Under the tracking of the princess Peacock, he used a kind of secret technique to escape from the family, forcibly burned his life essence, greatly increased the speed, and finally got rid of the peacock. Pursuit of the princess.

However, as time passed, his body became weaker and weaker.

After a few hours, Ji Wushuang finally found that there seemed to be a city in front of him.

"Tianpo City..."

Ji Wushuang murmured to himself, finally completely relieved, because his third uncle, the old man in black who entered the Shiwan Mountain of Qinling with him last time, was in this Tian Po City.

Ji Wushuang, who had completely relaxed his body and mind, suddenly began to feel dizzy, and a feeling of powerlessness surged in his heart.

He was severely injured, but later escaped the Peacock Princess at the expense of burning the essence of life.

At this moment, he is already dying.

Finally, Ji Wushuang felt that he could no longer hold on.

So, he stretched out his hand to take out a transmission jade slip, and sent a transmission of divine consciousness to Tianpo city ahead.

"Uncle San, save me!"

After sending the Divine Sense Transmission, Ji Wushuang finally lost consciousness with his eyes black, and fell from the sky with a bang, and fell outside the gate of Tianpo City.

Immediately, a warrior discovered Ji Wushuang who had fallen into the dust.

"Hey, this person is so familiar..."

"He is the core child of the Ji family, Ji Wushuang!"

"Yes, it is Ji Wushuang, I have seen him several times..."

Many warriors recognized that this person who fell from the sky turned out to be Ji Wushuang, the core child of the Ji family.

"What's going on? How did he hurt so badly? It seems that there is one last breath left. Someone dared to beat him so badly. Isn't he afraid of the anger of the family?"

Someone exclaimed.

In the Eastern Region, the planner is definitely a huge monster, and the true strength is not known how terrifying.

Now someone beats the core child of the planner so much that he is about to die. You can imagine how angry the planner will be.

After a dozen breaths.

A figure flashed, and a black-clothed old man appeared beside Ji Wushuang, waved his hand, and a gentle force rolled out, lifting Ji Wushuang underground and suspended in front of him.

Feeling the essence of Ji Wushuang's rapid loss of life, the black-clothed old man knew that if no measures were taken to rescue him, Ji Wushuang might really die.

"No matter who it is, this hatred must be reported!"

The face of the old man in black was extremely gloomy.

Then, the old man in black hugged Ji Wushuang's body and disappeared in place.

Most of the day later, a shocking news spread quickly. Ji Wushuang, the core child of the Ji family, was severely injured, leaving only his last breath, dying, and fell in front of the gate of Tianpo City.

Suddenly, many warriors talked.

As a behemoth in the Eastern Territory, every move of the planner has naturally attracted much attention.

Many good people have speculated that it hurt Ji Wushuang in the end.

In the end, many people agreed, thinking of one person, Princess Peacock.

Because Ji Wushuang was hunting princess Peacock everywhere in those two days, and his serious injury must be related to princess Peacock.

Many people even judged that Ji Wushuang must have been injured by the Peacock Princess.

Soon after, another news came out that Ji Wushuang was severely injured, causing the whole family to become angry and dispatched a large number of people.

Among them are many real masters of family planning, searching for the murderer everywhere, vowing to avenge Ji Wushuang.

The core child was injured, which was tantamount to provoking the dignity of the whole planner, and the planner could not swallow this breath.

Especially in the Qin State, there are warriors of the family planner everywhere, conducting large-scale searches.

And this time.

Lin Fei was hiding in a city in Qin State, in the Sky Cang City.

Lin Fei changed his appearance with his ever-changing clothes, squeezed into the crowd, inquiring about the news.

"It turns out that Ji Wushuang fled back to Tianpo City."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

At the same time, Lin Fei also asked people to find out where the monster race men and horses who were chased by the martial artist of the Ji family among the 100,000 mountains in the Qinling Mountains were now.

This was naturally the peacock princess Tolinfei helped to inquire.

However, there is no news, no one knows the whereabouts of the monster races chased by the planner.

It is estimated that those demon races who were hunted down by the planners had already found a place to hide.

One day later, a shocking news came out.

The Demon King Da Neng Peng of the Eastern Territory suddenly appeared in the Kingdom of Qin and killed several master planners, including an elder.

At the same time, it also killed a large number of martial artists.

Peng Demon King even suddenly appeared in Tianpo City, planning to completely kill that Ji Wushuang.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, the two elders of the Ji family suddenly rushed to fight against the Peng Demon King and blocked the Peng Demon King, only to save Ji Wushuang.

The sudden appearance of Demon King Peng caused the entire Eastern Region to boil completely.

Because the Peng Demon King hasn't appeared for hundreds of years, he has become a legendary character, and there are even legends that the Peng Demon King is already sitting.

Unexpectedly, this time, he suddenly appeared within the border of Qin State.

Of course, all warriors knew the reason why Peng Yao Wang appeared in Qin, because the Peng Yao Wang was formerly a subordinate of the Peacock King, and the most powerful right and left hand of the Peacock King.

This time, Peng Yao Wang suddenly appeared in Qin State, naturally to help Princess Peacock and fight against the family.

"It's Uncle Peng! I didn't expect Uncle Peng to come to me!"

When Lin Fei inquired about the news and told Princess Peacock, Princess Peacock immediately jumped and jumped for joy, very excited.

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