Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1346: Ready to die

At this moment, Lin Fei and the dozen or so demonic women were all in Lin Fei's city.

Lin Fei told the princess Peacock one by one the news he had heard outside.

The Peacock Princess and the dozen or so women of the Demon Race were very excited when they learned that the Demon King Peng had appeared in the Kingdom of Qin, and they immediately decided to go to the Demon King Peng.

Because, Peng Yaowang was the most loyal subordinate of the Peacock King, and he had a very deep friendship with the Peacock King.

Moreover, the Peng Demon King's strength is also very powerful, among the demon clan back then, only slightly inferior to the Peacock King.

If the Peacock Princess takes refuge in him, it is estimated that safety will not be a problem.

"Well, when I hear about Demon King Peng's arrival, I will take you to find him immediately."

Lin Fei nodded.

Keeping the Peacock Princess on her body like this is not a long-term solution.

Now that such a powerful monster race appeared, Lin Fei also hoped to send the Peacock Princess to his side, and then he would be relieved.

In the city.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, with a movement of thought, a dark copper furnace flew out of his body.

It was the copper furnace that originally belonged to Ji Wushuang, now that Lin Fei refining, belongs to Lin Fei.

After two days of research, Lin Fei discovered that this copper furnace has two biggest functions.

The first is to be able to release powerful energy coercion.

At that time, there were three powerful women in the Bitter Sea Realm of the Monster Race, working together to barely resist the pressure released by this copper furnace.

One can imagine how strong its energy coercion is.

It is estimated that ordinary Bitter Sea Realm masters can't resist the energy pressure it emits at all.

The second function is that this copper furnace has an amazing ability to control and increase a kind of fire.

Only the powerful fire can be put into it, this copper furnace can control the fire, and increase the power of the fire dozens of times to attack the enemy.

Lin Fei discovered that on the furnace wall inside the copper furnace, there seemed to be a large number of very mysterious ancient symbols engraved on them, which were faintly combined into arrays.

It may be the combination of these mysterious formations that make this copper furnace have an amazing effect of increasing the power of flames.

Lin Fei tried to use his divine consciousness to perceive and figure out the formation patterns on the walls.

However, after Ken, Lin Fei's soul body was severely attacked and almost traumatized.

This made Lin Fei realize that the levels of those formation maps were too high, and they were simply not what he could perceive now.

If you forcibly perceive and figure out, you might even be bombarded by the power of those formations.

After understanding the two main functions of the copper furnace.

Lin Fei tried to slowly introduce the three different fires in his body into this copper furnace.

After all, the three kinds of different fires have been refined by Lin Fei, and the copper furnace has also been refined by Lin Fei.

Therefore, it went smoothly.

Finally, the three different fires were completely accepted by this bronze furnace.

Lin Fei gave it a try, using the copper furnace to spur the demon fire of the sun.

Suddenly, inside the furnace body, there was a roaring terrifying tsunami sound, the furnace lid banged, and the crimson sea of ​​fire in the furnace body was about to burst out.

Sure enough, the power is too powerful!

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Fei's face.

If this furnace of crimson flames were dumped out, it is estimated that the masters of the bitter sea would not be able to resist its terrifying burning power.

Coupled with the powerful energy coercion that this bronze furnace could have emitted, Lin Fei estimated that even if he encounters a Bitter Sea Realm master, he might be killed by surprise!

Sometimes, possessing a powerful magic weapon can indeed easily leapfrog to kill.

"Okay, it's time to go out and inquire about the news."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Only when the Peacock Princess and the dozen or so demon clan women were sent to the Demon King Peng quickly, Lin Fei could be regarded as taking off the responsibility.

After all, the more than a dozen women of the monster race, including Princess Peacock, all rely on Lin Fei to hide.

Lin Fei used his Variety Clothes to change his appearance and appeared on the streets of Heavenly City again.

Soon after.

Lin Fei really found out the whereabouts of Demon King Peng.

Someone saw that Demon King Peng suddenly appeared near Zhenshui City and killed dozens of warriors from the Ji family.

Lin Fei immediately guessed that when the Demon King Peng went to True Water City, he must be looking for Princess Peacock's whereabouts.

Because, at that time, the Peacock Princess had appeared near Zhenshui City and seriously injured Ji Wu double-click. This incident had spread out long ago.

Lin Fei used divine knowledge to transmit sound and told the princess Peacock in the city.

After discussing with them, the two immediately decided to go to Zhenshui City to find the whereabouts of Demon King Peng.

After leaving Tiancang City, Lin Fei galloped towards the direction of True Water City.

Of course, Lin Fei changed his original face.

The planners are already everywhere in Qin.

Moreover, the portrait of Lin Fei has also been posted everywhere. It is estimated that there are very few warriors in Qin State who have not seen Lin Fei's portrait.

Therefore, Lin Fei must hide as much as possible.

In mid-air, Lin Fei turned into a streamer, flashed forward, and headed towards True Water City.

"Hahaha, the **** of the Sun Moon faction, today you are dead!"

Suddenly, on the ground below, a faint voice came into the ears of Lin Fei who was walking high in the sky.

Sun Moon Pie?

Lin Fei's figure suddenly slowed down.

Then, Lin Fei's divine consciousness continued to perceive.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Luo and the others!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but refreshed.

It turned out that on the ground below, on a prairie, Luo Hui and more than twenty base disciples from Cangyan Holy Land were being surrounded by a large group of people.

Unexpectedly, I met Luo Hui and others here.

As a result, Lin Fei moved and landed on the ground below.

In less than two breaths, Lin Fei had already landed beside Luo Hui and other disciples.

Suddenly a person came, and everyone was taken aback for a moment, their eyes all falling on Lin Fei.

Of course, the current Lin Fei is not the original face, but has turned into an ordinary middle-aged man with his variety clothes.

"Brother Luo! Why are you here?"

Lin Fei asked Luo Hui and asked.

Luo Hui was taken aback when he received Lin Fei's divine consciousness transmission.

"Junior Brother Lin, it turned out to be you!

But I finally found you! "

Luo Hui said with joy.

Then, Luo Hui also used his divine sense to transmit sound, telling Lin Fei's identity to other disciples in the base.

The disciples of the base were also very happy to see Lin Fei suddenly falling from the sky.

"Find me?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, we are all ordered by the three elders to come out to find you.

However, this is not the time to speak, we are in trouble, and the people of the Thousand Profound Sect surrounded us.

We have to break out first, and then talk slowly. "

Luo Hui said to Lin Fei.

After listening to Luo Hui's words, Lin Fei glanced around.

I saw that there were more than three hundred thousand Profound faction people, surrounded by groups, among them there was a bitter sea realm cultivation base, and there were thirty or forty emperor realm strengths.

Such strength is indeed a big trouble for more than twenty base disciples.

"Damn, it's another ant-like dog thing, really looking for death!"

The bitter sea of ​​Qianxuan Sect, glanced at Lin Fei slightly, and then completely lost interest in Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's vitality fluctuations were only an intermediate half-emperor's strength.

In his eyes, it was really inferior to an ant.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I have already found out that you, more than 20 people, are all disciples carefully trained in a secret training base in the mountains behind the Sun-Moon Sect.

Haha, as long as you kill all of you so-called elite disciples, it is estimated that the Sun-Moon faction will lose a lot of money. "

The bitter sea realm of Qianxuan faction laughed wildly, his strength was the intermediate bitter sea realm.

"Your sister, did you have water in your mind? You can kill our Sun-Moon Sect disciples with your rubbish. It's a dream.

Well, you people of the Thousand Profound Sect, all come forward to me, prepare to die! "

Lin Fei took a step forward and said loudly, looking domineering and powerful.

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