Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1347:

Lin Fei's actions immediately caused everyone's eyes to fall on him.

"Damn, is this guy's head stupid?

An emperor and a half dared to say such arrogant and ignorant words in front of us. "

Someone from the Thousand Profound School screamed.

"Let me try how much catty this guy has!"

With a playful expression on the face of a primary emperor realm, he moved towards Lin Fei.

The power of Yuan Li on his body exploded, and he rolled over to Lin Fei in an instant.

Lin Fei's figure moved, not only did not avoid it, but took the initiative to greet him.


With a wave of Lin Fei's arm, 90 million catties of physical power was released instantly, and a fierce breath enveloped the audience.

Lin Fei at this time had completely turned into a terrifying beast.


Lin Fei's tongue was bursting with spring thunder, and he slammed it out.

The elementary emperor realm of the Thousand Profound Sect felt the terrifying physical power emanating from Lin Fei, and couldn't help being horrified, and quickly wanted to avoid it.

However, it was too late.

Because he and Lin Fei both rushed towards each other at extremely fast speeds, and they had already met each other.


Lin Fei's fist crushed everything fiercely and landed on the elementary Emperor Realm of the Qianxuan Sect, instantly blasting his body into a cloud of blood.


The rest of the Thousand Profound Sect was a bit thrilling, blasting to death a primary emperor realm with a punch. Such physical power is really terrifying.

"Damn, you dare to kill our Thousand Profound Sect, you are dead!"

Suddenly, there were two or three Emperor Realm disciples of the Thousand Profound Sect nearby, rushing towards Lin Fei.

"Protect Junior Brother Lin!"

Seeing this, Luo Hui shouted hurriedly, wanting to rush to help Lin Fei, although he also knew that Lin Fei's combat power was very strong.

However, after all, the Thousand Profound Sect had many people, and there was also a low-level sea of ​​suffering, he was afraid that Lin Fei would suffer.

"Senior Brother Luo, you don't need to do it. Thousand Profound sent these rubbish, I will deal with them enough!"

Lin Fei shouted to Luo Hui and other base disciples.

call out!

A dark copper furnace instantly rose into the sky from Lin Fei's body. The copper furnace the size of a fist instantly rose in the wind, turning into a huge furnace of a hundred meters high, towering in the air.

The black-painted one-hundred-meter copper furnace was suspended high in the air, giving people great pressure.

The disciples in Cangyan Holy Land suddenly stopped and looked at the copper furnace in midair in astonishment.

"Die to me!"

Lin Fei yelled violently, and a violent murderous aura rose from his body.


In mid-air, the one hundred-meter copper furnace suddenly trembled, and a terrible energy pressure spread out from the trembling furnace body in an instant, crushing the hundreds of thousands of Profound School disciples over the sky.

Boom boom boom boom...

Immediately, the disciples of the Thousand Profound Sect, under such terrible pressure, their flesh and blood were exploded to pieces.

With their strength, they couldn't resist the energy pressure emitted by the copper furnace.

You know, a few days ago, but the three Demon Race women of the sea of ​​bitterness, working together, could barely resist the pressure of this copper furnace.

In a moment, all of the more than 300 disciples of the Thousand Profound Sect, except for the Elementary Bitter Sea Realm, all their bodies exploded, and the blood and blood flowed into rivers all over the floor, which was terrible.

"You're so cruel! You killed all of our Thousand Profound Sect!"

The elementary Emperor Realm of the Qianxuan Sect stared at Lin Fei with a bitter look.

At this moment, he is running his whole body's vitality, struggling to support the energy pressure emitted by the giant furnace in mid-air, his face is red, as if he is carrying a mountain.


As soon as the voice fell, his body suddenly exploded.

After all, he is a low-level bitter sea realm strength, supporting a while longer than other Qianxuan sect disciples, but he is finally unable to resist the pressure of the copper furnace.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the bronze furnace in midair immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed into Lin Fei's body.

The first time I tried to use this bronze furnace against the enemy, the power did not disappoint Lin Fei.

The power of this bronze furnace by Ji Wushuang is really terrifying.

The warriors of the elementary bitter sea realm can also be killed easily.

Perhaps this is the horror of the planners. As one of the three major inheritance families in the Eastern Region, you can easily leapfrog and kill with a magic weapon.


Looking at this sudden scene in front of him, the disciples of the twenty-odd Cangyan Holy Land took a deep breath.

Staring at Lin Fei with extremely shocked eyes.

There were more than 300 disciples of the Thousand Profound Sect, among them one of the Bitter Sea Stage and dozens of Emperor Stages, all of them were killed easily in a moment.

This scene is indeed a bit dreamy.

"Senior Brother Luo, why did the Third Elder let you come out to find me."

Lin Fei asked Luo Hui.

"Junior Brother Lin, we were in the Qinling Mountains, after we separated from you.

Soon, a large number of planners poured into the Qinling Mountains, and the planners issued an order that all disciples of the school who had been training in the Qinling Mountains must leave immediately.

We had no choice but to withdraw from Qinling.

Two or three days ago, we saw the portrait of the family of the planner hunting down Junior Brother Lin, and quickly reported back to the three elders.

The third elder ordered us to secretly find your whereabouts. "

Luo Hui replied.

Lin Fei was moved when he heard it.

Unexpectedly, in that Cangyan Holy Land, he was just an ordinary disciple. The three elders, as the high-level members of the base, did not expect to be so concerned about their own safety.

Lin Fei's sense of belonging to the base immediately became stronger.

"That's okay, did the Ji family find out that I am a disciple of the Sun-Moon School!"

Lin Fei suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

If the Judge finds out that he is a disciple of the Sun-Moon Sect, he will definitely bring endless disasters to the Sun-Moon Sect.

Because, the Sun-Moon School, on the surface, was just a sect with fourth-rate strength.

With the strength and dominance of the Ji family, the soldiers will surely suppress the border immediately and root out the Sun-Moon faction.

"Junior Brother Lin rest assured.

Because Junior Brother Lin had just arrived in the State of Qin, no one had ever seen Junior Brother Lin except for some outside disciples in the Sun-Moon Sect.

After the incident, the third elders conducted a thorough investigation of all the outer disciples, and all the outer disciples who had seen Junior Brother Lin had been used secretly by the third elders to erase that memory.

So, now, in the entire Sun-Moon Sect, no disciple can recognize that the young human being pursued by the family planner is you, Junior Brother Lin.

Of course, only our disciples from the base know the identity of Junior Brother Lin. "

Luo Hui said.

Erased the memory?

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised, how amazing it was to erase a section of other people's memory.

Unexpectedly, the three elders actually had such a method. It seems that the strength of the three elders is really unfathomable.

"Junior Brother Lin, go back with us to see the third elder.

Now the family-planners are all over the Qin State, and your situation is very dangerous. "

Luo Hui said.

"Senior Brother Luo, I still have something to deal with. Go back and tell the third elder, don't worry about my safety.

It's not that easy for the planner to catch me.

After I have settled the matter, I will go back. "

Lin Fei said.

Luo Hui was taken aback and looked at Lin Fei.

"Senior Brother Luo, I'm leaving now."

Lin Fei had already promised Princess Peacock to send her to the side of Demon King Peng. At this time, naturally, she couldn't leave her alone.

Moreover, this matter is naturally not suitable for Luo Hui to elaborate, so after saying goodbye to Luo Hui, Lin Fei's figure moved, already soaring into the sky, rolling towards the distant sky.

"Hey, this Junior Brother Lin, I always can't see through him."

Luo Hui looked at Lin Fei's departure, very helpless, he couldn't force Lin Fei to stay.

After a while, Luo Hui took the twenty-odd base disciples back and returned to the Third Elder.

High in the sky, Lin Fei turned into a streamer and galloped towards the direction of True Water City.


"Boy, find a quiet place for Azi, she may be about to break through."

The voice of the goblin's divine consciousness sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Azi awake?"

Lin Fei was overjoyed. Ever since he was in the middle of the valley, Azi had been asleep since he received the vitality initiation from the initiation platform.

Unexpectedly, there was finally some movement.

I don't know what strength A Zi will achieve this time through breakthrough.

Lin Fei couldn't help but look forward to it.

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