Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1356: Game start

Cuiyuan Pill is a legendary pill specially used to quickly improve the vitality realm of warriors.

However, this is also a very evil pill. It is said that even though the martial artist can quickly break through several realms after taking the Cuiyuan Pill, from then on, he basically stopped in the martial arts and it is difficult to continue to break through.

Therefore, although this reminder pill can make the martial artist get a breakthrough in the realm at once, all people are talking about it, avoiding it for fear.

No warrior wants to take it.

Unexpectedly, in order to win the championship of the four leagues this time, the Proterozoic faction actually allowed the participating disciples to take the Chuangyuandan. This is equivalent to a way of killing chickens and eggs. It shows how determined the Proterozoic party is to win the championship.

The last four faction league champion was the Proterozoic faction. Does this time the champion also fall into the hands of the reason faction?

"Huh, stop talking nonsense, it's more straightforward to see the highs and lows on the court."

The head of the Proterozoic Sect gave a cold snort, flicked his sleeves, and sat down on that high platform, which was equivalent to acquiescing to the words of the three elders.

Everyone was deeply moved, and it was unexpected that a Proterozoic faction had come up with this method in order to win the championship.

Moreover, due to the serious sequelae, it is said that the sequelae of Cui Yuan Dan has long been lost.

At this time, the other three major sects of Qin State secretly complained in their hearts.

The teleportation formation of Jin'an City has been controlled by the Proterozoic Sect for five years. Is it true that the Proterozoic Sect will continue to control it for the next five years?

Suddenly, the high-ranking figures of the other three major sects of the Qin Kingdom were all caught in anxiety. Everyone seemed to have a big rock weighing down on their hearts, frowning.

Only the head of the Proterozoic sect sneered from time to time, scanning the other three sects with triumphant eyes, with a winning attitude.

After about a stick of incense.

The heads of Qin's four major sects stood up at the same time.

The other crowds around who came to watch the game also suddenly became quiet.

Because everyone knows that the four leagues of the Qin State are about to begin.

"Well, everyone, the time has come.

This four-party league is about to begin.

The rules of the game are still the same as before.

No matter which disciple of the school, no matter what means, as long as he can find the platform in the middle area of ​​the mountains, and grab the banner on the platform, and then bring it back here, he is the winner.

I think there is no question about this. "

The head of the Proterozoic Sect slowly spoke.

"Yes, these are the rules of the game that our four major sects in Qin have always abide by, and this competition naturally follows this rule."

The head of the Sun Moon faction nodded.

The heads of the Thousand Profound Sect and the Tongtian Sect also nodded separately and agreed.

"Well, in that case, stop talking nonsense.

Let the game begin. "

With a wave of the head of the Proterozoic Sect, all the participating disciples of the Proterozoic Sect rushed out one after another, pulsed toward the four or five huge mountains ahead.

Almost at the same time, the disciples of the other three sects, the Sun-Moon Sect, the Thousand Profound Sect, and the Tongtian Sect also soared into the sky, turned into rainbows, and rushed out.

Soon, the disciples of the four sects rushed into the mountains from four different positions.

Lin Fei flew into the mountain range among the more than one hundred disciples of the Sun Moon School.

At a glance, the undulating peaks continue to stretch out. There are so many that you can't see the end at a glance.

There are rugged jungles everywhere, primitive giant trees.

"Everyone speed up, or other schools will find that platform first."

The five core disciples of the Sun-Moon School rushed to the front, and one of them shouted loudly.

It turns out that although everyone knows that there is a platform in the middle of these mountains, and a big flag is inserted on the platform.

But the problem is that the area of ​​these mountain ranges is too huge, and each mountain range almost stretches out hundreds of thousands of meters.

Even the middle area is a large area.

Moreover, according to the rules of the game, the surroundings of that platform are arranged with phantom arrays that isolate the perception of divine consciousness.

The disciples of the four major sects can only find the platform with their naked eyes before they can capture the banner that is inserted on the platform.

Therefore, the first step of the game is to enter the middle area and find that platform.

The four groups of men and horses all rolled into the middle area.

Countless broken airs made the atmosphere between the world and the earth completely lively.

Soon, the disciples of the four sects arrived in the middle area almost simultaneously.

This middle area is surrounded by four or five huge mountains, and the area is very large.

In this middle area, there are tall peaks and wild forests everywhere.

It is not easy to find a platform with the naked eye.

Who knows which dense forest, or which valley, or which mountain peak this platform is hidden in?

Therefore, after entering this middle area, the disciples of various sects were immediately scattered, divided into groups, and started searching.

In this situation, whoever discovers the platform first can grab the banner first, and then as long as the banner is taken, leave this area and return to the grassland just now, the winner is Up.

Of course, things are not that simple. The disciples of the various sects are all supervising each other. Once they find that the other party has changed, they will definitely swarm up and start a frantic snatch.

No one can easily leave this middle area with that big flag.

The disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect were also scattered, about a dozen people in a group, searching in all directions.

Lin Fei followed one of the groups and set out to find it.

After a while.

In this middle area, fierce fighting began to be heard.

It turned out that disciples of different sects began to meet each other in the process of searching for that platform.

Once they met, they would definitely fight fiercely.

The group that Lin Fei was in soon encountered a group of people from other sects.

The other party turned out to be a disciple of the Proterozoic School, and the number was more than ten.

However, most of them are high-level emperor realms, and their overall strength is very terrifying.

"Huh, it turned out to be Sun Moon School trash. Kill all!"

Among the disciples of the Proterozoic Sect, the head was a sturdy high-ranking imperial realm. With a wave of his hand, he brought a dozen disciples of the Proterocratic Sect and rushed viciously towards the disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect.

"Rewind everyone! Don't fall in love with war!"

A senior imperial realm disciple of the Sun Moon Sect shouted loudly.

Among the dozen or so disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect, only three are high-level imperial realms. They are far from the opponents of those disciples of the Proterozoic Sect.

Therefore, more than a dozen Sun-Moon Sect disciples all started their Shen Fa at the same time and fled towards the distance.

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