Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1357: Shoot

"Hahaha, I didn't expect your Sunyue Sect people to be so embarrassed, but it is not so easy to escape."

More than a dozen disciples of the Proterozoic Sect were all chasing after him, sneered and laughed loudly, all holding cats and mice.

Although these disciples of the Sun Moon Sect were not reconciled, there were only two or three high-level emperor realms on their side.

And among the disciples of the Proterozoic Sect, almost ten of them are high-level emperor realms. In this case, how to fight is the most practical thing.

"Damn, a small group of emperors dare to be so arrogant!"

Lin Fei thought hard while running away.

Therefore, Lin Fei displayed his spatial power, stepped into the void beside him, and disappeared.

After a few breaths, in a dense forest not far away, Lin Fei's figure suddenly appeared behind a towering giant tree.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the appearance on his face suddenly changed to another look, and it seemed that he had become a strange young man.

The human skin mask given to Lin Fei by the three elders can change thousands of different faces, and can also conceal the real spirit aura. Lin Fei can use it to disguise herself at any time and transform herself into another stranger.

After changing his appearance, Lin Fei directly took out the Hongtian Bow.

Pulling the bowstring, the rolling elemental force madly gathers, condenses into a long arrow, aiming at one of the advanced emperor realms of the Proterozoic Sect in the distance.

Then let it off suddenly.

call out!

A bright long arrow shot out instantly.


The senior emperor realm of the Proterozoic School only felt a deep crisis, and turned around immediately in shock.

Found that a light arrow had been shot in front of him.

In a hurry, a giant vitality hand condensed in front of him and grabbed the light arrow.


The arrow blasted to pieces, blasting that vitality giant hand to pieces.

The body of this high-level emperor of the Proterozoic sect trembled, and blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

The Booming Sky Bow itself was a powerful magic weapon. Lin Fei opened its fourth level of restriction, and the power it exerted was no small thing.

What's more, Lin Fei shot the arrow in a magical arrow style.

The blasting bow, coupled with the magical arrow technique, is equivalent to the superposition of the two powers, and the lethality is amazing!

With one arrow, a high-level emperor realm was seriously injured.

Of course, these disciples of the Proterozoic Sect were all taking the Qi Yuan Dan to forcibly raise the realm of vitality all of a sudden.

The quality and foundation of vitality are very vain.

Therefore, these disciples of the Proterozoic sect, compared to the warriors of the same realm, are less powerful in combat.

The strength of this Proterozoic high-level emperor realm is not even comparable to those of ordinary high-level emperor realms that rely on their own efforts to break through.


Lin Fei drew his bow continuously and shot out two more arrows.

"Do not……"

After two arrows were shot, the senior emperor realm of the Proterozoic Sect was finally unable to resist, let out a scream, and exploded.


The vitality in Lin Fei's body was continuously transmitted into the Boom Sky Bow, continuously drawing the bow and shooting arrows, and quickly shooting out one after another light arrow.


The screams continued to be heard one after another, and for a while, Lin Fei had already shot and killed five or six senior emperor realms.

Even Lin Fei was surprised by the terrifying power that the fourth-tier banned Booming Bow, combined with the magical arrow technique, exerted.

His current strength is only a mid-level half-emperor, but with the booming bow in his hand, he can shoot and kill the high-level emperor realm continuously.

"What's going on, in that dense forest, there is a person hiding from him, shooting cold arrows at our Proterozoic people."

The disciples of the Yuan Gu Sect also panicked one by one, and they had long since given up on hunting down the dozen or so disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect.

Instead, they unfolded their body skills one after another, carefully leaning toward the dense forest.

Under the perception of divine consciousness, the people of the Proterozoic School naturally discovered a young man with a strange face hiding in the dense forest.

"Damn, everyone rushed in and killed that kid with a knife!

Don't wait for him to have time, shoot us one by one! "

Shouted a senior emperor of the Proterozoic School.

As a result, the remaining six or seven Proterozoic disciples teleported towards the dense forest where Lin Fei was hiding almost at the same time.

Lin Fei directly displayed the power of space, stepped into the void and disappeared.

"Hey, what about people, why are they missing?"

A disciple of the Yuan Gu School exclaimed.

More than 3,000 meters away, a space was slightly rippling, and Lin Fei's figure appeared.


Huh hoo hoo...

One after another, light arrows were shot more than 3,000 meters away.


The remaining six or seven disciples of the Proterozoic sect, faced with the horrible light arrows that were constantly shooting, were finally frightened and fleeing desperately.

However, Lin Fei's magical arrow technique can at least shoot the arrow dozens of miles away, coupled with Lin Fei's fast posture.

No one can escape at all.

After a while, all the remaining six or seven Proterozoic disciples were shot and killed by Lin Fei.

"How is this going?"

The dozen or so Sun-Moon Sect disciples who had fled just now couldn't help but froze one by one, stopped running, and turned around to look at Lin Fei.

Looking far away on Lin Fei, he wondered why this strange young man helped himself and these people to shoot and kill the disciples of the Protestant Sect.

"In my case, it is possible to act alone and the effect will be even better."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

It is also true that with Lin Fei's current strength, those Sun-Moon Sect disciples would only slow down the speed of their actions.

It would be better to act alone, which may be more useful. Maybe you can find that platform in advance.

As a result, Lin Fei moved into the dense forest beside him.

Then, stepped into the void in one step, and appeared again in time, already in a space five kilometers away.

"Goblin, you and Zi, also come out and help find them."

Lin Fei sent the divine consciousness transmission to the goblin and Azi.

So, the goblin and Azi appeared directly.

The three people unfolded and moved into action.

About half an hour later.

"Hey, Master, I feel that there is a wave of phantom formation from the depths of the valley ahead."

Suddenly, A Zi shouted to Lin Fei in surprise.

It turned out that Ah Zi's illusion talent now has been awakened more and more, and he can feel the fluctuations emanating from the illusion from a long distance.


Around that platform, there are phantom arrays that isolate the power of divine consciousness.

If there really is a wave of phantom formation in the depths of this valley, it is estimated that the platform may be hidden in the depths of this valley. "

Lin Fei was surprised.

"Go, let's go into this valley and look for it."

Lin Fei said.

Then he rushed into the valley.

However, at this moment, there were several figures exuding powerful aura in the distance, galloping towards this valley.

Bitter Sea Realm Master!

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel moved.

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