Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1358: The fierce battle begins

After discovering that the person who came was a master of the bitter sea realm, Lin Fei thought for a while, and then stepped into the void from his side with a move.

Since the last time, after absorbing so many crystals of space, Lin Fei's speed and distance through space have been greatly improved.

Now it is almost as soon as the figure moves, you can directly enter the void.

When Lin Fei entered the void, three streams of light appeared in the distance, and they came to the mouth of the valley in an instant.

All three are masters in the sea of ​​suffering.

"Senior Brother Hao, are you sure it is this valley."

One of the tall and thin men asked.

"Haha, yes, I released more than a thousand Wizard Rats, and one of them sent me an Echo of Divine Sense, saying that he had found a platform, which was in this valley.

When I summon the Wizard Mouse out, ask, I'll know. "

Another sturdy man said, his eyes were full of expectation, and he immediately sent out a divine sense transmission.

call out!

After a while, an imperceptible streamer rushed out of the valley at an extremely fast speed.

Falling on the palm of the strong man.

It turned out to be a mouse with a touch of golden light.

I saw that the hair of the mouse was faintly golden, the head was as sharp as an awl, and two mung bean-sized mouse eyes radiated two solid golden lights that seemed to see through the void.

It turns out that this is what the sturdy man said.

"Yes, according to the Wizard Mouse, that platform is hidden in this valley."

I saw him communicate with the Wizard Mouse on the palm of his hand, and then his face showed ecstasy.

"Unexpectedly, these Wizard Rats purchased by the master at a high price are indeed very useful."

The tall and thin man was also extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Go, let's go in quickly and get the flag! At the same time, immediately use the transmission jade slip to send a sound transmission to inform all the disciples of the Qianxuan Sect."

The sturdy man put the Wizard Mouse away, and with a wave of his hand, all three Bitter Sea Stages rushed into the valley at the same time.

One kilometer away.

In a certain space.

Suddenly, a faint blue light burst out, and then, in this space, a faint figure became illusory and solid, slowly becoming clear.

This is a young man in white, sneered at the entrance of the valley.

"Hey, I saw the three of them, sneaking up here, knowing they have ghosts.

Unexpectedly, they found a platform.

The magic weapon that the master gave me this time is really easy to use. I tracked it down all the way, and the three of them couldn't find my existence at all. "

The young man in white looked at a light blue orb in his palm, a little bit careless.

"Since I know that the platform is in this valley, there is no suspense about the end of this game.

As long as I send out the message and gather all of our Proterozoic Sect members, then, with the overall strength of our Proterozoic Sect disciples, we will definitely be able to win that banner! "

The white-clothed youth was a little excited, took out a transmission jade slip, and sent out a transmission.

After a few breaths.

All the participating disciples of the Proterozoic Sect received the sound transmission and immediately galloped toward the location of the valley.

at the same time.

"Hey, a disciple of the Proterozoic Sect, there seems to be something different!

They were all rushing towards the same location, and they must have found the platform!

Let's go and take a look! "

On a certain mountain peak, a young man with a short stature in grey clothes, his divine consciousness perceives it from afar, and he finds that there are silhouettes in the distance, rushing towards a certain position.

"Immediately send a sound transmission to inform us that all the participating disciples of Tongtian Education will concentrate on that location, and that platform must be there!"

The gray-clothed youth said excitedly, then waved his hand and rushed out with a dozen disciples of Tongtianjiao beside him.

So, in this way, the three sects of Qianxuan Sect, Proterozoic Sect, and Tongtian Sect, all the participating disciples all rushed towards that valley.

The entire area was filled with bursts of sound of breaking through the air, and the sky was filled with fierce figures, which was very lively.

In the end, the disciples of the Sun-Moon Sect also discovered something, and rushed towards the valley with their body techniques.

After a while, disciples of the Four Martial Arts rushed into the valley one after another.

The entire valley was completely boiling.

At the end of the valley, there is a clearing.

There is a platform more than ten meters high on the open space, and on the platform, a colorful flag waving in the wind is inserted.

The four sides of the platform were surrounded by disciples of the four major sects.

"Damn it, this platform was originally discovered by our Thousand Profound Sect. How come the people of the other three sects all know about it!"

In the camp of the disciples of the Thousand Profound Sect, a sturdy man looked at the disciples of the other three sects, and said a little angrily.

Not long ago, it was he who used the Wizard Mouse to discover the platform in this valley.

He didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, all the other three martial artists knew about it.

In this way, one can only speak with strength.

It is conceivable that a fierce battle is about to begin in order to seize the banner on the platform.

All the disciples of the four major sects are staring at the platform, the banner waving in the wind.

As long as you capture the banner and take it out, you will be the winner of this competition.

In a hidden corner of the valley, a figure suddenly stepped out of the void.

It is Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looked at the platform deep in the valley, feeling a little depressed.

"His sister, obviously I was the first to discover the location of this platform.

It's alright now, everyone has gathered here. "

Lin Fei was a little helpless.

Now in the valley, there are hundreds of people gathered. It is not easy to get that banner easily.

However, fortunately this time, among the four major sects participating students, the strongest are only the masters of the bitter sea.

With such strength, Lin Fei still had confidence to deal with.

"Damn. It's a big deal, all will be killed by then!

Anyway, in this competition, I must help the Sun-Moon faction win the championship. "

Lin Fei's eyes flashed fiercely.

So Lin Fei made up his mind to watch next to him first, wait until those people beat you to death, and finally took the flag.

Originally, Lin Fei had the bronze furnace, and it was very easy to capture the banner on the platform.

As long as the copper furnace is released, it is estimated that no one in this entire valley can withstand the power of the copper furnace.

However, there was a problem. In this way, Lin Fei could easily expose his identity.

Because this bronze furnace was snatched from Ji Wushuang, the family member.

Once the incident spread, the planner immediately knew that he was a disciple of the Sun-Moon School.

I would definitely not let myself go easily, even the Sun-Moon faction would be implicated. Naturally, Lin Fei didn't want to see such a result.

Therefore, Lin Fei planned to wait for a suitable opportunity before taking the flag.

"Damn, who would dare to fight for the flag with our Proterozoic Sect?

A senior core disciple of the Proterozoic Bitter Sea Realm, with a violent roar, flew towards the platform, transformed into a giant hand of vitality, and grabbed the banner on the platform.

The people of the other three sects are naturally not reconciled.


The fierce fighting broke out in an instant, and everyone rushed to the platform desperately to grab the banner.

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