Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1374: Styx

"Hmph, that's all, a half-emperor ant, why should I talk nonsense with you, let me die!"

The delicate young man's body is extremely fast, and while talking, he has teleported to Lin Fei.

He has the strength of a high-level bitter sea realm, and Lin Fei is a half-emperor. How can he put Lin Fei in his eyes.

He flipped his right hand, and the dazzling light burst into light. The palm of his hand was instantly enlarged infinitely, and his five fingers were as tall as a mountain, and he slapped Lin Fei with rumblings, wanting to put Lin Fei to death.

call out!

The fist-big copper furnace in Lin Fei rushed out of his head and turned into a huge furnace of hundreds of meters. The four-color sea of ​​fire swept out, and suddenly suppressed the delicate young man on the spot.

"This is the magic weapon of Jijia Wushuang, how can it be in your hands!"

The delicate young man exclaimed in horror.

"Hey, what does it have to do with you."

Lin Fei stepped out with a fist of 90 million catties.

At the same time, his mind moved, and the small tripod of divine consciousness instantly rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of the delicate young man.

"you dare!"

The delicate young man was frightened and angry. His body surface immediately bloomed with infinite divine light, forming a layer of divine light armor. At the same time, the divine consciousness power was also running in the sea of ​​consciousness to resist the invasion of that divine consciousness small cauldron.


Lin Fei fisted like lightning, and in an instant, dozens of punches slammed on his chest.


The delicate young man's chest was deeply sunken, his breastbone was exposed, he vomited blood, his body flew upside down, hit the ground, and screamed heartbroken.

Lin Fei was secretly surprised that the core disciple of the Holy Land really lived up to his reputation. With his 90 million catties of supernatural power, he couldn't kill him even with a dozen punches.

call out!

Lin Fei moved his body, unfolding the Nine Dragons, following a peculiar trajectory, rushing out of this small space.

At the same time, he took out the booming bow, and while escaping, he kept pulling the bow, shooting one after another light arrows, blasting towards the full youth that day.

The arrow style does not need to aim at all, as long as the breath of the opponent is locked with the spirit sense, the light arrow shot will track the enemy by itself.

"Hmph, it’s not so easy for the people who injured us at the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty and want to escape!"

That day, the full-bodied young man was furious, and his stature moved and rushed behind Lin Fei like lightning.

However, he kept reaching out to poke away those light arrows that rained at him, and his speed was virtually slowed.

Lin Fei unfolded the Nine Transformations of Shenxing, rushed out of the small space in a few steps and appeared outside the palace.

Looking around, I saw that in this Qionglou Yuyu, there were already crazy treasure hunting figures everywhere, and there were so many and densely packed figures.

In many places, fierce fighting broke out in order to grab the treasure, and the entire building complex was completely lively.

"Boy, stop!"

Behind him, the young man full of heaven also rushed out of that small space and chased Lin Fei.

Lin Fei knew that with his current strength, he was not his opponent.

As a result, with a move, he rushed out to the distance, and at the same time he kept pulling the bow of the sky, and one after another light arrows continued to shoot backwards.

"Ouyang Jie, what's going on."

Suddenly, an old man in Jinyi in the distance saw this, his figure moved, he stood in front of Lin Fei like a ghost, and asked.

Obviously, this old man in brocade clothes was also a person from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Elder Huang, don't let him go, he has a half-immortal medicine in his hand!"

The young man behind the sky was overjoyed when he saw the old man in Jinyi suddenly appearing, and he hurriedly spoke to the old man in Jinyi.

The value of the half immortal medicine was too great, so he didn't dare to speak out at all. Instead, he used his divine sense to transmit the sound, otherwise the nearby people would definitely rush over to fight.

"What! Half a fairy medicine!"

Suddenly, the gaze of the old man in Jinyi became hot, and his breathing was a little short.

In the entire Eastern Region, all the known half-immortal medicines add up to no more than 30 plants. One can imagine how valuable the half-immortal medicine is.


In ecstasy, the old man in golden clothes in the holy land of Yuan Dynasty reached out to Lin Fei with a distant move.

Suddenly, Lin Fei was shocked to find that his body was actually out of control, as if being led by an invisible thread, he flew towards the old man in brocade clothes.

Lin Fei immediately displayed the power of space, wanting to penetrate into the space.

However, the entire space was blocked by a terrifying energy, and Lin Fei found that he could not enter the void at all.

Unable to be shocked, the strength of this old man in brocade clothes is too terrifying, he can confine the space with a casual wave of his hand.

In front of him, he didn't seem to have any resistance and could only be at the mercy.

Lin Fei cried secretly.

at this time.

Lin Fei saw not far away, a figure was rushing out of a palace, his face flushed, and his mouth couldn't close with a smile.

"Old man, help!"

Lin Fei shouted.

It is the old man at the stall.

The old man at the stall also saw Lin Fei at this time.

"Boy, who are you."

The old man at the stall pretended not to know Lin Fei, and obviously he didn't want to provoke people from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Old man, I just found a lot of babies, I can divide them into half for you!"

Lin Fei yelled to the old man in the stall.

call out!

The old man's eyes lit up, he was faster than a rabbit, and instantly appeared next to Lin Fei, pulling Lin Fei and running.


In the back, the old man in Jinyi from the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty couldn't help being furious.


A majestic giant palm of Yuanli appeared in the air, covering most of the sky, and swept towards the old man and Lin Fei.

The dilapidated dagger in the old man's hand fell out with a boom, smashing the giant Yuanli palm to pieces, and then dragged Lin Fei towards the distance.

The speed of the old man in the stall was too terrifying, and he had already gone before half a breath time.


The old man in Jinyi at the Holy Land in the early Yuan snorted coldly, and he dared to let it go, and his figure flickered, chasing him up.

At the same time, he sent out several divine consciousness transmissions to notify other nearby masters of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Soon, four or five elders nearby appeared and chased them in the direction of Old Man Ditan and Lin Fei.


Boy, how come the elders from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty all came to chase you down at the same time!

Have you got a baby who is against the sky? Come on! "

The old man at the stall pressed Lin Fei.

"I killed a few disciples in the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. These elders came to me for revenge."

Where is Lin Fei willing to say that there is a half-immortal medicine in his body, and said nonsense.


This is the tomb of the real person in the Zifu Mansion. There are countless treasures hidden. How could these elders in the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty give up treasure hunting for the sake of a few disciples and come to hunt you down? ! "

The old man obviously didn't believe it.

"You two can't run away, stop if you know you!"

From the rear, one of the indifferent voices of the holy land elders in the early Yuan Dynasty came.

After four or five Yuan Dynasty elders were chased by the holy land elders, the old man and Lin Fei were forced to helplessly, and they soon moved away from the Qionglou Yuyu.


Suddenly, there was the sound of water flowing in front, faintly, as if nothing.

Then, Lin Fei saw a black river, flowing calmly, traversing the road, like a black abyss.

This black river is very weird. The flowing water is as black as ink, glowing with a gloomy luster, almost swallowing people's minds and souls.

It is very calm, there is no wind or waves, or even a spray, but it is so dark that it makes people palpitate. After a long time, the soul will be broken!

"This..., this is actually Styx!"

The old man from the stall suddenly exclaimed.

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