Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1375: Crossing the Styx


Lin Fei was surprised and curious, looking at the weird black river in front of him.

The scale of the river is huge, the river is four to five hundred meters wide.


Suddenly, in the middle of the river, there were several turbulent rivers, and many things floated to the surface of the river.

It turned out to be a corpse covered with moss, eyes opening and closing, revealing a green light.

"The yellow spring water of the Styx can indeed raise corpses. These corpses are already initially intelligent and terrifying."

The old man exclaimed.

"Old man, here is the origin of Styx."

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

"The ancient tombs of Mighty Might like to arrange a Styx to guard their coffins.

The river Styx flows yellow spring water, which can raise corpses. Before death, the ancient power killed a large number of masters, soaked in the river Styx, and it will grow into ancient corpses for a long time.

Both the yellow spring water and the ancient corpse are very scary things, it is best not to provoke them.

However, if you can cross this Styx, you will be able to reach the real tomb of the real Zifu.

The things collected there are the most precious! "

The old man's gaze looked at the opposite bank of the Styx, looking very yearning.

On the opposite bank of the river, it was dark, and the divine consciousness could not perceive the past.

Ancient corpse! Yellow spring water!

Lin Fei's scalp felt a little numb.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that in that river of Styx, there were indeed mossy-covered corpses floating quietly, the number of which could not be counted.


In the rear, the elders of the four or five sacred places in the early Yuan Dynasty also discovered Styx, and suddenly screamed.

Obviously, they also knew what was going on with Styx.

The river Styx guards the real burial site of ancient Da Neng.

The other side of the Styx is the real treasure of the real Zifu!

Suddenly, the elders of these holy places in the early Yuan Dynasty also had their eyes hot.

When the old man and Lin Fei saw that the elders of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty caught up, they all rushed down a certain distance along the downstream direction of the river.

However, the four or five elders of Yuansheng Chusheng stopped chasing Lin Fei.

Instead, he stood by the river Styx and looked at the river Styx.

"Just leave that kid alone for now.

First find a way to cross this Styx.

The other side is the real tomb of Ziyang Zhenren.

It is extremely possible that the lifelong inheritance of the real Ziyang is retained, and even contains the opportunity to become a fairy. "

An elder from the Holy Land at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty said, rubbing his hands with excitement.

The others were also shaking slightly with excitement.

The inheritance of the real Ziyang, the chance of becoming a fairy, these two things are not trivial.

Even the holy lord of the three holy places and the patriarch of the three aristocratic families would be crazy about it.

After all, in the entire Eastern Region, there have been tens of thousands of years, and no one can break into the fairyland.

"Break through!"

Finally, one of them couldn't help it. With a movement, he flew up in the sky, crossing the Styx and rushing across the opposite bank to hunt for treasure.


In the Styx, the water suddenly surged violently, and two ancient corpses flew up like lightning, bringing up the sky with black water, and the corpse claws were like black iron hooks, and attacked the elders of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty.


A bronze bell burst out of the body of the elder of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.


The shining bronze bell was shattered by two ancient corpses with a few claws, and the bronze bell fragments fell into the lake like a piece of sand.

Then, the two ancient corpses clasped their hands, and hugged the body of the elder of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty like lightning.


The elder of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty was so frightened that he smashed the head of one of the ancient corpses with a slap.


However, in the next moment, his body was also completely torn apart by two ancient corpses, and his screams before his death were particularly harsh in this empty underground world.

Lin Fei was shocked to see this scene.

The elders of a dignified holy land are naturally unfathomable and terrifying.

However, he was killed by two ancient corpses.

It can be seen how terrifying these ancient corpses are.


The movement here finally attracted the attention of others.

A series of sharp figures began to fly towards the Styx.

"The Styx, my God, is the legendary Styx."

"Yes, it seems that the other side is the real tomb of the real Zifu!"

"Across the Styx, you can get the truly valuable treasure!"

"Across the Styx, you can get the truly valuable treasure!"


After a while, the Styx River was already full of people, and there was a loud noise.

"Rush over!"

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly a dozen people flew off at the same time, rushing to the other side.


Someone took the lead, and others were naturally unwilling to lag behind, one after another silhouettes rose into the sky and flew towards the opposite bank of the Styx.


The black river surging surging, densely packed moss-covered ancient corpses washed up from the river. There were hundreds of them. All of a sudden, the sky over the Styx River was filled with people who wanted to cross the river. Fight fiercely together.

The black river water that these ancient corpses brought up was like a rainstorm, splashing everywhere.



In just a moment, almost all of the first people who wanted to cross the river were killed by the ancient corpses.

Some people who were injured by ancient corpses fell into the Styx below, and their whole body was as black as ink in an instant, such as being extremely poisonous, and they died in the river within less than one breath.


The people on the shore were all gasped at the sight, the strength of those ancient corpses was too terrifying.


At this moment, suddenly, a middle-aged man bathed in a dazzling divine light took off step by step and stepped to the other side. His face was completely covered by the brilliant divine light and he couldn't see clearly.


Several ancient corpses attacked him.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and his whole body was surging with golden glow, becoming more dazzling. With a few palms, he smashed several ancient corpses into pieces, and walked towards the other side step by step.

Everyone was stunned.

It seems that the real masters are starting to take action.


A Taoist priest who couldn't see his age, stepped on a black dagger, flew to the other side, and wherever he passed, a corpse was cut off.

Then, more and more masters began to forcibly cross the Styx.

Even one of the three major inheritance families, the Patriarch of the Shen Family, the Patriarch of the Judge, a hermit elder in the Holy Land of Heaven, and several leaders of the top sects of the Eastern Region, all appeared in person.

And in the Styx, there are also more and more ancient corpses, constantly rising into the sky, blocking everyone from crossing the river.

Position downstream.

"Go, we also cross the river!"

The old man said.

"These ancient corpses are so terrifying, how do we cross the river?!"

Lin Fei asked.

"Hey, my old man is an expert in tombs. Based on my decades of research on Styx, there will be a secret cable in most Styx.

As long as you find Tongtiansuo, cross the Styx, you can easily turn your back. "

The old man smiled triumphantly.

Then he took out a palm-sized, rusty old copper plate, with a silver needle floating in the middle of the copper plate.

"It should be there!"

After the old man fiddled with the old copper plate for a while, he pointed to the front and flew out.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, on the river in front, there was a very thin iron rope, dark as ink, shining a little bit of forest, and connected to the opposite bank.

The old man stepped out, stepped on the iron rope, and rushed to the opposite bank.

"Is this reliable? What if those ancient corpses in the river rush up!"

Lin Fei beat the drum in his heart and hesitated.

"Don't worry, as long as you cross the Styx on the Tongtian Suo, nothing will happen."

The old man's movements were very quick and he was about to rush to the other side.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and stepped in, stepping on the dark iron rope dangling on the river, and ran over.

Sure enough, in the whole process, no ancient corpse rushed up from the river below.

After crossing the Styx River, Lin Fei followed the old man Ditan, and walked for a few miles.

Ahead, suddenly there was a lot of clouds, endless brilliance lingering, it seemed to be a misty fairy.

There is a high platform like a huge pyramid. The top of the high platform is very flat and a platform.

This high platform can be ten thousand feet high, and the jade platform step by step leads to the top.

The endless rays of the sun shone, and faintly, there are thousands of dragons phantom, coiling around the entire jade platform, as if they have come to the fairy world.

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