Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1390: A big kill

Lin Fei shocked Ji Wushuang with a sword, letting it become shattered, and the surroundings were silent. Everyone was in a daze, unable to believe what was in front of them.

A core child of the inheritance family was killed in this way.

Moreover, the opponent's strength turned out to be the primary emperor realm, which was a leapfrog kill.

This result is incredible.

After a few breaths, everyone woke up, and in an instant, the entire Purple Moon Villa shook.

"No good, Ji Wushuang, the family member, was shot dead!"

A young warrior couldn't help but exclaimed.

All the young warriors were caught in a state of shock and talked a lot.

It is no small matter that a core child of the inherited family was beaten to death.

This Ziyue Villa is the property of the planner. There are people who dare to be here and kill the children of the planner. This is related to the face of the planner.

The nature of this matter is definitely not a contest between young people, but a purposeful killing.

"Damn it!"

Ji Tianji was so angry that he roared fiercely.

All around, all the children of the family planner surrounded Lin Fei in groups, breathing fire in their eyes, revealing murderous intent.

"kill him!"

The children of the planner have a sense of superiority everywhere, and all of them are arrogant.

Now, the children of this race have been killed in public, and no one can swallow this breath.


Dozens of family planners rushed towards Lin Fei.

Ziyue Mountain Villa was originally the property of the planner, and this gathering was run by the planner behind the scenes. Therefore, many children of the planner attended the gathering.

Lin Fei moved back, then disappeared.

Lin Fei naturally knew that after he killed Ji Wushuang, those people from the family would definitely besiege him, so he calculated the position early in the morning and made preparations.

"Huh, in that case, let's give a lesson to the family."

At this moment, Lin Fei's body was perfectly integrated in the surrounding space, looking at the murderous planners, his heart also moved with murderous intent.

Before, in the Qin State, because Lin Fei rescued Princess Peacock, the family of Ji had chased and killed Lin Fei.

Now, the planner has run this purple moon villa gathering again, one of the purposes is to call on more people to find and kill Lin Fei.

Now, Lin Fei killed Ji Wushuang again.

It can be said that the feast between Lin Fei and the Judge is getting deeper and deeper.

Lin Fei's character will naturally not show weakness.

"Hey, what about that kid, why did he disappear suddenly?"

The child of the family planner exclaimed.

The people around were also very shocked. They were clearly right in front of them just now, but in the blink of an eye, they disappeared, and even their divine consciousness could not perceive them.

This kind of shenfa is really terrifying.

"Everyone, be careful, that kid is good at a very mysterious and terrifying posture, beware of his sudden attack."

An Intermediate Plane with the strength of the Sea of ​​Bitterness shouted.

call out!

However, as soon as his voice fell, a white long sword suddenly appeared behind him, and a terrifying murderous intent entered, firmly locking him down.


The long sword pierced through the back of the propaganda boy, and it just pierced his heart.

Infernal Sutra was originally an ancient sutra dedicated to recording all kinds of assassination secrets. It emphasized **** the enemy the fastest, most ruthless, most accurate, and straightforward.

Infernal Sutra is the path of killing. It is an ancient sutra most suitable for killing.

If under normal circumstances, Lin Fei and this mid-level Kuhai-level planner's child were facing the enemy, they might have to fight a battle to tell the winner.

However, after performing the Assassination Secret Surgery in Infernal Sutra, as long as there is a chance, you can kill the enemy with one move!

This is the terrible thing about Infernal Sutra.

"kill him!"

The children of the family planner, one by one, his eyes were torn apart.

Several black giant palms, with a terrible breath of death, thundered from several different directions.

There were also a few magic weapons, exuding powerful energy and pressure, and they also bombarded Lin Fei.

Lin Fei pulled out his long sword and stepped out in a few steps, leaving a trace of light under his feet with every step. The trajectory of his figure was very mysterious, and he instantly avoided fierce attacks.

The long sword trembles and brings up two heads. These are the children of two planners with the strength of the emperor [man novel network].

"Kill together, kill this dog!"

"Yes, the purpose of this person to disrupt the party is already very clear, and he cannot be allowed to leave alive!"

The other young warriors all around finally reacted.

This Purple Moon Villa gathering is a grand gathering for the young generation of the Eastern Region. Unexpectedly, someone broke in to disturb knowledge and murders, and it will be spread out in the future. Every young warrior who participated in this gathering will have no face. .


One by one young warriors rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Well, let's kill it today!"

Lin Fei's eyes flashed fiercely.

Unfolding the body technique, the figure is almost in a transparent state, only a faint shadow can be vaguely seen.

call out!

Lin Fei rushed out of the crowd at the mysterious pace.

Bang bang bang...

Five or six young martial artists with strength in the emperor realm were punched by Lin Fei one by one, smashing into a cloud of blood mist.

With Lin Fei's current terrifying physical power of 150 million catties, combined with the magical self-created method, he killed the warrior with the strength of the emperor realm and turned his back!


A copper furnace the size of a fist rushed out of Lin Fei's body, instantly zoomed in, reaching a height of one hundred meters, suspended in the high air, and the terrible amount of pressure like a mountain spread out in all directions.

Suddenly, the surrounding martial artists below the strength of the Bitter Sea Realm seemed to be stuck in the mud, their bodies were difficult to move, and they were suppressed by the pressure of the copper furnace.

"It's Ji Wushuang's magic weapon!

I see, he is Lin Fei! "

Someone cried out in surprise.

Suddenly, everyone around him was completely shocked.

Now, the entire Eastern Region, the people who are being tracked, have actually appeared here!

"Haha, yes, I am Lin Fei, don't you guys want to find me. I'm here!"

Lin Fei hung a 100-meter copper furnace on his head, holding a sword of infiniteness, black hair dancing wildly, laughed.

"Die to me!"

Lin Fei pointed to the copper furnace above his head. Suddenly, the series of copper furnaces shook with a torrent of noise, the furnace lid was removed, and four fires of different colors rushed out.

Four seas of fire, like four giant dragons, swept out.


In the surrounding area, all the warriors below the sea of ​​bitterness were already struck by the shock of the copper furnace, and now they were all submerged in the sea of ​​fire, instantly burning into nothingness.

With a wave of Lin Fei, a picture scroll rushed out and spread out in the air, shaking in the wind, ten large mountains rushed out, shaking the void again and again.

Boom boom boom...

The ten large mountains exuded terrible energy pressure, smashing all around.

In the chaos, the bodies of many young warriors were smashed into flesh.

Of course, they are all martial artists whose strength cultivation is below the bitter sea realm.

Those young warriors with the strength of the bridge realm could fully cope with the attacks of the ten big mountains without being hurt.


In the chaos, suddenly a loud shout came.

A huge finger with purple light flew from a distance and hit the copper furnace above Lin Fei's head.


The copper furnace shook sharply and slammed aside.

Lin Fei was shocked, a real master made a move.


The sky above Lin Fei's head was constantly trembling, and then a dozen or so bright stars appeared abruptly, and each star was so heavy and terribly heavy. With a slight movement, it exhausted the air in a space and turned it into a vacuum. .

A dozen stars all hit Lin Fei.

"Well, it's time to escape!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei understood that just now he was just taking advantage of the chaos to rush and kill for a while, and in the chaos, he killed many warriors below the strength of the sea of ​​suffering.

In this Purple Moon Villa, there are many masters of the younger generation, especially those disciples of the Saint Child and Saint Woman level, whose combat power is very terrifying.

Once you fight, you are probably not your opponent.

So, Lin Fei moved his mind and quickly took the bronze furnace and scroll into his body.

Then, use the power of space, step into the void in one step, and leave through space.

After Lin Fei passed through the chaotic void, in Ziyue Villa, Lin Fei's breath was completely lost.

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