Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1391: Leaving Ziyue Villa

Lin Fei walked through the space, and soon appeared more than 5,000 meters away, and then unfolded his own body skills, and quietly left outside the Purple Moon Villa.

Lin Fei's current body technique combines the essence of the infinite body technique, traversing space, and the three dragons, which can perfectly hide his own traces.

Let Lin Fei become magical, can appear at any time, disappear at any time.

Unless there is a superb master with superb divine consciousness present, there are not many warriors who can capture Lin Fei's breath and traces.

After a while, Lin Fei was already six or seven kilometers away from Ziyue Villa.

Lin Fei stood in mid-air, set his figure slightly, and returned to Ziyue Villa.

At this moment, the entire Ziyue Villa was completely plunged into chaos.

Numerous young warriors shouted in the villa, searching for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

There were also some young warriors who chased out of Ziyue Villa and rushed to the area near Ziyue Villa, looking for Lin Fei's trace.

At this time, Lin Fei was already using the Immortal Body Method, perfectly integrated in the space, in a state of invisibility.

"Hey, this time there is a big uproar, it is estimated that the entire Eastern Region will be a sensation."

Lin Fei felt very hearty in his heart.

However, Lin Fei knew that after the news spread, many warriors in the entire Eastern Region would continue to come to this area in search of their whereabouts.

Even some of the top masters, it is possible to go out in person.

Because, I am now the warrior of the entire Eastern Region, the person I want to find.

"It seems that I have to leave this area as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

Lin Fei understands that once the real masters come, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to hide his traces.

Because those real masters are terrifying, their strengths reach the sky, and their divine perception capabilities are extremely powerful. It won't be difficult to find someone.

However, just when Lin Fei was about to expand her Shenfa and leave.


Lin Fei smiled with joy.

Because, at this time, Lin Fei suddenly felt the existence of A Zi.

A Zi left a ray of soul imprint in Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea. Within a certain range, Lin Fei could feel A Zi's breath.

"Azi, is that you?"

Lin Fei immediately sent a voice of divine consciousness in the direction of Azi's breath.

"Master, it's really you!

It's strange, how can I feel you, but I can't see you! "

Lin Fei immediately received a surprise transmission from Azi.

Then, Lin Fei saw outside Ziyue Mountain Villa, about two to three kilometers away, in a dense forest, behind a towering tree, a young woman with a very ordinary appearance came out cautiously.

The young woman's attire looked like an ordinary disciple from a certain sect in the Eastern Region.

Anyone who saw her would have no doubt.

However, Lin Fei knew immediately that this ordinary-looking young woman was Azi!

Immediately, Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

As soon as his figure moved, he was already teleported to A Zi, showing his figure.

"Master, it's you!"

Azi almost jumped up with joy.

"Azi, are you all right.


I heard that there are many human warriors who are hunting you down! "

Lin Fei asked three questions in a row.

"Boy, I am here."

As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, a figure appeared in a space nearby, it was a goblin.

"Great, you two are fine."

Looking at Azi and the goblin in front of him, they were safe and sound, and Lin Fei was finally completely relieved.

"I seem to have discovered the whereabouts of that kid! Over there!"

Just after Lin Fei showed his figure, within a few breaths, there were a dozen young warriors rushing over here.

"Let's get out of here first, and then speak slowly."

Lin Fei felt the shape of the dozens of flying by, couldn't help but frown, said helplessly.

As a result, Azi immediately entered the magic orb, while Lin Fei and the goblin passed directly into the space and disappeared.

After a breath.

A dozen young warriors arrived.

"No, let him run away again."

"This Lin Fei's body style is really weird and terrible.

It's just magical! "

These young warriors couldn't help but sigh one after another as they searched nearby.

After Lin Fei left Ziyue Villa, he stopped staying, and left far away at the fastest speed without stopping.

At this time, there was chaos in Ziyue Villa. There were dozens of people killed by Lin Fei just now.

Many of them are children of family planning.

A day later, what happened in Ziyue Villa began to spread quickly.

Lin Fei broke into the gathering of the young generations of the Eastern Region held by Ziyue Mountain Villa, killing dozens of young warriors.

This news triggered shocking consequences.

Soon, the masters of all sects, various forces, and even many casual repairs began to come one after another. In a large area near Ziyue Villa, a carpet search was carried out, and this area was almost turned over. Bottom upturned.

Because Lin Fei is related to the whereabouts of the real treasure of the Purple Mansion.

In the entire Eastern Region, there are countless warriors who want to find Lin Fei.

But one of the three major families in the Eastern Region, the senior management of the family, was completely caught in rage.

Ziyue Villa is the property of the family planning.

Lin Fei killed so many planners in Ziyue Villa.

This was an open slap in the face, and for the planner, it was a very serious provocation.

Among the planners, a large number of troops were sent to hunt down Lin Fei, vowing to kill Lin Fei.

Moreover, the planner issued a reward order, no matter who can take the head of the Lin Fei item and hand it to the planner, he will receive a reward of 400 million crystals of uprightness!

Such a generous bounty naturally made many warriors in the Eastern Region be tempted.

Since the last time he carried away the coffin of the real person in the Purple Mansion, Lin Fei once again became the focal point of the entire Eastern Region.

Ten days later.

Lin Fei finally returned to the small mountain village outside the base.

In the past ten days, Lin Fei hid his traces, cautiously, and came back quietly all the way.

On the way, he also disguised himself and used the small teleportation array to transmit.

Fortunately, those small teleportation arrays in the Eastern Region, under normal circumstances, can be teleported as long as they are willing to pay, and the identity check is not very strict.

In the small mountain village, people from the base were guarding them. They recognized Lin Fei and immediately sent Lin Fei back to the base.

After returning to the base, Lin Fei's nerves that had been tight for more than ten days were completely relaxed.

In the base, above a certain kind of tall mountain.

Inside a palace, the great elder is in it.


This little guy is finally back! "

The grand elder's face suddenly revealed a pleasant surprise.

In addition to the great elder, all the high-level figures in the base felt Lin Fei's breath for the first time.

No way, this disciple is so well-known in the Eastern Region, he is simply a figure that no one knows in the Eastern Region.

There is no way for these high-level figures in the Cangyan Holy Land base to not pay attention to Lin Fei.

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