Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1392: Brother Zhanfang

"Elder, do you want to find Lin Fei and ask about the real treasure of the Purple Mansion?"

As soon as Lin Fei entered the base, Deacon Feng sent a voice transmission to the elder to ask.

"Being not.

Look at the situation first, and then decide. "

The great elder pondered for a while before speaking slowly.

After Lin Fei returned to the base, he immediately returned to the low mountain where he lived.

However, after a long distance, Lin Fei's figure stopped.

Because of Lin Fei's divine consciousness, on the low mountain, he felt the figure of Senior Brother Fang.

Suddenly, Lin Fei couldn't help but become angry.

It seems that this period of time, I am not here, this senior brother Fang must be constantly harassing Qing Luo.

Last time, when he went to the burial site of the real Zi Mansion, this senior brother Fang forced Lin Fei away again.

It can be said that Lin Fei had already seen clearly what Senior Brother Fang was, and he was a man who did nothing to achieve his goal.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed ruthlessly.

The figure moved and disappeared.

After a few breaths.

Above the low mountain.

"Qingluo, don't you realize it at all after my painstaking effort?"

A blue-clothed man, standing in front of the hut, had a sincere tone and seemed very emotional.

"Senior Brother Fang, I'll say it again, I already have a man.

You saw it last time.

Please be more self-respect and don't bother me again! "

Inside the hut, Qing Luo heard a very impatient voice.

During this period of time, this Senior Brother Fang had to come every day, and he was already tired of Qing Luo.

However, his realm is very terrifying, it is the strength of the **** bridge realm, Qing Luo looks too weak in front of him, and has no strength to drive him away.

"Qing Luo, I don't think that Lin Fei is worthy of you.

When you are with him, you have wronged yourself.

I don't allow this to happen. "

Senior Brother Fang said slowly.

"you are wrong!

He is the best in my eyes! "

Qing Luo said.

"Qing Luo, you were deceived by him."

Brother Fang is not forgiving.

at this time.

Suddenly, Senior Brother Fang's face suddenly changed, and a terrifying murderous intent firmly locked him.

In a hurry, I saw his figure dashing out desperately to the side.


A white long sword pierced from where Brother Fang stood just now.

Then, Lin Fei's figure appeared with the long sword.

"It's you!"

Senior Brother Fang was shocked and angry, and cried out.

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

The trick he used to use the secret technique in the Infernal Sutra was a very clever assassination move.

Unexpectedly, this Senior Brother Fang actually sensed it in advance, and avoided the past when Qian Junyi shot.

This amazing perception ability is much stronger than most of the **** bridge realm masters.

"You are finally back!"

As soon as Lin Fei appeared, Qing Luo had already sensed it and rushed out of the hut, hugging Lin Fei.

"Are you OK."

Lin Fei nodded, stroking Qing Luo's hair with his hand and asked.

"I'm very good."

Qingluo Xiaoniao looks very docile.

Seeing Qing Luo rushing out to hold Lin Fei on his own, Senior Brother Fang couldn't help but twist his face with anger.

However, Lin Fei's sword just now made him very jealous.

If his reaction just slowed down a bit, he might have been pierced by the long sword.

"This little thief, how can he cultivate such a weird and terrifying body technique?"

Senior Brother Fang thought secretly, feeling lingering.

"Huh, Qingluo, one day, you will understand who is the most suitable man for you."

Seeing Qingluo and Lin Fei hugged each other, the demeanor was as affectionate as possible, wherever he could stay, he gave a cold snort, dropped his sleeves, unfolded his body, and left the rockery instantly.

"Come as you say, leave as you like, what do you think of this place!"

Lin Fei's eyes were harsh, and her figure swayed before disappearing.

next moment.

The white long sword appeared beside Senior Brother Fang and cut his head away.

I have to say that this Senior Brother Fang's sense of consciousness is terrifying.

In an instant, he felt a wave of killing intent, and he hurried to the side of his figure, which was able to avoid the long sword.

However, the white sword also cut off a strand of his hair.

"court death!"

Senior Brother Fang was furious, and a huge palm print made up of heavy blue waves whizzed out, blasted the air, and rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's figure flashed, stepping repeatedly in mid-air, evading, and trails of light trailing behind him formed a mysterious arc trajectory.

Hh hh...

Lin Fei's stature was wandering, flickering and appearing, and the long sword in his hand continuously stabbed at Senior Brother Fang, blooming with terrifying murderous intent.

Lin Fei unfolded the secret of assassination in the Infernal Sutra, with every move and every style, going straight forward, using dangerous moves, and interpreting the essence of quick, accurate, and ruthless assassinations to the fullest.


Senior Brother Fang burst out like electricity, violent energy, madly spreading out in all directions, screaming and huge waves, with his body as the center, sweeping out in layers in a ring shape, loud rumbling noise, far away Spread.

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly startled.

If he hadn't relied on his clever body skills, under his offensive, he would have already lost.

The realm of Senior Brother Fang was the intermediate **** bridge realm, and his combat power was very strong.

Although Lin Fei continued to perform various assassination secrets in the Infernal Sutra, he could not hurt him at all.

After fighting for a while.

Lin Fei disappeared with a move.

In the next moment, Lin Fei's figure appeared thousands of meters away, looking at the senior brother Fang coldly.

Brother Fang also looked at Lin Fei.

He knew that Lin Fei's body style was too weird, and it was not easy for him to kill Lin Fei.

Besides, this is the base, and it is impossible for him to kill in the base.


After the two looked at each other for a while, Senior Brother Fang let out a cold snort, his figure flashed, and he was gone in an instant.

Lin Fei looked at the back of Senior Brother Fang, feeling a little jealous.

In the fierce battle just now, if he hadn't relied on a strange and mysterious method, he would have been defeated long ago.

"You have broken through to the Elementary Emperor Realm!"

In the battle just now, Qing Luo knew very clearly, knowing that Lin Fei was now in the realm of the primary emperor realm.

"haha, yes.

You are not bad, the realm of a high-level half emperor.

I believe it won't take long for you to break through to the Emperor Realm. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

It turned out that Qingluo's current realm was already a high-level half emperor.

After a long absence, Lin Fei and Qing Luo sat around the stone table in front of the hut, cuddling each other, as if they had endless words.

after one day.

Senior Brother Fang and a few base disciples left the base.

This Senior Brother Fang, in the base, belongs to the core disciple and has relatively large authority.

You can go out often to perform some secret tasks, or go out to practice experience and improve your strength.

After leaving the small mountain village outside the base, Senior Brother Fang took the core disciples from the base and flew all the way out.

A day later, he left the wilderness area where the base was located.

Came to a small town.

"Go, I'll meet a friend, and you guys will go with me and get to know."

Senior Brother Fang said.


The rest of the base disciples couldn't help being taken aback.

Generally speaking, the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land Base have very secret identities.

If you go out, you will generally be careful not to reveal your identity.

How can you have friends outside?

Several base disciples felt very strange.

However, this Senior Brother Fang, in the base, belongs to one of the few talented disciples, and is highly valued by the middle and high-level figures of the base, and belongs to the disciples that the base has cultivated.

Therefore, although the few base disciples felt strange, they didn't have any doubts.

So, under the leadership of Senior Brother Fang, he came to the town, in front of a spacious house.

Immediately, the servant of Tsing Yi greeted him, and greeted Senior Brother Fang into the hall inside the house.

In the hall, sat a thin old man.

"Elder Wu, Lin Fei has returned to the base!

And the three old guys in the base are all in the base!

Act now, you can kill them all! "

When Senior Brother Fang saw the old man, he immediately spoke with excitement.

"Senior Brother Fang, what do you mean!"

After listening to Brother Fang's words, the other base disciples couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly shouted.

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