Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1393: Base crisis

"Hehe, a few juniors, this is the end of the matter, and I don't have to hide it.

In fact, my true identity is a disciple of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

I mixed into the base of Cangyan Holy Land in order to find out the situation of the base.

At present, all the major sects in the Eastern Region are ready to destroy the base in one fell swoop. "

Senior Brother Fang suddenly said with a smug smile.


So you are an undercover agent!

What do you want to do when you bring us here? !"

The disciples of those bases, after hearing Brother Fang's words, couldn't help being shocked, and stepped back.

"Haha, the juniors don't have to worry.

In the base, I have the best friendship with a few juniors.

Therefore, I would like to recommend a few juniors to join us at the sacred place in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Moreover, several juniors can rest assured that your qualifications and strengths will definitely be cultivated by our sacred place in the early Yuan Dynasty.

I think that several juniors are all sensible people, and it should be very clear how to choose. "

Senior Brother Fang said lightly.

In the hall, the stern gaze of Elder Wu also stared at a few base disciples coldly, waiting for them to choose.

"Fang Yulang, the elder is so kind to you, it turns out you are an undercover!

The Great Elder will not let you go! "

Suddenly, a base disciple's figure flashed, dragging an afterimage, and quickly went outside the house.

"Hmph, what do you think is here? Just come and leave if you want!"

A cold voice sounded, and a middle-aged man suddenly appeared, blocking the path of the base disciple.


The middle-aged man waved his hand, slapped his head on the base disciple's head, and slapped his head to pieces.

The rest of the base disciples couldn't help being frightened.

This middle-aged man is extremely powerful, and his realm strength is much higher than them. They cannot be opponents.

In the end, several base disciples, under the threat of death, agreed to join the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Haha, well, those who know the current affairs are handsome!

Immediately notify the various factions, saying that Lin Fei has already returned to the base of Cangyan Holy Land, and now is the best time to destroy the base of Cangyan Holy Land. "

Then Elder Wu was very happy, laughed loudly.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, soon I will have you kneel in front of me and lick the soles of my feet.

And that **** Qingluo, I will definitely be Lin Fei's face and play with her fiercely! "

Fang Yulang's face faintly showed a sense of invigoration.

He was in a good mood when he thought that Lin Fei would be tortured soon.

Soon, the news was secretly transmitted.

A day later, some large sects in the Eastern Region sent troops to surround the Cangyan Holy Land base.

Soon, the people and horses all over the mountains surrounded the small mountain village outside the Cangyan Holy Land base.

"The people in this small mountain village are all people from the Cangyan Holy Land. Just erase this small mountain village directly!"

High in the sky, a rumbling voice sounded.


A huge Yuanli palm of several hundred acres, carrying the irresistible power of heaven and earth, appeared in the sky above the small village, and rumbling down to the small village below.


Just like punishment from the sky, the terrifying force of the wind blows frantically.

The giant palm hasn't really fallen yet, and the stone houses in the small mountain village have crumbled, and the sound of rocks in the sky splashes.

"An enemy is coming!"

In fact, all the villagers in the small mountain village belonged to Cangyan Holy Land. At this time, they also discovered the situation, and their figures rose to the sky.

It's just that this giant palm of Yuanli power was displayed by a terrifying master's power, which can be resisted by ordinary warriors.

Bang bang bang...

Under the suppression of the terrible Yuanli force, the villagers in the small villages burst into pieces and turned into blood mist.

"Quickly notify the Great Elder!"

Someone yelled frantically.

Immediately, someone transmitted the situation into the base.

"The thing that worries me the most has finally happened!"

In the base, above a peak, in the palace, the great long suddenly stood up, his face gloomy, and muttered.

"Notify all the disciples that an enemy is coming!

Everyone, immediately pack up things as quickly as possible and prepare to evacuate! "

The elder general issued the order.

"What! An enemy is coming to attack the base!"

After Lin Fei received the news, she couldn't help being stunned.

The location of the base is very remote and hidden, unexpectedly, it was discovered.

Lin Fei and Qing Luo immediately packed up their things, then rushed to the place where the Evil Shadow Clan lives, and transported all the Evil Shadow Clan members into Lin Fei's city.

After a while.

In the base, all the people are concentrated in the large square.

Outside the base.


The giant palm of Yuanli, which is several hundred acres wide, was constantly swiped and photographed. In a moment, the entire small village was completely wiped out and turned into ruins.

Only a tall, withered giant tree on the east side of the small mountain village has not been destroyed and still stands there.

"Hehe, that dead tree is really weird, it's an entrance to a small space.

This base of Cangyan Holy Land is really secretive. "

High in the sky, a voice said hehe.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and go straight in."

Another voice said loudly.

The high air in all directions was crowded with dense figures, some of which exuded terrible pressure.

at this time.

The huge dead tree on the east side of the small mountain village suddenly glowed, bursting with dazzling crystal light.


A group of silhouettes flew out from it.

The first three elders are exactly the three elders of the base.

After the three elders, more than a thousand people followed.

"Everyone, you have no chance to break into the base of my Cang Saint Flame Land and kill people. What do you mean?"

The great elder looked at the small village in ruins in front of him, and the flesh and blood stumps in the ruins, his face was gloomy and ugly.


Sick old man, you should know what we want to do.

Now, hand over the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldier and Dao Yan Ancient Scripture in your hand, and also hand over Lin Fei.

Otherwise, we will kill! "

In the high sky in the west, a tall old man with white beard and hair paced slowly and stood up and said.

"Yes, sick old man, your Cangyan Holy Land has been perished for more than 1,500 years.

Now there are only three holy places in the Eastern Region.

What are you tossing about? Do you think that with your ability, Cangyan Holy Land can really be rebuilt.

This is absolutely impossible. "

High in the east, an old man in Tsing Yi, dazzling glaucoma burst out all over his body, the blazing green light made his face very hazy and he couldn't see clearly.

In other directions, figures of great masters and power levels have also come forward.

The great elder looked at the appearance of the great masters one by one, and couldn't help but look very ugly and cried out badly.

It seems that this time, it is a bit difficult to retreat from the whole body.

These people are all from some major sects in the Eastern Region, including the three holy places, the people of the three great families, and some first-class major sects in the Eastern Region.

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