Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1394: All factions

"It seems that you sects have been secretly searching for the base of my Cangyan Holy Land, and always want to destroy my Cangyan Holy Land. (

The elder's eyes scanned slowly, showing anger.

"Haha, sick old man, you are serious.

We haven't been looking for your Cangyan Holy Land base at all, because we don't need it, we already knew the existence of this base.

Yulang, come out and meet the sick old man. "

In the western sky, the tall old man with white beard and hair suddenly laughed.


A young voice said, and then a young man in blue walked out from the camp behind the old man with white beard and hair.

"So it was you! Fang Yulang!"

The elder's gaze suddenly shrank, as if he understood something at once.

"Look, it is Brother Fang, what is going on?"

"Yes, it is Brother Fang Yulang from our base. Has he betrayed the base?"

Suddenly, the base disciples behind the Great Elder also started talking in surprise.

"I understand, he must have reported the secrets, and these sects in the Eastern Region knew the specific location of this base!"

Lin Fei's gaze was also staring at the Fang Yulang who was high in the sky, and it suddenly became clear in his heart.

"Fang Yulang, why, the base has always treated you well!"

The great elder gritted his teeth and said, the feeling of being betrayed by others was uncomfortable.

"Haha, don't ask why, Yulang was originally a core disciple of our holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

He entered your Cangyan Holy Land to inquire about your base.

Originally, I wanted to wait for Yulang to become the core disciple of your base and get your Dao Yan Jing before starting to act.

However, now for the treasure of the real Zifu, I had to take action in advance.

Haha, by the way, you have to thank Lin Fei, the disciple of your base. If it were not for him, we might not have acted so early. "

The old man with white hair and beard laughed.

So that's the case!

All the people in the base suddenly realized that Fang Yulang turned out to be a disciple from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty, sneaking into the base as an undercover agent!

The location of this base was actually leaked early in the morning.

"Oh? Did you know that Lin Fei was a disciple of our base?"

The face of the great elder is very ugly.

"Not bad.

When I looked at Lin Fei's portrait, I knew he was a disciple of your Cangyan Holy Land.

Because, I still have a ring fight with him, how could I not recognize him! "

At this time, one of the mighty brutal cavalry squadrons in the east high in the sky suddenly laughed proudly.

Zou Shan!

After listening to this brutal cavalry, the elder and Lin Fei immediately knew who he was.

This brutal cavalry is exactly the disciple of Tianliang Holy Land, Zou Shan.

Lin Fei realized it only now. It seemed that the big sects in the Eastern Region knew that they were disciples of the Cangyan Holy Land Base.

Before, these big sects kept silent, just to wait until they returned to the base before they attacked in a big way and took the opportunity to capture themselves.


It seems that you big Eastern sects really took a lot of effort to destroy our Cangyan Holy Land! "

The great elder smiled angrily.

"Lin Fei!

Your death date is here! "

High in the sky, Fang Yulang dressed in a blue shirt, staring at Lin Fei, and said in a proud tone.

"Qing Luo, you finally understand now, you followed Lin Fei this rubbish, it was the wrong choice.

He is dead today!

Qingluo, if you change your mind now and are willing to follow me, I can recommend you to join us in the early Yuan sacred place and get the key training of our early Yuan sacred place. "

Fang Yulang stared at Qing Luo, his eyes were unabashedly on Qing Luo's body, and he looked up and down, revealing a certain desire.

"Hmph, a traitor who is not as good as a beast, you are not worthy to talk to me!"

Qingluo Liu's eyebrows are erected, her face is like frost, and she shouts coldly.

"Well, very good, bitch, in that case, you must not fall into my hands.

Hey, I want you to kneel on the ground and beg me for mercy! "

Fang Yulang gritted his teeth.

"Fang Yulang, based on your words, Lin Fei, I swear, I will kill you!"

Lin Fei stared at Fang Yulang, with infinite murderous intent surging.

"Lin Fei, don't talk in your dreams. You killed so many people in my family. Do you think you can escape today!"

In the high air to the north, a very bitter voice suddenly rang, and a black-clothed youth stared at Lin Fei angrily.

It is Ji Tianji.

During the gathering at Ziyue Villa, Lin Fei suddenly broke in, slaughtered and killed many people.

Among them, the children of the family planner have died the most.

This account cannot be easily stopped.

"Sick old man, in today's situation, you can hardly escape.

I persuade you to have no sense of struggling, and immediately hand over the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldier and Dao Yan Jing in your hand.

Perhaps, we can consider giving you a way of life and only abolish your cultivation, instead of killing you, so that you can live in peace.

Otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel! "

In the western sky, the tall old man with white hair and beard spoke lightly.

Suddenly, in the high air in all directions, the beasts roared, countless terrifying auras gathered into an indescribable coercion, falling from the sky, and the whole land was constantly trembling.

The dense forests and mountain peaks nearby are constantly shattering under this terrible pressure, and the area within a radius of several thousand miles has become a shocking ruin.

These Eastern Territory Great Sects had been prepared for a long time and sent a large number of masters, who really started to crush everything.

All the people in Cangyan Holy Land add up to just over a thousand people.

The difference in strength is too great.

"Hahaha, stop talking nonsense, I want to destroy the inheritance of my Cangyan Holy Land, unless I step on my corpse!"

The sick old man looked up to the sky and laughed with a tragic look.

"Hmph, don't toast, eat fine wine, if that's the case, you don't have to waste time anymore, just kill all!"

Lin Fei, the one who has repeatedly killed my housekeeper, let us take care of it. "

High in the north, a radiant figure exuding its entire body, said coldly.

"Hahaha, old man Ji, Lin Fei has the treasure of a real person in the Purple Mansion. What's the possibility is just leave it to your family to deal with it.

After catching Lin Fei at that time, he slowly thought about it. "

High in the west, the tall old man with white beard and hair laughed.

"After we started, the three elders of us came to block them. Don't fall in love with each other, and try your best to rush out.

Those who can escape should find a place to hide and do not show up easily. "

The Great Elder suddenly sent a voice transmission to every base disciple behind him.

"Do it!"

The great elder stretched out his hand and a small and exquisite nine-story crimson tower appeared in his palm.


A terrible coercion spread out from the small tower, and in an instant, the whole world became still.

Looking at the small tower, in everyone's heart, there is a deep tremor from the depths of the soul.

"Be careful!

This is an extremely immortal soldier, everyone will withdraw later! "

High in the sky, there was a roar of fear.

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