Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1395: The power of the immortal soldier

call out!

The small and exquisite nine-story crimson tower rushed up, followed by three figures, who were the three elders of the base.


The vitality in the three elders spewed out, like three rivers, continuously transmitted into the small tower.


The whole space roared like a rag being shaken vigorously.

An unimaginable coercion enveloped the entire world in an instant, and no one could resist. Many people almost fell to the ground almost at the same time.

Many warriors shuddered from the depths of their souls, and there was an urge to kneel down and worship. This was completely involuntary, as if facing a god, full of natural awe.

This is the supernatural power of the Extreme Immortal Soldier!

"What, impossible!

Unexpectedly, you three old guys, the realm of strength, have broken through to this point, and the three of you can activate the extreme fairy soldiers! "

High in the east, the tall, white beard and hair old man in the Holy Land of Yuan Dynasty couldn't help crying in surprise.

The rest of the masters of the various schools and factions of the Eastern Territory also showed a look of extreme jealousy.

The activated Extreme Immortal Soldier is so powerful that it cannot be resisted by humans.

"Yes, it's not so easy to destroy the inheritance of my Cangyan Holy Land!"

The great elder screamed.


An indescribable red light rushed out of the small tower, like a roar of a violent wind, like a galloping horse.

The vast ocean of terrifying red coercion completely dyed the world into a sea of ​​blood, and everyone felt that they were being drowned in a sea of ​​blood.

"Go back!"

A great expert felt bad and shouted.

Puff puff puff...

In the high air all around, among the people from all sects of the Eastern Territory, there were people who were constantly exploding to pieces. The bones and meat were rotten on the spot, turning into masses of blood and mud, and they died on the spot.

In less than half a breath, the men and horses of the major sects of the Eastern Region did not know how many deaths and injuries, countless blood, flesh, bones, and slag, fell from the sky crackling like a heavy rain.

"Is this the power of the Extreme Immortal Soldier?"

Lin Fei looked at this scene in front of him, and his heart felt like a turbulent wave.

It's been a while since Lin Fei came to the Sovereign Continent. Naturally, he had already heard of the immortal soldiers of the extreme way.

Legend has it that in the Sovereign Continent, the Extreme Immortal Soldier represents the ultimate magic weapon in the world.

Every Extreme Immortal Soldier is the legendary master of Immortal Realm, who has worked hard and exhausted all his life's energy to cast. Many great abilities of Immortal Transformation can only cast one Extreme Immortal Soldier throughout his entire life.

A truly activated Extreme Path Immortal Soldier can exert its power, which is completely equivalent to a real Transmigrating Wonderland power coming in person, and it is not something that humans can resist.

It is said that in every holy place and in every family, there is an extremely immortal soldier.

This is one of the biggest reasons why the three holy places and three aristocratic families can dominate the Eastern Region.

Because once the Extreme Immortal Soldier came out, no master dared to confront it directly!

"Want to destroy my Cangyan Holy Land? Pay the price of blood first."

The three elders of Cangyan Holy Land were in a crazy state, and the Yuanli in their bodies turned into three monstrous rivers of Yuanli, rumblingly transmitted to the nine-story crimson small tower.

Activating the Extreme Immortal Soldier requires a terrifying amount of vitality. At this time, the three elders of the base are trying to burn the vitality in their own body.

Unless you can kill the enemy quickly, things will be very bad when your body's vitality is exhausted.


The small tower shook constantly, and a terrifying mighty power that could not be resisted by humans rushed in all directions like a tide.

Puff puff puff...

Distributed in all directions, the people of the major religious sects in the Eastern Region, and many people's bodies are constantly exploding, and there is no time to scream, and their appearance and spirit are destroyed.

Under this kind of supernatural power, let your peerless Tianjiao, possess the great supernatural powers, and be vulnerable. Like a chicken dog, you will be beaten in an instant, with nothing left.

"I will open a way out for you, you rush out quickly!"

The Great Elder said to the base disciples behind him.


The small tower shook constantly, and the red light rushed into the sky, making everyone afraid to look at it with naked eyes.

A terrifying divine might that could not be resisted by humans, surging like a tide, and an indescribably terrifying sea of ​​red blood, headed northwest and slammed far away.


The earth was shaking. In the northwest direction, everything, including the mountains, dense forests, and all the men and horses arranged in this direction by the main sects of the Eastern Region, disappeared in an instant, and turned into nothingness.

On the ground, there was a huge gully several kilometers wide and invisible deep.

One way out was hit like this.

"You guys rush out!"

With a wave of the great elder, more than a thousand people from the Cangyan Holy Land base rushed out to the northwest.

Naturally, Lin Fei followed the other base disciples, desperately unfolding their body skills, and rushed towards the northwest together.

"Huh! Sick old man, do you think that you are the only one who has an immortal soldier!"

In that case, destroy this land! "

High in the sky, someone shouted.


A white jade bracelet suddenly appeared high in the sky.

An ocean-like terrifying power, descending from the sky, appeared strong and domineering, and its power was boundless, making everyone feel shocked.

It's another extreme fairy soldier!

Rumble rumbling...

In the other direction, an ancient seal appeared. This ancient seal was golden all over, as if it were made of gold.

Gu Yin shook lightly, as if to shock the heavens.


The ancient seal exploded with a dazzling golden yellow light, and a burst of terrifying aura emitted, the void continued to collapse, and a series of dark void cracks appeared.

It's another extreme fairy soldier!

It turned out that this time, to encircle and suppress the base of the Cangyan Holy Land, just in case, there are super masters from the Holy Land and aristocratic families, bringing the Extreme Way Immortal Soldier.

"Oh my god, there are three extreme immortal soldiers appearing here!"

Someone broke out with a roar of hissing heart and lungs, which was extremely shocking

"Everyone, leave quickly!

Go and kill those disciples in Cangyan Holy Land.

This place has become a battlefield between the immortal soldiers of the extreme way, and it is not something human can interfere with! "

High in the sky, the tall, white beard and hair old man in the Holy Land of Yuan Dynasty said loudly.

That ancient seal was created by him.

This ancient seal is an extremely immortal soldier that has been passed down from ancient times in the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Hurry up! The three extreme immortal soldiers, once they fight, we will all die!"

"Not bad! Go as fast as you can!"

The great sects of the Eastern Region all retreated quickly.

"Chasing, kill all the disciples in Cangyan Holy Land, don't let any of them go!"


Over the mountains and plains, countless people and horses chased and killed the more than 1,000 disciples in the Cangyan Holy Land.

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