Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1397: Reappearance

"You have no chance.

Don't worry, you will soon realize that life is better than death. "

The black-clothed old man of the family planner looked at Lin Fei indifferently and said.

Then, when he waved his hand, Lin Fei immediately felt that an invisible rope was bound to him, dragged his body, and flew to the position of the black-clothed old man of the family planner.

Lin Fei was shocked, and with a thought, the small god-conscious cauldron rushed out in an instant and slammed into the sea storm of the black-clothed old man.


With your cultivation base, it is strange to be able to perform such a strange spiritual attack.

It seems that you kid, there must be a secret in you, and I will study it carefully. "

The black-clothed old man of the family planner said coldly, and then, from his head, a terrifying divine power like a vast ocean burst out, and with a bang, it knocked Lin Fei’s divine consciousness small cauldron and flew back. .

Lin Fei was implicated and felt a sharp pain in the sea.

However, fortunately, there was a soul tree, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness was instantly frozen.

The soul tree can withstand at least ten times the divine consciousness attack, which is Lin Fei's magic weapon to resist the divine consciousness attack of others.

"Hey, I think you have no chance to study this kid."

at this time.

Suddenly a thin old man appeared next to Lin Fei, and smiled at the black-clothed old man in the family planner.

Lin Fei suddenly felt that the confined space around him had instantly returned to normal.

His body no longer flew towards the old man in the family plan.

"Old man at the stall! It's you!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed. This old man who appeared suddenly was the layman of the earth.

"Yes, it's me, let's go."

The old man at the stall smiled at Lin Fei, although he was a bit slippery no matter how he looked at it, but at this time, Lin Fei was calling long live in his heart.

I have to say that this old stallion man appeared too timely.

"who are you!

Humph, it’s not that easy to take this kid away! "

The black-clothed old man of the Ji family looked at the old man in the stall, his face a bit solemn.

"You can't stop me!"

The old man at the stall glared at the black-clothed old man in the Ji family with a flick of his sleeves, and a terrifying force of power rushed past him.


The old man in black clothes was thrown away far away.

"too strong!"

Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded. This black-clothed old man of the planner was unfathomable, and he could confine the space with his gestures.

However, in front of the old man at the stall, he was as weak as a child, and he flicked his sleeves out.

"Let's go."

The old man dragged Lin Fei and was about to leave.

"Old man, I can't abandon my senior brothers. You are so powerful, so please help them as you please."

Lin Fei said.


Boy, do you think I am almighty?

You see, there are a few real masters over there, who haven't started to come over yet.

Once they come, I may not be able to beat them. "

The old man at the stall pointed his finger in a direction.

Lin Fei looked at it, and sure enough, there were several old men sitting in that direction, and every old man exuded a terrible aura.

"Hurry up, those old guys found me!"

Suddenly, the old man exclaimed.

Sure enough, the elders whom the old man at the stall had just pointed, all looked at the old man at the stall.

"It turned out to be a layman in the land, huh, do you want to take Lin Fei away? It's not that easy!"

The old men flickered and rushed over here.

"Old man, you are so capable, please save these brothers of mine."

Lin Fei said.

"Damn, you kid, why is it so troublesome.

If I knew it, I would leave you alone.

When those old guys rushed over, we couldn't escape! "

The old man at the stall was cursing.


A stream of light rushed out of his body. It was the worn-out copper plate that Lin Fei had seen last time. In the middle of the copper plate, there was a silver needle floating.

Huh hoo hoo...

The worn-out copper plate began to spin in mid-air quickly, and the mysterious and difficult runes continued to fly out from the copper plate. One by one, the dazzling and dazzling runes flew all over the sky to form a very mysterious starry sky map, faintly, There is a sun, there is a moon, there are endless bright stars.

Suddenly, all the space around it seemed to blend into the starry sky, and it began to become unreal, swaying, constantly rippling and undulating.

Time and space began to displace, and in the starry sky, chains of gleaming light appeared. These chains were all woven from stars. There were so many chains that they continued to extend in all directions.

Each chain rushed towards the disciples of a base, instantly tied their bodies and dragged them over.

The four deacons, including the base, were also tied up.

"Everyone, don't resist, there are experts who are saving us!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed and immediately sent the divine consciousness voice to all the base disciples.

Huh hoo hoo...

Almost all of a sudden, all the people and horses in the base were dragged back to the copper plate by the sparkling chains, and then all disappeared.

"Let's go!"

The old man dragged Lin Fei, rushed to the copper plate, and disappeared in the copper plate instantly.

call out!

The dilapidated copper plate, at this moment, was an extremely dazzling crystal light, which trembled slightly and disappeared instantly.

"Huh, it's not that easy!"

An old man in grey clothes arrived and shouted coldly.

I saw his right hand, and suddenly there was an extra fishing rod.

call out!

With a wave of the fishing rod in the hand of the gray-clothed old man, a gray silk thread fell far away. At the end of the gray silk thread, there was a cold shining fish hook.

The gray silk thread seemed to extend endlessly.

at last.


There was a crisp metal impact, and the cold-lighting fish hook hooked the worn-out copper plate from the distant sky and dragged it back.

"Hehe, time and space disk, it's nothing more than that!"

The gray-clothed old man smiled triumphantly and lifted it hard, trying to retract the fishing rod.


The dilapidated copper plate trembled slightly, a flaming crystal light burst out, and the terrifying coercion passed out like a vast ocean.

In an instant, he flew the fish hook backside down.

"how is this possible!"

The gray-clothed old man exclaimed in surprise, showing a look of disbelief.

call out!

The copper plate disappeared again.

"Elder Lu, what's going on!

Why don't you intercept the old fellow Dadi Jushi! "

At the next moment, four or five old men exuding a terrifying aura [the eighth district] came to the gray-clothed old man one after another.

"The realm of the land layman seems to have broken through!

It seems to be a level higher than me! "

The old man in gray frowned and said.

"What, that old guy, has the realm broken!

In this way, wouldn't his strength be better than ours! "

An old man bathed in blazing purple light said in surprise.

"Damn, I've been stuck in this state, it's been almost a thousand years.

Unexpectedly, the old fellow Dadi Jishi actually broke through one step earlier than me! "

The other old man in black, who was covered in a dark night, had a very ugly face.

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