Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1398: Cangyan Old Land

"I'm sure, it must be because the treasure of the real Purple Mansion fell into the hands of the old fellow Dadi Jishi, which allowed him to break through.

Don't forget, last time, in the cemetery of the real man in the purple mansion, he and Lin Fei carried the coffin of the man in the purple mansion together. "

The old man in gray said.

"Not bad!

It must be the reason for the treasure of the real Zifu.

Let's stop talking nonsense, chase it! "

The other old man's figure flickered, turning into a light spot and chasing it down.

The other elders also chased out one after another.

A day later, the news that the Cangyan Holy Land base was eradicated by several great sects in the Eastern Region spread throughout the Eastern Region, causing a sensation.

The entire Eastern Region warriors knew what Cangyan Holy Land wanted to rebuild.

However, in the past few decades, the development of Cangyan Holy Land has been very low-key, and no one in the Eastern Region knows where its base is.

Unexpectedly, this time, it was eliminated by several big sects.

Soon, more news came out.

In this battle, there are a total of three extremely immortal soldiers passively used.

It is said that the three extremely immortal soldiers fought so dimly that the sun and the moon paled.

After hearing the news, countless warriors rushed to the place of battle to watch the ruins of the battlefield left after the battle of the three extremely immortal soldiers.

Because the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldier, in the Saint Venerable Continent, represents the ultimate magic weapon, ordinary warriors have absolutely no chance to see the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldier.

Every warrior has a strong sense of curiosity about the extreme immortal soldiers.

That location was originally deep mountains and wild ridges, tens of thousands of miles of rugged mountains, countless mountains and large ridges, and endless pieces of primitive dense forest.

However, after the war, there was nothing left.

All mountains, high mountains, large ridges, and primitive dense forests were all erased and cut into flat land, one flat river and thousands of miles away.

Moreover, the entire battlefield is filled with terrifying killing intent, and from time to time, you can encounter endless auras of destruction, which turns into gusts of wind and howls.

It is said that among those warriors who ran to see the excitement, many warriors were torn to pieces instantly by the terrifying killing intent left over from the battlefield because they went deep into the battlefield.

Soon, there were not many warriors who dared to enter the battlefield left by the three extreme immortal soldiers.

Two days passed.

Another major event occurred in the Eastern Region.

In the Eastern Territory, there are two four-ranked sects of strength, which disappeared collectively overnight, and the whereabouts of all the people in the sect are unknown.

These two schools are Sun-Moon School and Cangling School.

It is said that the Sun-Moon Sect and the Cangling Sect, in fact, belong to the branch secretly controlled by the Cangyan Holy Land.

At this time, the old man at the stall took Lin Fei and fled all the way. After ten days, he finally got rid of all the chasing soldiers.

The old man at the stall released all the people in the copper plate.

It turned out that there was a vast space hidden in this old copper plate, which was similar to the city on Lin Fei.

In addition to Lin Fei, there were more than 300 disciples from the base and the four deacons from the base, who were also rescued by the old man.

The base originally had a total of more than 1,000 disciples. Almost 700 disciples were killed. Now there are only more than 300 disciples left.

The four deacons looked very awed and cautious in front of the old man.

Because, they all knew that this unsurprising old man in front of them, but the famous land layman in the Eastern Region, belonged to an old antique-level senior master.

"Old man, this time, thank you very much."

Lin Fei said to the old man at the stall.

This time, if the old man from the stall hadn't arrived in time, it is estimated that these people at the base, including Lin Fei, would have already been wiped out.

"It's okay.

After all, we have carried a coffin together. "

The old man patted Lin Fei on the shoulder.

"Old man, don't you say it so bad, okay."

Lin Fei frowned. Although this old man is a famous senior figure in the Eastern Region, he sometimes speaks a little unreliable and likes to talk nonsense.

And the four deacons of the base, and the more than 300 disciples, were stunned.

Because the identities and status of the old and the young are too far apart.

One is a senior master of the old antique level who has been famous for a long time in the Eastern Region, and the other is a junior boy who is only an emperor level.

They also patted each other on the shoulders, quite a bit of a fellowship of the same generation.

This is a bit contrary to common sense.

"By the way, what are your plans next?

I guess those big sects in the Eastern Region must be hunting you everywhere now.

At this time, if you run out, it is estimated that you will be discovered as soon as you show up. "

The old man at the stall asked casually.

"Back to the old elders, the elder once told me that if I can escape successfully, I will wait for them quietly.

At that time, the Great Elder will go to Cangyan Old Land to find us. "

Deacon Feng of the base, hearing the old man from Di Tan asked, hurriedly stepped forward and replied respectfully.

It turned out that after a great battle between the three extremely immortal soldiers at that time, although the three elders of the base were all seriously injured, they still escaped desperately.

This news had spread throughout the Eastern Region, and people like Lin Fei naturally knew this.

"Cang Yan Old Land?

The journey from here to Cangyan Old Land is far away, I'm afraid it is very dangerous. "

The old man said.

"Senior is right, it is indeed a thousand miles away, but we must rush to meet the elders."

Deacon Feng said.

"Old man, why don't you do good things to the end, and take us to the old land of Cangyan."

Lin Fei said from the side.

Lin Fei knew that this old man at the stall was unfathomable. If he was willing to go with him, he would surely be safe.

"Well, it's pleasing to see you kid anyway.

In addition, I am also very uncomfortable with the practices of those big religious sects in the Eastern Region. They have to reorganize the Holy Land.

After all, these big sects in the Eastern Region are still coveting the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldiers and Dao Yan Jing of your Cangyan Holy Land. "

The old man said.

Beside, the four deacons of the base, and more than 300 disciples, almost burst into tears.

This is an old antique-level senior master who recognizes the Cangyan Holy Land.

"Old man, thank you very much."

Lin Fei was also a little moved, and said sincerely to the old man.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go."

The old man said.

He took out the old copper plate again and put all the people, including Lin Fei, into the copper plate.

Then, the old man at the stall began to set off, toward the direction of Cangyan Old Land.

With the strength of the old man, there is naturally nothing going on.

In the entire Eastern Region, apart from those old antique-level masters, there are not many people at all who are opponents of this land layman.

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