Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1508: provocative

"Master Ji, I have already sent someone to the imperial capital to report this incident to the emperor.

I believe that soon, the people of our ancient Cang Empire royal family will come to the Five Elements City, huh, at that time, we must not let the evil thief easily let go! "

The city lord gritted his teeth and said.

He was the city lord of Five Elements City, but he was driven out of the city lord mansion by Lin Fei in public, which was a huge humiliation.

He couldn't wait to kill Lin Fei immediately to avenge him.

"Just relying on your ancient Cang Empire imperial family members, you may not be able to get this Lin Fei.

Well, I immediately send someone back to our family planning headquarters, so that the head of the family will send a master in the family.

Humph, the City of Five Elements will become Lin Fei's burial place! "

The eyes of the middle-aged man in black had fierce murderous intent.

Lin Fei and the planner had many conflicts, and everyone in the planner wanted to kill Lin Fei.

"That's great, when a master planner comes, Lin Fei can hardly fly with his wings."

The city owner was overjoyed.

As one of the three great inheritance families, the Ji family belongs to the super power in the Eastern Region. There are many masters in the family, which is very scary.

At this time, the entire Five Elements City was completely boiling.

The ten disciples of Cangyan Holy Land, each with two thousand slaves, walked mightily on the street, very eye-catching.

After a few sticks of incense, the streets and alleys of the Five Elements City were all posted with posts signed by Cangyan Holy Land.

The bulletin has two main points. The first is that the Cangyan Holy Land officially takes over the Five Elements City from today. The second is that the Cangyan Holy Land has begun to recruit disciples. Those who intend to join the Cangyan Holy Land can register directly at the City Lord’s Mansion.

Before each bulletin, they were surrounded by warriors watching the excitement.

"Unexpectedly, Cangyan Holy Land has just announced its reconstruction, so it is so strong.

Actually want to forcibly take over the Five Elements City. "

"It is said that more than a thousand years ago, the Ancient Cang Empire was a subsidiary country of the Cangyan Holy Land. I guess the Cangyan Holy Land intends to gradually regain the former territory."

"The current Ancient Cang Empire has long since belonged to the Judge's dependent country.

This method of Cangyan Holy Land will definitely meet fierce opposition from the planner, and soon there will be a good show. "

"Huh, not only the planners, but all the major sects in the Eastern Territory will try their best to hinder them.

Over the past few decades, the big sects in the Eastern Region have had too much contradiction with the Cangyan Holy Land. How can they allow the Cangyan Holy Land to be rebuilt? "

Before each bulletin, there are warriors discussing enthusiastically.

Soon, in the Five Elements City, in several main streets, registration points for recruiting disciples in the Cangyan Holy Land were set up.

Any warrior who wants to join the Cangyan Holy Land can either directly go to the City Lord's Mansion to register, or register at the registration point on the street.

Soon after, Lin Fei sent 10,000 Sand Men and 10,000 Demon Beasts from the slave tower to guard the city wall.

In this way, in the entire city, there are 40,000 slaves working to maintain the order and safety of the city.

In the city lord mansion, there are also five thousand monster plants guarding the city lord mansion.

These slaves of Lin Fei have strength from the Emperor Realm to the God Bridge Realm.

More than 40,000 slaves from the imperial realm to the **** bridge realm.

This scale is already equivalent to a third-rate and fourth-rate sect, and the total number of disciples added.

Used to guard a medium-sized city, it is simply a sledgehammer, which is shocking.

In the City of Five Elements, everyone, looking at the groups of sandmen and monsters patrolling back and forth on the street, was shocked. Everyone was cautious and did not dare to speak loudly.

The first day passed quickly.

At night.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Today, none of those who actually signed up.

Only a dozen people came to inquire. "

Luo Hui frowned and said to Lin Fei.

"Don't worry, our Cangyan Holy Land has had a very low prestige status in the Eastern Region over the years.

Now suddenly, no one dares to join.

The most important thing for us now is to slowly establish the reputation of Cangyan Holy Land.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to establish power first.

After the Cangyan Holy Land truly gains a foothold in the minds of the warriors of the Eastern Region, the due majesty has been established. At that time, even if we don't take the initiative to recruit, many people want to join the Cangyan Holy Land. "

Lin Fei sat in the middle of the hall and said with a smile.


When Luo Hui and other ten disciples heard it, they were all refreshed.

"Holy Son, I heard a news.

The city lord had not left the Five Elements City, but took his men and horses and hid in the stronghold of the family.

At the same time, there are many strongholds of big religious sects in the city of Five Elements.

The people of the big sects in the Five Elements City whispered quietly, warning everyone that if anyone dared to join the Cangyan Holy Land, those big sects would be regarded as enemies, and those big sects would settle accounts afterwards. "

A disciple said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, I also heard the news.

Anyone who joins the Cangyan Holy Land, not only themselves, but even their relatives and friends, and even the entire family, will be chased down by those great sects afterwards, and they will be annihilated. "

Another disciple also said.


Is there such a thing! "

Lin Fei glanced sharply, with a sharp cold glow.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, seven puppets walked into the hall.

Each puppet carried two **** people in his hands.

"How is this going?"

Lin Fei asked one of the puppets.

The puppet sent Lin Fei a piece of spiritual consciousness.

It turned out that just now, a fast figure flashed past the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, throwing these fourteen **** people in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

"I met this person today. He once came to the registration point I set up to ask.

However, he seemed to be curious, and after asking about it, he left. "

Suddenly, a disciple from Cangyan Holy Land pointed at one of the **** people and screamed.

Then, the other Cangyan Holy Land disciples also screamed one after another, and recognized these fourteen **** people who didn't know their life or death.

It turned out that these fourteen people had come to the registration point today and asked about them.

Now, they are all seriously injured, and they don't know their life or death.

"It must be the people of those big sects. They are killing chickens and respecting monkeys!

Frighten those who want to join Cangyan Saint. "

Luo Hui said.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei naturally wanted to understand, deep in his eyes, murderous intent was revealed.


Very well, originally, I didn't plan to kill them all.

In this case, in this city of Five Elements, none of the disciples of the Great Sect can stay, all of them will die! "

Lin Fei said coldly.

"Although these fourteen people have not completely died, they are too badly wounded to be saved.

Their bones and veins were all destroyed. "

Luo Hui stepped forward to check the fourteen **** people, and sighed, shaking his head.

Lin Fei stretched out his space ring and took out a small jade bottle.

There is a blue liquid in the jade bottle.

It is Poseidon Water.

Lin Fei removed the cap of the bottle, and his Yuanli vibrated. All of the Sea God's water in the jade bottle flew out and flew into the mouths of the fourteen people.

Sea God Water is one of the five great divine waters in the Yuanwu Realm.

Even in the Continent of the Lord, the Sea God Water is a very rare and rare treasure.

After a while.

A miracle happened.

On the ground, the wounds on the surface of the ten **** people began to heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the vitality exuding from these ten people is gradually becoming stronger.

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