Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1509: I will avenge you

After a while, all fourteen people on the ground woke up, and their injuries turned out to be 70% to 80% back.

When Luo Hui and other disciples from Cangyan Holy Land saw this, they couldn't help being stunned.

Just now, the vitality of these fourteen people was already exhausted, and it was difficult to save them.

Unexpectedly, the injury healed more than half in a moment.

The fourteen people got up.

What kind of elixir is this?

You know, the Sea God Water, not only in the Yuan Wu Realm, but even in the Sovereign Continent, most of the warriors have not seen it.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

After the fourteen people on the ground woke up, they all got up one after another, looked at Lin Fei and others with fearful eyes, and cried out in panic.

"Don't be afraid, no one can kill you here.

I am Lin Fei of Cangyan Holy Land.

Tell me, what the **** is going on, who made you like this. "

Lin Fei's tone was as soft as possible and said to the fourteen people.

"You are Lin Fei of Cangyan Holy Land!"

The fourteen people were all very surprised, looking at Lin Fei.

Obviously, they have all heard of Lin Fei's name.

Then, under Lin Fei's inquiry, all fourteen people told their own experiences.

It turned out that they were all injured by one of the three major inheritance families, the planner.

The reason is that they had gone to the Cangyan Holy Land to enroll disciples during the day to inquire.

"Very well, I will avenge you now.

You all followed and watched me avenge you. "

Lin Fei said.

The fourteen people were all taken aback.

They were beaten up just now and almost died, where they dare to meet the planner.

"Don't worry, I will keep you all right."

Lin Fei said.

Then, taking the lead, leading everyone, walked towards the stronghold of the family planner in the city of Five Elements.

After a while, he came to the gate of the planner's stronghold.

This is a very large-scale mansion, with tall walls and magnificent luxury.

Boom boom boom...

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, four golden **** of light as large as houses rose into the sky.

The world of surging golden sea of ​​fire was born behind Lin Fei, and the terrible high temperature scorched the entire space, constantly rippling.


Four huge golden **** of light pushed everything horizontally, and with a powerful posture, they smashed into the Jijia stronghold.

Wherever the four golden **** passed, all the buildings were shattered, turned into rubble, and soot skyrocketed.

Lin Fei led the crowd and marched on the ruins.


The screams came out, and many people lived in these buildings.

Weak in strength, died tragically in an instant.

Only a few individuals with very strong strength and fast speed and physical skills rushed out and escaped to death.

"Who! Abandoned the family's property!"

In the depths of this mansion, an angry shout came out.

Then one after another fierce figures rushed out from every corner of the mansion.

The head one is a middle-aged man in black.

"It's Lin Fei! Master Ji, he is Lin Fei!"

Next to the middle-aged man in black, there was a middle-aged man with a national character face, who was the former city lord of the Five Elements City.

"I asked you to get out of the City of Five Elements. Unexpectedly, you are so bold that you dare to stay in the City of Five Elements.

Well, since you want to die, I will fulfill you. "

Lin Fei shouted coldly.


A golden ball of light rushed out and rushed towards the city lord.

"Master Ji, help!"

Feeling the horrible energy fluctuations emitted by the golden ball of light, the city lord was frightened.

Although his realm is the same as Lin Fei, he is not an enemy of Lin Fei at all.

"Huh! Lin Fei, you are ferocious and bloodthirsty, too much."

The black-clothed middle-aged man snorted coldly. He is a master of the planner, possessing the strength of the elementary Mahayana realm.

His realm of strength is equivalent to that Deacon Shao in the Holy Land of Heaven.

With a wave of his hand, a dark night fell from the sky, covering the space.

In the dark night, several evil spirits with wings called Yasha monsters appeared.


A ten-foot-tall Yasha stepped forward and waved the trident halberd in his hand to block the golden ball of light that was crushing towards the city lord.

"Lin Fei evil thief, in front of Master Ji, you dare to do evil.

Hmph, you want to kill me, do you have any skills!

Little thief Lin Fei, wait, you won’t be arrogant for a while, this city of five elements must be your burial place!

At that time, I will personally make up hundreds of swords on your body! "

The city lord was overjoyed when he saw the black-clothed middle-aged man taking action, and then cursed bitterly at Lin Fei.

"I want to kill you, no one can stop it."

Lin Fei sneered and thought, inside the Hongmeng Ding, the two-meter-high small divine sense cauldron roared out, and instantly broke into the sea of ​​knowledge of the city lord.

Bang violently on his soul body.

This time, Lin Fei tried his best to destroy Xiaoding without showing any mercy.


The city lord screamed and threw his body into the sky.

call out!

A black light flew out of Lin Fei's hand, surrounded by mysterious runes, and flew towards the city lord at a terrifying speed.


The black-clothed middle-aged man of the Ji family snorted coldly, a demon with wings flew out of the night, and a dry and powerful ghost claw patted the black light.

call out!

The strange thing is that the ghost claw seems to have already shot the black light.

However, the black light was not affected at all, penetrated everything, and flew directly in front of the city lord.


The city lord was shocked that his whole body's hairs were erect, and the whole body's vitality, at this moment, all surging out, turned into dozens of vitality giant palms, and patted the black light at the same time.


In the next moment, Hei Mang flew over the neck of the city lord, took the head of the city lord, and flew back to Lin Fei's hand instantly.

The black light from Lin Fei's hand was the Wusha Blade, which Lin Fei snatched from Deacon Shao, the Holy Land of Heavenly Quantity.

"I want to kill you, can anyone stop it?"

Lin Fei whispered to the head of the city lord.

On the head of the city lord, before he died, he was full of unwillingness, resentment, regret, and all kinds of complicated feelings.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are too murderous!"

The black-clothed middle-aged man of the Ji family saw Lin Fei beheading the city lord in front of him, and couldn't help but feel resentful in his eyes.

After all, he is a master with the strength of the elementary Mahayana realm. Among the planners, his status is not low, and he is a long-established master in the Eastern Region.

Now, Lin Fei actually beheaded his people in front of him, so that he could no longer bear it, and was so angry.

He had heard of the rumor that Deacon Shao, who was in the Holy Land of Heaven, was severely injured by Lin Fei.

Therefore, after Lin Fei came to the City of Five Elements, he kept holding back and did not take action against Lin Fei. Instead, he planned to wait until more experts from the family of planners arrived, and then attacked together to punish Lin Fei.

However, now he was really angry and didn't plan to wait any longer.

He was bullied by a younger man and came to the door like this. If he is still hidden, it will be spread out later, and it is estimated that the warriors of the entire Eastern Region will laugh at him.

Moreover, as a master of the elementary Mahayana realm, he still believed that he had the confidence to defeat Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you are so cruel, I will act for the sky now to punish you as a murderer."

The black-clothed middle-aged man in the Ji family yelled violently, and his body was full of murderous intent.

"Now, please identify who the planners actually beat you.

I will avenge you one by one. "

Lin Fei ignored the black-clothed middle-aged man in the Ji family, but turned around and smiled softly at the fourteen people who had been severely injured by the Ji family.

However, these fourteen people, seeing so many planners present, were so scared that their feet were weak and their whole bodies trembling.

You know, the planner is one of the three most inherited families in the Eastern Region.

For ordinary warriors, the family of planners is a superb behemoth.

Ordinary warriors, in front of the planner, are too insignificant.

Now Lin Fei asked them to identify the planners. How dare these 14 people.


Very good, you people, actually took refuge in the little thief Lin Fei,

Don't worry, not only you, but even your relatives and friends, and even the entire family, all have to die. "

Nearby, a planner sneered and looked at the fourteen people and said.

Suddenly, the fourteen people who followed Lin Fei almost fell to their knees.

call out!

A black light flashed, and the person who was speaking was split in half on the spot, and blood splashed in the air.

How could the power of Wusha Blade be able to resist these ordinary planners?

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