Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1510: Play against the three masters

"court death!"

The black-clothed middle-aged man in Ji's family was furious.

He stretched out his hand a little, and under the dark night, a thick black fog rolled, and a gloomy ghost claw condensed from the black fog appeared and grabbed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and in the monstrous golden sea of ​​fire behind him, a golden ball of light rushed towards the ghost claw.


The two met, causing the entire space to shake violently, and a peerless turbulence.

The surrounding houses and buildings were affected and exploded into dust.

All people, in panic, retreated quickly.

The black-clothed middle-aged man of the family planner was obviously taken aback. It was a bit unreasonable for a junior Hinayana to go head-to-head with him.

You know, his strength is a realm higher than Lin Fei.

Moreover, he has been cultivating the Dark Sutra of Planners for a long time, and the vision he has cultivated has reached a very high level.

However, the vision that Lin Fei showed, actually went head-to-head with his vision.

"Lin Fei, what you cultivate is not like the Dao Yan Sutra of the Cangyan Holy Land, what kind of ancient sutra is it?"

The black-clothed middle-aged man of the Ji family yelled coldly.

"What ancient scriptures I cultivate, you don't need to intervene, as long as you can kill you."

At the corner of Lin Fei's mouth, there was a playful smile.

"Huh, you deserve it!"

The black-clothed man in the family planner had an extremely gloomy face, and he was extremely uncomfortable when he was being talked with by a junior boy with such an attitude.


Under the dark night, there were bursts of Yasha shouting and killing.

Then, more than a dozen Yashas with a height of one hundred meters and holding a three-edged steel fork were killed out of the night.

The dozen or so Yashas were completely dark and fierce. The wings behind them continued to stretch, rushing towards Lin Fei.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, four golden **** rushed up from the surging golden sea of ​​fire behind him at the same time, blasting out violently like a meteorite from the sky.


A dozen Yaksas and four golden **** fought fiercely together. The world was shaking, and terrible fighting energy swelled out from time to time, razing all nearby buildings to the ground.

The black-clothed man's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip out of water. He couldn't expect that when he displayed the Darkness Sutra, he was only tied with Lin Fei.

This fierce battle quickly shocked the entire Five Elements City.

In the vast city, there are silhouettes everywhere, rising to the sky, looking towards the direction of the fierce battle.

"It's Lin Fei, and Ji Wenwang!"

"Then Ji Wenwang is a well-known expert in the family, and his cultivation has reached the Mahayana state.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei actually played against him regardless of the outcome.

This Lin Fei is indeed a well-deserved reputation! "

"Indeed, at a young age, and still leapfrogged, this Lin Fei really deserves a reputation.

No wonder you can make a terrible name in the Eastern Region! "

Those onlookers in the distance found that Lin Fei and Ji Wenwang were shocked after the fierce battle.

After all, if Ji Wenwang is a master of Mahayana realm.

"Brother Ji, let me help you and kill Lin Fei together!"

Suddenly, in the distance, a figure with a bright purple light galloped over.

"Hmph, this little thief, Lin Fei, is murderous and brutal, we work together to besie him!"

On the other side, a figure shrouded in a blue halo also flashed.

That purple light and brilliant figure is a master of Taizhen Holy Land, the strength of the advanced Hinayana realm.

The figure shrouded in the blue light circle was a master of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty, and also the strength of the advanced Hinayana realm.

"Okay, let's do it together, and work together to encircle and kill Lin Fei!"

That Jiwen Wang shouted.

Suddenly, the three masters simultaneously attacked Lin Fei.

"Oh my God, the three masters are besieging a junior kid at the same time."

"A Mahayana master, two Hinayana masters, thinking about it makes people scalp numb."

"I guess, no matter how great Lin Fei is, under the siege of the three great masters, he should be more fortunate."

The warriors watching the excitement nearby all lowered their voices and talked quietly.

"Huh, there are so many people, will I be scared!

In this case, I will do it all together, saving me time and looking for you one by one. "

Lin Fei said with a sneer when facing the three masters.


The golden monstrous sea of ​​fire riots, four huge golden **** like houses rushed out.

Two of them rushed to Ji Wenwang, one rushed to the master of Taizhen Holy Land, and the other rushed to the master of Yuan Dynasty Holy Land.

Behind the master of Taizhen Holy Land, a purple starry sky appeared, and purple stars rushed out.

Behind the masters of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty, there appeared a blue sea world, a huge and fierce sea beast, continuously leaping from the sea, rushing towards Lin Fei.

The Ji Wenwang of the planner stretched out his hand and pointed out that the dozen or so winged Yashas also viciously killed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei unfolded his own body skills, carrying a piece of golden sea of ​​fire, rushing high into the sky, following the path of mystery, avoiding the siege of the three masters.

The white Infinite Sword was also placed in his hand, constantly resisting violent attacks.

At the same time, with a movement of thought, the avatar of the six or seven-meter-high magic body appeared directly.

The demon body avatar flashed, rushing to the master of the too real holy land.

"Hmph, it's just a clone, today, I will kill your clone!"

The master of Taizhen Holy Land shouted loudly.

I saw him stretch out his hand and pointed, purple stars with violent energy, bombarding the demon clone like rain.

The demon body clone, without dodge or avoid, rushed straight towards the master of the too real holy land.

Boom boom boom...

Purple stars smashed fiercely on the demon body clone.

The huge purple stars continue to explode.

However, the demon body clone did not suffer the slightest harm, and even the speed of advancement remained unchanged.

call out!

The demon body clone rushed past the violently exploding purple stars, and instantly came to the master of Taizhen Holy Land.

"how is this possible!"

The master of that too true holy land could not help being terrified.

He found that Lin Fei's clone of the demon body was so hard that it could not hurt the slightest if he bombarded it.

"The third magic forbidden law."

In the distance, Lin Fei, who was fighting fiercely with two other masters, suddenly uttered these words.

The demon body clone was covered with black demon pointing out, and the sky was full of monsters and symbols, instantly filling the entire space.

"Why can't my body move!"

The master of Taizhen Holy Land couldn't help being horrified, struggling desperately.

The demon body clone rushed to him, waved his hand as thick as a grinding disc, and slapped his head with a palm.


The head of the master of Taizhen Holy Land, like a broken watermelon, instantly exploded in all directions.


This scene made everyone gasp.

A high-level Hinayana master fell like this.

call out!

After the demon body clone killed the master of Taizhen Holy Land, his figure flickered and rushed towards the master of the Holy Land at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

The master of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty was shocked, because his strength was actually the same as the master of the Holy Land just now.

"Go away!"

In fright, the blue sea world behind the holy land master in the early Yuan Dynasty immediately began to become violent.

The monstrous huge waves continued to beat, and the surprisingly large number of sea beasts rushed out, rushing to the front of the demon body clone.

Bang bang bang...

The demon body clone still did not evade, rushing straight forward.

The evil breath swept out.

So all the sea beasts that hit the demon body clone were blown up, but the demon body clone did not suffer any damage.

"The third magic forbidden method!"

Lin Fei said.

Immediately, the magic finger of the demon body clone stretched out, all over the sky with monster symbols, covering the master of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty.


The head of the holy land master in the early Yuan Dynasty was smashed by the palm of the demon body clone.

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