Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1516: All have to die

This middle-aged man with black hair like a waterfall is Elder Nie.

"Haha, boy, you are so powerful, you can fight against the three holy land elder level masters with one person."

An old man appeared beside Lin Fei and gave Lin Fei his thumb.

It is the old man in the stall.

Suddenly, Lin Fei was determined.

Don't talk about Elder Nie, just being an old man, his realm strength is already equivalent to those hidden elders in the Holy Land.

But the three elders who wanted to kill Lin Fei were just ordinary elders.

The old man in the stall can deal with it alone.

The elders of the Taizhen Holy Land, the elders of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the black-clothed elder of the Ji family, all their expressions changed drastically at this time.

They naturally could see that whether it was Old Man Di Tan or Elder Nie, they were much stronger than them.

"Hehehe, the three elder-level masters actually did it together to deal with a junior kid, you people from the Holy Land family, you really are so powerful."

The old man at the stall sneered and looked at the three elders of Taizhen Holy Land.

"Huh, Lay Dadi, what does this matter have to do with you.

You'd better take care of our holy land and family affairs, so as not to get into trouble. "

The elder of the Holy Land of Holy Beginning shouted in a deep voice.

"Damn, I just can't understand you people from the Holy Land family.

Besides, you people from the Holy Land family, haven't you been pursuing my whereabouts in secret, trying to seize the treasure of the real person in the Purple Mansion?

In the North Mining Area, the people of your holy land family actually want to besiege me.

I am now facing you from the Holy Land family, how about it? I'm not satisfied. "

The old man at the stall curled his mouth and said.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, if you are lucky, let's go!"

The black-clothed old man in the family snorted coldly and wanted to turn around and walk away.

The elders of Taizhen Holy Land and the elders of Yuan Dynasty Holy Land also waved their hands and brought their disciples, and wanted to leave.

They knew that Lin Fei could not be killed anyway today.

They can't deal with the land lay people alone.

Besides, the feeling that Elder Nie next to Lin Fei gave them was terrible.

It's almost like an endless sea, which is completely invisible.

These three elder-level masters all faintly guessed the identity of Elder Nie. It is very likely that they are the ancients of the Cangyan Holy Land hundreds of thousands of years ago who were resurrected in the North Mine in the legend.

This is an old antique hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Since Elder Nie appeared, the elders of Taizhen Holy Land, the elders of Holy Land at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, and the black-clothed elders of the planner all felt that their scalp was a little numb and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Just when the people of these three major sects were preparing to leave.

"Hehe, in the world, is there such a cheap thing.

Just now, he was aggressive and wanted to siege and kill my inherited son of Cangyan Holy Land.

Now, seeing that the momentum is missing, do you want to move away? "

Elder Nie's faint voice sounded, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

Suddenly, the elders of the Taizhen Holy Land, the elders of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the black-clothed elders of the Ji Clan were all in their hearts.

"Evacuate at the fastest speed!"

The three elder-level masters knew that something was wrong, and immediately sent the divine consciousness transmission to those disciples under their own sect.

The disciples of the three major sects heard that their elders told them to flee quickly. One by one, they were frightened and frightened.

"Hehe, everyone here today must die!"

Elder Nie smiled faintly, although his tone was plain, but there was a terrible murderous spirit that permeated.

"Go ahead.

Leave the three strongest to me.

The rest is left to you.

Today, we Cangyan Holy Land, want to use these people to build power! "

Elder Nie said to Lin Fei.

call out!

As soon as the voice fell, Elder Nie's figure had already disappeared.

The next moment, Elder Nie appeared next to the black-clothed old man in the family planner.

Although he was an ancient person hundreds of thousands of years ago, Elder Nie seemed to be a middle-aged man with valor.

The expression on his face was as calm as water, calm and unwavering. It was a manifestation of the extreme calmness of his heart after hundreds of thousands of years of changes in the world.

"What do you want to do!"

The black-clothed old man of the family planner was completely panicked, and the feeling that Elder Nie gave him was terrible.

Just like a majestic mountain, unattainable, people can't afford to resist.

"kill you!"

Elder Nie said lightly, slapped a palm to the black-clothed old man in the planner, and in the palm of his hand, there is a mysterious Tao Yun symbol blooming, the Tao Yun is natural, and it is incomparable with the aura of heaven and earth.

Faintly, between heaven and earth, loud and deep voices rang out from the ancient scriptures.

This is Taoism, not Buddhist scripture.

The ancient scriptures of Cangyan Holy Land, Taoyan scripture, cultivate Tao Yun.

And the immeasurable scriptures of the holy place of heaven, cultivate the meaning of ancient Buddha.

"You Cangyan Holy Land, which has just been rebuilt, just killed indiscriminately. Aren't you afraid to cause a joint encirclement and suppression by our great sects!"

The black-clothed old man in the family screamed loudly in a hurry.

"A few years ago, you big sects, didn't you encircle our Cangyan Holy Land once? Even if it happens again, what would happen."

Elder Nie said.


Elder Nie's palm was patted on the head of the old man in black clothes.

The black-clothed old man of the family planner exploded his head on the spot, without the slightest ability to resist.

Elder Nie moved directly across the long distance and chased the elder of Taizhen Holy Land.

The elders of the Taizhen Holy Land, the elders of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, were so scared at this time, they desperately expanded their physical skills to escape.

However, Elder Nie's speed was too terrifying. All of a sudden, he spanned a large area and quickly caught up to them.

At this time, Lin Fei also started to act.

The demon body clone directly chased those of the three major sects who were desperately fleeing.

Since the fusion of the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, the strength of all aspects of the demon body clone has improved by leaps and bounds, and in terms of speed, it has also become extremely terrifying.

In an instant, he caught up with those who were running desperately.

"The third magic forbidden method!"

Following Lin Fei's soft shout, the magic fingers of the demon body clone stretched out, and the magical runes flying all over the sky quickly filled the whole world.

Suddenly, all the people nearby were sealed.

The magic body clone opened its mouth and sucked, and a powerful suction was generated.


A stream of flesh and blood essence was continuously extracted from the people who were sealed, and sucked into the mouth by the demon clone.

Then, the demon body clone continued to hunt down other people.

After a while, the three major sects, all the people, died, none of them ran away.

Moreover, anyone who was sucked up by the demon body clone turned into a skinny corpse.

Lin Fei clearly felt that as more and more flesh and blood essences were absorbed, the strength of the demon body clone became stronger and stronger.

"Your clone is very powerful.

Has unlimited growth potential. "

At this time, Elder Nie had already beheaded the elders of the Taizhen Holy Land and the elders of the Early Yuan Dynasty Holy Land, standing in the sky in the distance, looking at Lin Fei's demon clone.

Obviously, Elder Nie also saw the scene where the demon body clone was absorbing the essence of flesh and blood.

"Elder Nie, do you think this clone of me is too evil."

Lin Fei asked.

"Hehe, there are various power systems in the world.

In fact, evil is not evil. It's not the kind of energy you have.

It depends on your heart.

As long as you have a clear conscience and are worthy of your heart, having more energy is a good thing. "

Elder Nie said with a smile.

"Not bad!"

Lin Fei refreshed.

Evil is not evil, it depends on your own heart, not by what kind of power you have.

"Hey, then, don't waste the bodies of these three elder-level masters."

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the demon clone teleported out, and absorbed all the flesh and blood essence contained in the bodies of the three masters, the old man in black clothes, the elder of the Taizhen Holy Land, and the elder of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Suddenly, Lin Fei discovered that the strength of the demon body clone had been greatly enhanced.

Absorbing the flesh and blood essence of these three elder-level masters, the demon body clone increased its strength, which was much more powerful than before absorbing the flesh and blood essence of hundreds of disciples of the three major sects.

"It turns out that the stronger the master, the more flesh and blood essence it contains."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

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