Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1517: Starry night sword light

"By the way, Elder Nie, why did you two suddenly come to the Five Elements City."

Lin Fei asked Elder Nie.

"Boy, Elder Nie plans to set up a teleportation formation that can be teleported directly from the Cangyan Holy Land headquarters to the Five Elements City.

Now the base of the headquarters is already set up, and it's just behind the Five Elements City.

Therefore, we came to the Five Elements City mainly to set up the base here. "

Elder Nie didn't answer, but the old man at the stall rushed to answer.


Elder Nie can arrange the teleportation array! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Deploying a remote teleportation array requires a very deep knowledge of the array method.

Moreover, it is said that in the entire Eastern Region, all the teleportation arrays currently in use are handed down from ancient times.

Now those array mages in the Eastern Region, no one can arrange a long-range teleportation array.

Unexpectedly, Elder Nie could arrange this kind of teleportation formation.

"Boy, what are you talking about?

Elder Nie's formation knowledge is much more powerful than you think.

[3Q中文] In my entire life, I have never served anyone. Only Elder Nie made me admire the five-body cast head. "

The old man in the stall respected Elder Nie very much.

"Not only the City of Five Elements, the City of Great Yan, and the City of Yizhou have already been deployed for teleportation.

Now only the base of the Five Elements City is left.

These three cities are the closest to our Cangyan Holy Land headquarters, and we must firmly control them as the basis for future development. "

Elder Nie said.

"That's great.

With the teleportation array directly to the headquarters, these three cities can definitely be firmly controlled by our Cangyan Sacred Dungeon. "

Lin Fei said excitedly.

Next, Elder Nie took the old man from the stall, and Lin Fei, and began to arrange the base of the teleportation array in the City of Five Elements.

The formation base is arranged in the city lord mansion.

When Elder Nie set up the formation, the old man from the stall was on the side to assist and help this group.

And Lin Fei was completely standing aside watching the excitement.

Elder Nie's arraying technique was extremely clever, and Lin Fei was dazzled and admired.

Moreover, in the process of watching, Lin Fei was also deeply inspired.

After about half a day.

In the city lord's mansion, a secret place.

A small teleportation array was finally set up.

There is a mysterious transmission power faintly radiating from the base of the formation.

"Okay, let's try to send it."

Elder Nie took the lead and stepped into the teleportation formation.

Lin Fei and the old man from the stall also followed in.

Elder Nie played a magic trick and fell into the formation.

Suddenly, the entire teleportation array burst out with a burst of bright light, and a burst of teleportation force struck.

The three figures disappeared directly into the teleportation array.

Entered a space-time transmission channel.

After a while.

Lin Fei finally felt that his feet were already on the ground, obviously he had reached the destination.

Take a look.

Lin Fei found that he was standing in the hall of a newly built palace.

In the hall, there are three teleportation arrays.

Lin Fei was standing in one of the teleportation formations.

It is estimated that the other two teleportation formations lead to Dayan City and Yizhou City.

Take a look outside the palace.

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

This is indeed the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

In front of him, there was a huge piece of land suspended in mid-air, which was Cangyan Ancient Land.

And below the Cangyan Ancient Land and above the earth, many palaces and buildings are under construction.

A scene in full swing.

Those who did it were all the disciples from Cangyan Holy Land.

For the warrior, building a palace or a tall building is easy and very fast.

The scale of the entire Cangyan Holy Land is slowly expanding.

Lin Fei suddenly remembered the sixteen new disciples he had recruited in the City of Five Elements.

Therefore, Lin Fei sent Luo Hui and other ten disciples, as well as the newly recruited sixteen disciples, and Xiao Yuanshan, all from the slave tower.

Luo Hui and others found that they had returned to the headquarters and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Lin Fei asked Luo Hui to take the sixteen newly recruited disciples and arrange them.

Next, Elder Nie took the old man with the stall and was busy arranging the construction plan within the headquarters.

But Lin Fei took Xiao Yuanshan and wandered in the headquarters for most of an hour.

Then, together with Xiao Yuanshan, with Luo Hui and other ten disciples, returned to the Five Elements City through the teleportation formation.

After all, in the City of Five Elements, Lin Fei had just taken control, and the people's heart was finalized, and Lin Fei still needed to sit down.

After returning to the Five Elements City, Lin Fei immediately asked Luo Hui to issue an order in the Five Elements City.

That is, within three years, all taxes and fees will be exempted in the City of Five Elements.

When the news broke out, the entire Five Elements City was full of excitement.

Those who run business in the Five Elements City, one by one, seem to be happy and happy.


The former city lord spent the entire day thinking about how to force us to pay more taxes.

Unexpectedly, it is now possible to pay no taxes for three years! "

"Without paying taxes for three years, I guess I can save a lot of money!"

These excited discussions are everywhere.

Soon, in the City of Five Elements, people's hearts began to gradually settle down.

All people are slowly returning to the previous rhythm of life.

Lin Fei and Xiao Yuanshan, as well as Luo Hui and other disciples, walked on the street, watching the lively scene of people coming and going, and they were very pleased.

The City of Five Elements returned to its former calm, and Lin Fei also felt relieved.

at night.

The stars are shining and the moon is shining all over the earth.

Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged in a study room in the city lord's mansion of Five Elements City, closing his eyes to rest.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he felt the entire Five Elements City once.

The wind and the waves were calm, and the Five Elements City under the moonlight seemed very quiet.

The City of Five Elements has just been controlled by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei knew that the royal family of the Ancient Cang Empire and the planner would not be willing.

What's more, today in the first battle of the Five Elements City, a master of elder level was killed in the family planning, Taizhen Holy Land, and Yuan Dynasty Holy Land.

It is estimated that these three major sects should not stop like this.

I will definitely come to myself for revenge.

Therefore, Lin Fei is more cautious.


Lin Fei's expression moved.

It turned out that under the perception of God's consciousness, Lin Fei discovered that in the western suburbs of the Five Elements City, under the night sky, there were faintly illusory sword lights, soaring into the sky.

Each sword light has a huge area, several hundred feet long, soaring into the sky and cutting into the depths of the sky.

"What is going on?"

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Under curiosity, Lin Fei moved his body and rose into the air, looking at the place where the sword light rushed from a distance.

I saw under the night sky, from time to time, there was a huge sword light, soaring into the sky, and slashed to the sky above the sky.

Looking at the huge sword lights, Lin Fei faintly seemed to have some familiar feelings.

"Unexpectedly, tonight, Jianya, again showed the vision of sword light cutting the sky."

To the west of Five Elements City, a low-pitched voice said softly.


Lin Fei's divine consciousness is strong, and he can hear this voice clearly.

Therefore, Lin Fei's gaze quickly followed the prestige and found that it was an old man with half-white beard and hair standing on the corner of the west wall, looking at the place where the sword light rushed.

"This old man, do you know what to do."

Lin Fei's figure flashed and came to the old man's side.

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