Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1526: Seven sects retreat

"All day long I know that I am idle and not doing business.

Learn from your elder brother, if you have half of your elder brother's skills, I will rest assured. "

Xiao Yi cursed at Xiao Yuanshan with his head splitting his face, with an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"Dad, don't compare me with your eldest brother all day, okay?

He is him and I am me. "

Xiao Yuanshan whispered.

"What! You dare to talk back to Lao Tzu!"

Xiao Yi scolded with staring eyes.

"Don't dare!"

Xiao Yuanshan seemed to be very afraid of his father.

Fortunately, after Xiao Yi cursed a few words, it seemed that his anger had eased a lot, and he took Xiao Yuanshan to the seat prepared for him.


The Patriarch of the Han family was sitting right next to him, and when he saw Xiao Yi coming over to sit down, he couldn't help but snorted heavily and turned his head away.

It turned out that Xiao Yi had also taken people to rob the mining area of ​​the Han family before, looting a lot of crystal ore.

"Hehe, old man Han, don't blow your beard and stare at me, it's a big deal, I won't grab your Han family stuff in the future."

Xiao Yi laughed.

"Huh, this is best."

Patriarch Han said with a cold snort, but his expression also eased a lot.

Because, everyone in the Eastern Region knows that although Da Kou Xiao Yi is the leader of the bandit, he specializes in trading without capital, but he is clearly grudges and grievances, and if he speaks, he will definitely do it.

On the other side, the Peacock King is taking Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King, and the patriarch of the Huo Crow Clan carefully.

Although the Peacock King was the leader of the demon clan in the Eastern Territory before, the level and qualifications of the patriarch of the Huo Crow clan were older than the Peacock King.

Moreover, the patriarch of the Huo Crow clan looked unfathomable, like an endless sea, which made people unable to see through.

Occasionally, the breath exuded, so that the Peacock King was secretly surprised.

Now, the entire Cangyan Holy Land is extremely lively.

The men and horses of the Luohai Commercial Bank, the demon men and horses brought by the Peacock King, the men and horses of the Han family, the men and horses of the Huo Crow tribe, and the men and horses of Xiao Yi, together, the number is almost 70 or 80 thousand!

In particular, the demons and fire crows have the largest number of people.

There was noisy everywhere, and there was a lot of voices.

The hundreds of disciples in Cangyan Holy Land were simply too busy.

However, everyone in Cangyan Holy Land was somewhat excited.

Today is the reconstruction ceremony of Cangyan Holy Land. Originally, I thought it would be very deserted.

Now, it is extremely lively, and there is no way to greet the guests.

Soon, after the three groups of Han family, Huo Crow tribe, and Xiao Yi were placed, everyone's attention returned to the sky.

At this time, the guardian formation was transparent.

The people of the seven major sects in the sky can clearly see the situation in the Cangyan Ancient Land.

Elder Nie stood volley above the guardian formation, and the nine-story scarlet small tower was suspended above Elder Nie's head.

Elder Nie is far away from the people of the seven major sects.

A person, facing the people of the seven major sects, white clothes not stained with dust, hunting, black hair dancing wildly, eyes as deep as the ocean, with supreme style.

I can see everyone who is looking sideways.

The ancients of the Cangyan Holy Land hundreds of thousands of years ago were truly extraordinary.

Is it that the ancient warriors are so powerful?

All people thought to themselves in their hearts.

At this time, the two first-rate sects of the Kylin Sect and the Qingyuan Sect had long lost their fighting spirit and withdrew tens of thousands of meters away.

Especially the Qingyuan faction, more than half of the people have been beheaded, and now only a small half are left.

Where there is still half fighting spirit, ready to evacuate at any time.

And the three saints, and the patriarch of the two great families, felt very bitter in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that it would be very easy for them to destroy the Cangyan Holy Land with the five Extreme Dao Immortal Soldiers and the seven major sects.

Unexpectedly, the resurrected Cangyan Holy Land, the ancients hundreds of thousands of years ago, turned out to be so powerful.

Moreover, in the Cangyan Holy Land, there is also an apologetic array that can withstand the extreme immortal soldiers.

In the battle just now, only Elder Nie in the Cangyan Holy Land took action, and he had resisted them all, and also gained the upper hand, beheading the leaders of the two sects.

What's more, there are still so many people of all kinds who have rushed to it, making it clear that they want to stand on the side of Cangyan Holy Land.

After a while.

The remaining troops of the Qingyuan faction finally took the lead to leave, one by one, their heads down, listless, and away instantly.

Then, the people of the Kirin faction were also demoralized and chose to leave.

These two first-class sects, this time, have paid a heavy price, and even the head of them has fallen here.

"Huh, go!"

Finally, the holy lord of Tianliang Holy Land also threw his sleeves and left with the men and horses of Tianliang Holy Land.

Then, the other two holy places, the people of the two families, also left one after another.

"In the future, if you sects dare to offend our Cangyan Holy Land, I will take the people and go to your headquarters for a tour."

Elder Nie said Lang Lang.

The sound was transmitted far away, across the space in an instant, ignoring the distance, and clearly reached the ears of everyone in the seven major sects.

Everyone was surprised.

They had all seen how powerful this ancient person from hundreds of thousands of years ago in Cangyan Holy Land was just now.

With the Dao Yan Sutra that has almost cultivated to the extreme, coupled with the superb control of the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldiers, this ancient man in the Cangyan Holy Land puts too much pressure on the people of the Seven Great Sects.

What's more, Cangyan Holy Land now obviously has several more allies, and it is no longer the same as before, fighting alone.

The Monster Clan, Huo Crow Clan, Luohai Commercial Company, Da Kou Xiao Yi, and Han Clan in the Eastern Region all began to approach the Cangyan Holy Land.

Each of these sect forces is in the Eastern Region, dominating one side.

If they really all stand on the side of Cangyan Holy Land, then who else would dare to provoke Cangyan Holy Land.

Therefore, the high-levels of these seven sects all understand in their hearts that in the future, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to deal with the Cangyan Holy Land unscrupulously as before.

Soon, the people of the seven sects all went away and disappeared.

High in the sky, Elder Nie collected the nine-story scarlet small tower and slowly landed on the ancient land of Cangyan.

Suddenly, everyone greeted him and flocked to Elder Nie.

This ancient man hundreds of thousands of years ago showed terrifying combat effectiveness in a great battle just now.

Until now, everyone is still very shocked.

The patriarch of the Huo Crow clan, King Peacock, Patriarch of the Han Family, Ren Xiaotian, Xiao Yi, as well as the Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King and other masters, all stepped forward to greet Elder Nie.

Elder Nie is also very kind to these guests, with a smile on his face, without the slightest pretentiousness.

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