Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1527: Cangyan Holy Land is officially rebuilt

After a while, the time has finally arrived.

"Well, all the people in Cangyan Holy Land follow me up to the altar to worship the gods of heaven and earth and the ancestors of Cangyan Holy Land!"

Elder Nie stood up.

All the people of Cangyan Saint, led by Elder Nie, stepped onto the altar in the center of the big square.

Elder Nie stood in front of the team, muttering words in his mouth and chanting prayers, leading the people in Cangyan Holy Land, solemnly worshipping the heaven and earth, the gods, and the ancestors of Cangyan Holy Land.

At this time, the entire altar was constantly bursting out of ancient and mysterious runes, sparkling and dazzling.

Above the altar, the phantoms of various beasts and birds constantly appeared, and the colorful rays of light lingered, very mysterious.

Of course, this is just a ritual. As for whether the heavens and the earth, the gods, and the ancestors are really alive, and whether they can receive this kind of worship and prayer, no one will ask.

In the Eastern Territory, every sect will hold this kind of ceremony when starting a sect.

This kind of ceremony is just a symbolic meaning. After the ceremony is held, it means that a sect is officially established.

"From today, the Cangyan Holy Land will be officially rebuilt, and the Cangyan Holy Land will once again stand in the Eastern Region.

Looking to the heavens and the earth, the ancestors and the ancestors, how can the Cangyan holy land be prosperous from now on! "

Elder Nie chanted a prayer message and ended the prayer with these words.

When he said these last words, Elder Nie raised his luck, screamed and surging, galloping out in all directions, showing a momentum of galloping horses.

The whole world was rumbling with Elder Nie's voice, and it was completely boiling.

Then, Elder Nie led all the people in the Cangyan Holy Land, after a collective kowtowing, the reconstruction ceremony ended successfully.

"Hehe, congratulations, your Cangyan Holy Land has finally been re-established.

Elder, this is a gift from our Luohai firm.

Please accept it. "

Ren Xiaotian waved his hand, and a space ring flew in front of the great elder.

The great elder was taken aback, his divine consciousness slightly felt the inside of this spatial ring, and he couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out that it contained a very large amount of wealth.

"As the head office owner, this is too expensive. I can't accept it."

The Great Elder declined and said.

"Hehe, just a little money, what the great elder is polite.

If you don't accept it, you just look down on me. "

Ren Xiaotian said.

The great elder heard him say this and had to accept it.

Then, the Peacock King, the Patriarch of the Fire Crow Clan, the Patriarch of the Han Family, and Xiao Yi all handed over a space ring one after another.

The wealth contained in each space ring made the elder secretly startled.

Obviously, these people are very generous.

It can be said that with this batch of gifts, Cangyan Holy Land will no longer have to worry about cultivation resources for a period of time in the future.

Next, the great elder arranged a banquet for the host and the guest to drink.

In the entire Cangyan Holy Land, all the people and horses together, there are as many as seven to eighty thousand.

Seventy to eighty thousand people feasted together, and the scene was very lively and loud.

In the past thousand years, this piece of sacred land has been reduced to an endless desert, desolate and desolate, with few people.

There has never been a lively time like today.

Lin Fei quietly found an opportunity to ask Ren Xiaotian about Ren Shanshan.

It turned out that Ren Xiaotian beheaded Su Wenzhi, the second-line master of the Luohai Commercial Bank, and after cleaning up the traitors, he personally led the people to go to the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty to release Ren Shanshan.

However, the answer from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty was that Ren Shanshan was not in the hands of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

At that time, Ren Shanshan was hunted down by Su Wenzhi and the people from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty. After being seriously injured, he disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown.

Ren Xiaotian didn't believe this statement about the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

However, an elder from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty showed Ren Xiaotian a spiritual image, recording how Ren Shanshan was injured and how he escaped.

This divine sense image was recorded by a master who participated in the hunt for Ren Shanshan in the early Yuan sacred place, using the secret method of divine knowledge in the early Yuan sacred place.

"In this way, Miss Ren, may have really escaped.

Maybe, he is now hiding in a hidden place to heal. "

Lin Fei guessed after hearing Ren Xiaotian's words.

"I'm sending out people to look for Shanshan's whereabouts.

However, in any case, Shanshan had an accident, this account must be counted on the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

If Shanshan is fine.

If Shanshan, something really happened.

I must have let go of the people from the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty. "

Ren Xiaotian gritted his teeth and said.

After a long time, everyone began to leave.

The first is the Peacock King, leaving with the Peacock Princess and the monsters.

"Haha, Lin Fei, if you have a chance in the future, you can spend more time with peacocks. Young people, many times, it is not easy for us to interfere with the older generation."

Before leaving, the Peacock King said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

More contact with peacocks?

There is something wrong with this.

"Father, what are you talking nonsense!

I ignore you! "

The Peacock Princess on the side also heard that something was wrong, and immediately flushed with shame. She gave the King Peacock a fierce look, took a dozen women, and left first.

Before leaving, Xiao Xiao secretly cast a wink at Lin Fei.

"Haha, well, I won't talk nonsense. Goodbye!"

The Peacock King laughed and took the demon clan's men and horses away instantly.

Then the patriarch of the Huo Crow clan also said goodbye. Before leaving, he repeatedly told Lin Fei that he would go to the Huo Crow clan to sit when he was free.

Then, the Patriarch of the Han family also led the people of the Han family to leave.

"Asshole, give me something to do later.

Also, come back after soaking the saint earlier, let me hug my grandson earlier! "

Xiao Yi also said goodbye. Before leaving, he stared at Xiao Yuanshan and cursed.

Lin Fei was aside, hearing a black line on his forehead, it turned out that Xiao Yuanshan's idea of ​​soaking in the saint was his father's idea.

"Haha, Lin Fei, my son fell in love with you, and he will take care of him in the future."

Xiao Yi said to Lin Fei.

"Uncle rest assured, I will do my best."

Lin Fei replied.

Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction, took his iron cavalry, galloped across the sky, and went away in an instant.

The last one left was Ren Xiaotian.

He had mentioned to Lin Fei before that if Cangyan Holy Land was really successfully rebuilt, Luohai Commercial Bank was willing to establish a comprehensive cooperative relationship with Cangyan Holy Land.

Now that the Cangyan Holy Land has been officially rebuilt, Ren Xiaotian and the Great Elder discussed in detail and worked out a plan for cooperation before leaving with the people from Luohai Commercial Bank.

After all the guests left, Cangyan Holy Land recovered its calm.

Everything started to get on track slowly.

Soon, what happened in Cangyan Holy Land began to spread rapidly in the Eastern Region.

One by one, the shocking news about the Cangyan Holy Land caused the entire Eastern Region to boil.

The army of the seven major sects slammed into the Cangyan Holy Land in a fierce manner. Who knows, they suffered a big defeat and returned in despair!

Even the heads of the Kirin Sect and the Qingyuan Sect, the two first-class sects, have fallen into the Cangyan Holy Land!

What is even more shocking is that during the entire process, Cangyan Holy Land, only one person shot, shocking the people of the seven sects.

It was the ancient Cangyan Holy Land who was resurrected not long ago, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

One person, shocked and defeated the combined army of the seven sects!

This is simply a myth!

At the same time, the five groups of demon clan, fire crow clan, Han family, Luohai trading company, and Da Kou Xiao Yi, led by the Peacock King, went to the Cangyan Holy Land to observe the ceremony, and the news that they had formed an alliance with Cangyan Holy Land was also spread. It's going to be all about.

"The Cangyan Holy Land has truly risen. Just after the reconstruction, there are so many powerful alliances. In the future, no one in the Eastern Region will dare to provoke the Cangyan Holy Land anymore!"

"Yes, the sky has changed in the Eastern Region, and the Cangyan Holy Land is rebuilt strongly, and it will definitely occupy a place in the Eastern Region in the future."

"The ancients in Cangyan Holy Land hundreds of thousands of years ago actually defeated the alliance of the seven sects with one person.

It seems that in the entire Eastern Region, he is well-deserved and the most powerful person. "

In the Eastern Region, there are warriors everywhere discussing the reconstruction of the Cangyan Holy Land.

It is also true that a sacred place that has disappeared for more than a thousand years is now re-established, absolutely eye-catching.

In short, in the Eastern Region, all the warriors knew that the Cangyan Holy Land was officially rebuilt, and it was a strong rebuild!

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