Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1528: Sword Emperor of Yuanwu Realm

At this time, Lin Fei had already returned to the Five Elements City.

In the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, Elder Nie is personally sitting in the town, which can be said to be solid.

For other things, there are three elders and four deacons in charge.

The operation of Cangyan Holy Land is already in order, and the remaining thing is to slowly expand the territory, recruit more disciples, and grow stronger.

And the old man at the stall had already left the Cangyan Holy Land headquarters.

According to him, he was going to find a secret and quiet place, practicing in retreat, and preparing to make further breakthroughs above the realm of strength.

It turned out that in the past more than a year, he followed Elder Nie to repair the Cangyan Holy Land's guardian formation, and not only learned a lot of ancient formation knowledge.

Moreover, above the martial art realm, he also received a lot of guidance from Elder Nie, and there are already faint signs of breakthrough.

After Lin Fei returned to the City of Five Elements, he also began to enter a state of retreat and practice.

Within the city lord's mansion, in Lin Fei's practice secret room.

There was a dust in the corner of the secret room.

This dust is Lin Fei's city.

In the middle of a secluded street in the city, Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged, and the sun golden tactics in his body were constantly rotating.

The faint golden light overflowed from Lin Fei's body, setting Lin Fei's whole person in golden light, extraordinary and extraordinary.

In the dantian, the great flame stone stele emits powerful refining power, refining one of the dragon veins.

A steady stream of rich spiritual energy is released from that dragon vein and flows to every meridian in the body.

Now, there are four dragon veins in Lin Fei's body.

Ten days later, Lin Fei's body suddenly heard a thunderous roar.

Between every meridian in the body, a long river of light golden vitality is whizzing around.

Each meridian is expanding rapidly, and its volume is getting wider and wider.

This is a sign of an impending breakthrough.

"Boy, I felt your breath for a while, and it is estimated that your breakthrough this time should attract thunder.

Therefore, you'd better go out to the outside world and find a remote place to break through.

If you stay in this city and break through, you don't know what will happen. "

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, Yan Di's voice suddenly sounded.


This time, might it cause thunder robbery? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes, in the Sovereign Continent, the rules of heaven and earth are different from those of the Yuanwu Realm.

In the Sage Venerable Continent, the realm of strength must reach the realm of the **** bridge, and only when it breaks, it is possible to attract thunder.

Moreover, even at the level of the Divine Bridge Realm, it is relatively rare to attract thunder when breaking through.

Only some warriors who practice the Thunder System Cultivation Technique can break through when they are in the Divine Bridge Realm.

However, when the realm of the warrior reaches above the Hinayana realm, the breakthrough will usually lead to thunder robbery.

Judging from your current breath, your breakthrough this time will definitely attract thunder. "

Yandi said.

So that's the case.

Lin Fei nodded.

Before Emperor Yan, when he was in the Holy Venerable Continent, he was a master of the high-level Mahayana realm. He naturally knew a lot about cultivation matters.

"Well, I'll find a place outside to break through."

Lin Fei directly teleported himself out of the city, and then left the Five Elements City.

It is now at night, the moon is hanging high in the sky, the moon is shining down, and the earth is bright.

The starry sky is very beautiful.

Lin Fei unfolded her body and continued to gallop. After a stick of incense, she came to a few large mountains hundreds of miles away from the city of Five Elements.

Lin Fei rushed into the depths of the mountains, found a place, and continued to meditate.

About half an hour later.


Inside Lin Fei's body, loud noises continued to be heard, with infinitely bright golden awns, constantly erupting, reflecting the golden light of the entire mountain forest.

In the high sky above Lin Fei's head, there were also thick dark clouds continuously gathering.

Amidst the thick black clouds, a gleaming thunder-light electric snake is constantly walking.

After a while.

Boom boom boom...

Finally, thick lightning began to fall.

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at the thick electric lights in the sky that were falling.

"It's so familiar.

Ha ha, the energy of thunder and lightning. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Then, the mind moved.


A huge hideous beast shadow sprang out from Lin Fei's dantian.

It is the unicorn thunder beast.

The strength of the unicorn thunder beast, for Lin Fei, is naturally very weak.

However, devouring thunder and lightning is the talent of the unicorn thunder beast.

Therefore, at this time, the thunder and lightning energy that fell from the sky was terrifying, but for the unicorn thunder beast, there was not much danger.

This is because all things are born, and one thing drops one thing.

The unicorn thunder beast rushed into the sky, and began to consume the thick thunder and lightning excitedly.

Occasionally, some thunder and lightning landed and slashed towards Lin Fei, but was also easily smashed by Lin Fei's punch.

After about a stick of incense.

The dark clouds in the sky finally dissipated, and no lightning fell.

"Intermediate Theravada!"

Lin Fei stood up and shook his fists.


The unicorn thunder beast also returned to Lin Fei's Dantian.

Lin Fei unfolded her body and headed back towards the Five Elements City.

Suddenly, in the distant sky, huge sword lights slashed into the sky with fierceness.

"Xianjian Cliff!"

Lin Fei smiled with joy.

As a result, she immediately unfolded her body skills and moved towards the position of Xianjian Cliff.

After a while, Lin Fei came to the huge cliff.

I saw sword light bursting out of the sword marks on the cliff wall, slashing into the sky.

Every sword light is very huge, and the sword intent is amazing.

There is a kind of domineering in it.

Moreover, Lin Fei discovered that the direction, trajectory, and speed that every sword light slashed out seemed to coincide with certain rules.

Often a few sword lights, under mutual cooperation, can block the entire sky, wherever the sword lights go, all vitality is taken away and extinct.

"Sword formation!"

After Lin Fei deduced it for a while, he couldn't help being surprised.

Lin Fei finally found a pattern. It turned out that the sword light bursting from the sword marks on the cliff seemed messy, but in fact, there were rules.

Every time, at the same moment, the sword light burst out must be five ways!

The color of each sword light is somewhat different.

The five swords of light, the qi and the machine are connected, and each other generates and restrains each other, thus evolving endless laws and mysteries, and even faint visions are born.

The five sword lights seem to explain the truth of kendo.

Lin Fei wholeheartedly, deducing, completely fascinated.

"Huh? This is..."

Just as Lin Fei wholeheartedly deduced it, suddenly, on the cliff, a certain corner began to shine. It seemed that a line of text was glowing.

Lin Fei's gaze quickly looked over.

Then, Lin Fei saw a line of text that was shining brightly.

"I understand the sword here, and finally dominate the lower half of the Sword of God's Consciousness, and the swordsmanship has advanced greatly! The sword emperor of the Yuanwu Realm left the word."

Lin Fei couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

It turned out to be the Sword Emperor of Yuanwu Realm!

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