Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1535: Four colleges in Zhongshengzhou

"Azi, both you and the goblins have reached the advanced **** bridge realm now.

Moreover, awakened the inheritance of martial arts.

In the future, you can follow me and roam outside.

There is no need to keep practicing in retreat like before. "

Lin Fei said.

"Yes. I should be able to help you a lot in the future."

Azi nodded, looking forward to it.

After all, those days of always hiding and practicing are very dry and tasteless.

Azi is very active and naturally, he likes the wonderful life of the outside world even more.

"Well, now, let's go to the imperial capital of the Ancient Cang Empire!"

Lin Fei said.

"Master, do you plan to deal with the royal family of the Ancient Cang Empire alone."

A Zi asked.

"Yes, I should be able to deal with an imperial royal family.

Moreover, now Cangyan Holy Land lacks manpower.

The three elders and the four deacons were too busy.

Elder Nie will be in the headquarters again to guide his disciples in their cultivation.

I have to do this kind of thing.

Hmph, the Royal Family of the Ancient Cang Empire has been secretly provoking us Cangyan Holy Land recently, it's time to settle accounts with them. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, this time, I will also help the master.

My current strength has reached the advanced divine bridge realm, and then I continue to practice in the slave tower, the effect is not very big. "

Azi said.


Lin Fei nodded in agreement.

Because, those slaves in the slave tower, the strongest, are only the high-level **** bridge realm.

So Lin Fei simply called the goblin out.

Because, the strength of the goblin is equivalent to the high-level **** bridge realm.

"Go, go to the imperial capital of the Ancient Cang Empire."

Lin Fei took Azi, and the goblin, and set off.

And this time, in the Central Saint State of the Holy Venerable Continent.

In a mysterious place.

There are endless mountains, celestial light shrouded, and spiritual fog permeated.

The huge floating islands exuding colorful glow, floating in the air, are very spectacular.

On one of the floating giant islands, there is a huge palace.

The entire palace is shining brightly, with spiritual mist lingering, like the dwelling of gods.

In the palace, there are a few figures sitting face to face on a few futons.

These few figures seem to be true and illusory, and they are so confusing that people cannot understand.

Even face to face, no one can see them clearly.

"Our Blue Dragon Academy is preparing to recruit a group of new students from the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

Next month, the academy will send personnel to the Eastern Region, Western Wilderness, Nanling, Beiyuan, and of course, our Zhongsheng State, to start assessing and recruiting new students.

Announcing this news to the entire Holy Venerable Continent, making the world known. "

In the palace, one of the figures slowly spoke.

"Dean, is it really decided?"

Another figure asked.

"Not bad.

This matter is so decided.

Not only Qinglong College, White Tiger College, Suzaku College, Xuanwu College, but also a group of new students will be recruited at the same time.

Therefore, our Qinglong Academy should also take action and strive to recruit some outstanding students with potential to supplement the strength of our Academy. "

The figure called the dean nodded and said.

"Okay, then I will immediately arrange manpower to release this news to the entire Holy Venerable Continent."

Another figure said.

"You can arrange for some students from various regions to go back to visit relatives.

Let these students first take the news back and announce it to the area where their hometown is located.

Until next month, our college will formally send an admissions officer to recruit new students. "

Said the dean.

"Okay, just follow the dean's words."

A figure stood up and disappeared into the palace instantly.

"Dean, this time the four major colleges are recruiting new students at the same time. Does the senior above mean?"

Inside the palace, there was a figure asking the dean.

"Not bad.

However, you'd better not ask more about things you shouldn't know. "

Dean said.

"Yes, Dean."

The figure quickly lowered his head and said.

Soon, many students from the four colleges in Zhongshengzhou received a task, that is, to go back to visit relatives, and to announce the news that the college is about to recruit new students.

Then, many young students started to leave Zhongshengzhou, preparing to return to their hometown.

"Haha, Dongyu, after a few decades, I will finally go back and take a look.

I don’t know how we are developing in the Eastern Territory.

Alas, but, to be honest, the Eastern Region is always a small place, and it will never compare to Zhongshengzhou.

The aristocratic families and sacred places in the Eastern Region, no matter how developed, are estimated to be far inferior to those terrifying families and sacred places in the Central Saint State. "

In Zhongshengzhou, a purple-clothed youth just walked out of the White Tiger Academy and looked at the direction of the Eastern Region. He couldn't help but feel happy and emotional.

"Brother Tan, are you going back to the Eastern Region too?

Just right, there is a companion on the road. "

At this moment, a young man in blue came to the rear in a flash and stopped.

"Haha, it turned out to be Brother Gu, well, let's get together."

The purple-clothed youth said with a smile.

"By the way, I heard that Ji Dong is here, and I will go back this time."

The blue-clothed youth said.

"Ji Donglai!"

Ziyiqing's face changed slightly when she heard the words.

"Forget it, Ji Donglai, he is now a first-level student in the academy.

Status and status are far higher than ours.

Even if he goes back, he probably doesn't bother to be with us. "

Said the purple-clothed youth.

"Yes, alas, I didn't expect that our group of students from the Eastern Regions has the greatest potential.

You know, of course, when he first came to White Tiger Academy, his realm was not as good as mine.

But now, I am far behind him. "

The blue-clothed youth shook his head and sighed.

"Except for our White Tiger Academy, among its three major colleges, those students from the Eastern Region, it is estimated that most of them will go back this time.

Haha, it seems that this time, the East Region is going to be bustling with students from the four colleges. "

Said the purple-clothed youth.

"Hahaha, of course.

Although we are among the four major colleges, we are not very powerful.

But once he returned to the Eastern Regions, he was definitely a master.

The four colleges of Zhongshengzhou represent the highest level of martial arts in the entire Sage Continent.

All students who come out of the four major academies, no matter where they go to the Holy Venerable Continent, they are human beings. "

The blue-clothed youth immediately laughed.

Therefore, the two young men rushed back to the Eastern Region together.

Of course, in addition to these two young people, there are more young students from the four major colleges rushing back to the Eastern Region.

The four colleges of Zhongshengzhou have a high status in the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

This time, the four major colleges are recruiting new students at the same time, and it is estimated that it will definitely make the whole Holy Venerable Continent boil.

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