Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1536: Changle Gang

Lin Fei and A Zi, as well as the goblins, have been heading towards the capital of the Ancient Cang Empire.

"Sir, miss, you go quickly, I will stop them!"

When Lin Fei and the three were on their way, suddenly there was an anxious cry in front of them.

Then, a group of people came hurriedly from the front, looking very embarrassed.

There are about a hundred people in this team.

Judging from his clothes, he seemed to be from a certain school.

The strongest was a gray-clothed old man who looked lean and capable. This gray-clothed old man walked at the back of the team, constantly urging the people in front to speed up.

"Elder Li, we are going to flee together.

How can you leave you alone against the enemy. "

In the team, there was a pair of young men and women, obviously surrounded by the rest.

"Oh, son, miss, at our speed, over time, they will definitely catch up.

You are the only bone and flesh of the Lord, and also the hope of our Changle Help in the future.

Therefore, you must try to escape and find a place to hide.

In the future, when there is an opportunity, the Changle Gang will be re-established. "

The look of the gray-clothed old man was a bit sentimental.

"And you, in the future, you must do your best to assist the son and the young lady.

We Changle Gang, you may be left.

You are all elite disciples of the Changle Clan. For so many years, the Changle Clan has treated you very well. You must not leave the young master and the young lady. "

The old man in gray said to the rest.

"Elder Li can rest assured that we will do our best to assist the son and the young lady in the future, and will never do anything that I am sorry for the Changle Gang."

The rest of the people also looked sad and indignant, their eye circles were red, and they all answered the gray-clothed old man together.

"That's good.

Well, you guys leave quickly.

I'll hold the chasing soldiers, hoping to let you escape the clutches smoothly. "

The gray-clothed old man urged.

"That's too late.

None of your Changle helpers can escape.

Hmph, you people are so bold. As traitors to the empire, the emperor personally ordered you to enter Beijing and accept the imperial royal family.

You dare to escape privately.

This is a capital crime! "

Suddenly, a cold shout sounded, and a tall figure came in an instant in the distance.

This man was dressed in armor, majestic, and dressed as a general.

"You guys go!"

When the gray-clothed old man saw this general appear, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but yelled at the Changle gang.

Then, he stretched his hands forward, ten fingers bursting out of ten majestic vitality.

Each vitality directly transformed into a kind of monsters, tigers, leopards and jackals, etc., a total of ten monsters, roaring up to the sky, rushed towards the general.

"What are you waiting for, run away!"

The gray-clothed old man attacked while shouting angrily at the people of Changle's gang.

"Elder Li, take care."

Finally, the young men and women who were called the son and the young lady by the grey-clothed old man gritted their teeth and took Changle to help the others and fled towards the distance.

"Hmph, don't worry, they can't escape."

With a playful smile on the corner of the general's mouth, as soon as he stretched out his hand, a shimmering iron gun appeared in his hand.

Huh hoo hoo...

The spear trembles, and the shadow of the gun obscures the sky, shooting forward like raindrops.


In less than two moves, a big bowl of blood hole was pierced on the shoulder of the old man in gray, and his figure was thrown out on the spot.

As soon as the general moved, he caught the gray-clothed old man and held it in his hand.

However, this general did not chase the people of the Changle Gang, but stood in place, sneered at the Changle Gang who were escaping quickly.

"Hahaha, none of your Changle Gang today can escape."

At this moment, suddenly, there was a young man in black, laughing and galloping from a distance. The speed was terribly fast, and instantly blocked the path of Changle's help.

"Master is a planner, should we step forward and help."

In the high air in the distance, A Zi said to Lin Fei.

"hold on."

Lin Feidao.

The three Lin Fei, at this time, were parked high in the distance, paying attention to the situation here.

"Step aside!"

Four or five disciples of the Changle Gang rushed towards the black-clothed young man who was in the way.

"Huh, I can't help myself, it's just looking for death."

The young man in black sneered.

Bang bang ......

When his figure flickered, the mighty power of Yuanli exuded, his left hand was on his back, and his right hand hit a few consecutive palms. It was easy to severely wound the four or five Changle Gang disciples on the spot.

"Hmph, if it's not for keeping you a dog, it will be useful temporarily.

I can kill all of your **** in a few strokes! "

The black-clothed young man said arrogantly, he didn't treat these Changle Gang disciples at all.

These disciples of the Changle Gang, the strongest, are only in the Bitter Sea Stage.

And this young man in black was the strength of a high-level **** bridge realm.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

These members of the Changle Gang are far from the opponents of this young man in black.

"You are a planner!

We Changle Gang, it seems that we have never offended your family, why should we deal with us like this. "

The elder Li of the Changle gang looked at the young man in black in horror and asked unwillingly.

It turned out that the Changle Gang was just a small sect with fifth-rate or even sixth-rate strength in the Ancient Cang Empire.

But the planner is a super power in the Eastern Region.

Therefore, when the elder Li of the Changle gang recognized that the young man in black was actually a family planner, he immediately fell into despair.

He understood that with the strength of the Ji family, if they wanted to catch them, the people of Changle's help would be useless no matter where they fled.

Because the power of the planner in the Eastern Region is terrible.

It's far from what Changle can handle with these five or six classmates.

"Yes, I am a family planner.

You don’t have to try to escape anymore.

Even if you flee to the sky, it’s useless for the people we plan to capture. "

The young man in black said coldly.


At this time, there was a large group of people in the distance, rushing aggressively.

In a moment, he came to the front.

This is a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor. Everyone is holding a cold gleaming spear, which is very powerful.

"General Yu!"

A little leader walked up to the general and exclaimed respectfully.

"Well, take all these people from Changle's gang back."

The general ordered.

"Yes, General!"

The little leader replied respectfully.

Then, with a large group of people, they rushed up and surrounded them, and in a moment, they captured all the more than one hundred Changle Gang members.

"It's over, our Changle gang is completely over, even the last hope is gone."

At this moment, the gray-clothed old man was completely desperate, his expression numb, and he muttered to himself.

"Wait, the rest, take them back first.

This woman, leave it to me.

The lady of the Changle Gang, hehe, her figure and appearance are all good. "

The black-clothed young man from the planner suddenly flashed his figure and appeared beside the young lady in Changle's help. He stretched out his hand and touched the young lady's face unscrupulously.

"Ah, get out!"

That young lady, Huarong suddenly turned pale and screamed.

"Let go of my sister, bastard, I fight you!"

The son of the Changle Gang shouted angrily.

"Trash! Do you want to die!"

The black-clothed young man of the housekeeper slapped his backhand on the face of the young man of the Changle Gang.

Suddenly, the young man's figure flew out high.

Lin Fei was in the distance high in the sky, watching this scene, his eyes cold involuntarily.

"Okay, let's go over."

Lin Fei said to A Zi and the goblin.

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