Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1546: Kill the family elder

Facing the three-edged steel fork that was bombarding with the earth-shattering breath of death, Lin Fei quickly unfolded his own body technique, and his body kept retreating.

At the same time, between the brows, a ray of light flickered, and then, a vertical strange eye slowly emerged.

It is the pupil of Hades.

call out!

The pupil of Ancestor Hades suddenly opened.

Then, in the depths of the pupil of the ancestor of the ancestors, a deep vortex seemed to be produced, which was not bottomless, and produced a terrible force of involvement.

In the surrounding space, everything seems to be forcibly swallowed by this vortex, including light, air, energy, and even space.

The light disappeared completely, and what was left seemed to be eternal darkness and despair.

In the absolute darkness, there was only one erect eye, which became clearer and clearer.

In the whole world, it seems that there is only this eye left, sending out terrifying and strange eyes that make people unable to look away.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

There was a low growl of panic from the mouth of that Yasha, and an expression of panic appeared on his face.

This Yasha was made by the old Ji family. He was surprised to find that his soul body had actually felt a powerful call, and was slowly leaving the sea of ​​consciousness and heading towards the dark eye.

This is a call from the depths of the soul, leaving his divine soul body out of control at all. He wants to obey this call and fly into that eye.


The old family of Ji desperately mobilized his divine consciousness, the surging tide of divine consciousness tightly wrapped his divine soul body in it, preventing the divine soul body from flying away from the sea of ​​consciousness.

The opportunity is here!

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei understood that the degree of integration between himself and this pupil of the ancestor of the ancestor was not thorough enough, and could not fully exert the power of the pupil of the ancestor of the ancestor.

Moreover, the divine consciousness of this old family member is very powerful.

It is estimated that the pupil of the ancestor of Hades cannot be defeated.

Must seize the opportunity to cooperate with other attacks.

Under the control of Lin Fei's mind, the four golden orbs erupted with flaming golden glow, dazzling, like a meteorite, rumbling across the sky, rushing toward the Yasha.

call out!

While the black light flickered, the Ushablade also quickly walked through the void, bursting out fierce and terrifying runes, locking the head of the Yasha.

Lin Fei raised his hand, five hundred-zhang giant swords of different colors, exuding terrifying sword intent, cooperated with each other to form a terrible sword formation, strangling towards that Yasha's body.

At the same time, Lin Fei's mind moved, and the small divine sense tripod in the Hongmeng Ding instantly rushed to the sea of ​​knowledge of the old family of Ji.

Originally, with the powerful divine consciousness of the elder of the family, Lin Fei's divine consciousness little cauldron might not be able to break into his sea of ​​knowledge.

But at this moment, most of his divine consciousness has been used to deal with the pupil of the ancestor.

Therefore, the small cauldron of divine consciousness broke into his sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, exuding a powerful divine consciousness coercion, and violently crashed into his divine soul body.

At the same time, the demon body clone naturally seized this opportunity, surrounded by waves of earth-shaking evil energy, and directly displayed the third magic forbidden method, the sky-filled magical runes, and sealed the body of the Yasha.

It can be said that at this moment, almost all of Lin Fei's powerful hole cards were displayed.

This is Lin Fei's most powerful blow!

No, there is another trick.

Lin Fei suddenly remembered that as soon as he stretched out his hand, the sky bow appeared, pulling the bowstrings as fast as he could, and the purple long arrows poured over that Yasha like a torrential rain.

this moment.

The entire palace was shaken completely because of Lin Fei's terrifying attacks.

The palaces and high-rise buildings below are constantly exploding and turning into powder.

The entire palace was completely destroyed because of the fierce battle between Lin Fei and the elder of the Ji family, and there was no complete building left.


The aging Yasha of the Ji family was looking up to the sky in grief and roaring, and the terrifying roar sounded the entire imperial capital trembling.

Lin Fei's various terrifying attacks continued to blast on his tall body.

Four golden **** kept hitting his body.

The Usha blade kept cutting his head back and forth.

Five hundred-zhang giant swords of different colors formed a mysterious sword formation, strangling his body and limbs.

In the knowledge sea, the **** Xiaoding is constantly bombarding his spiritual consciousness.

The pair of fists of the demon body clone also banged on his body like lightning.

A large number of purple light arrows exploded on him like rain.

"Roar, no!

Lin Fei little thief! Damn you! "

At this time, the old family of that Ji Jiu had to be aggrieved as much as possible [country novel].

The pupil of the ancestor of Hades restrained most of his will.

The third magic forbidden method used by the demon body clone also temporarily sealed his body.

In such a short instant, Lin Fei's various terrifying attacks made him feel helpless.

There is no way to resist or avoid it.

"How is this going!"

"Listen to the voice, did Master Ji suffer a loss?!"

"Impossible, Master Ji has used the taboo secret technique in the Dark Scriptures. This Lin Fei, even if it goes against the sky, cannot be Master Ji's opponent.

"It's a pity, it's darkness, we can't see anything!"

In the distance, the people of the royal family, including the emperor, couldn't help but talk at this time.

Because all people know that the final result of the battle between the old family of Ji and Lin Fei determines the survival of the ancient Cang Empire royal family.

However, at this moment, the entire palace was shrouded in darkness, and no one could see exactly what happened inside.

Even the power of divine consciousness cannot perceive it.

"The Son of God does not know what is going on.

Nothing will happen. "

"I hope that the Son of God will win.

Otherwise, the imperial royal family will not let us go. "

"What are you afraid of? The big deal, I'll fight with them then!"

"What are you talking nonsense, Saint Son will definitely win."

At this time, the Changle Gang and other six sects were discussing, and they were very nervous.

"Then kid, nothing will happen."

Even the goblin was a little worried, and said to Azi.

"Don't worry, what's unlucky right now is the performance of the old family, the master, who is brave."

Azi said with a smile.

Azi stayed in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and stayed in the soul brand, so he could clearly know Lin Fei's current situation.


Finally, under the terrifying attacks of Lin Fei and the demon body clone on the tall Yaksha, cracks began to appear on the tall body and spread rapidly.

The pitch-black blood is constantly splashing out from those cracks.

The power generated by the pupil of the ancestor is also getting stronger and stronger.

The old soul body of the Ji family is slowly being dragged away from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Do not!

Lin Fei, you can't kill me, let me go!

I am the elder of the planner. If you kill me, the planner will do everything possible to avenge me. "

The family elder Ji finally panicked completely and shouted at Lin Fei.

"I'll just ask you, if it was me who lost, would you let me go?"

Lin Fei said coldly.

The old family was taken aback.

It is also true that if Lin Fei loses, he will definitely not let Lin Fei go.


Lin Fei's tone was very cold.

Under the urging of thoughts, all kinds of attacks became more violent.

at last.

Puff puff……

The body of the Yasha, which was as high as two hundred meters, began to explode continuously, and the limbs, body, head, flesh and blood splashed, and continuously disintegrated.

And the old soul body of the Ji family has also completely left the sea of ​​knowledge, and was dragged by a powerful force to fly towards Lin Fei's eyebrows.

"Little thief Lin Fei! You are so cruel, I'm a ghost, and I won't let you go!"

Before dying, the veteran Ji clan issued a terrible cry, which spread throughout the entire imperial capital.

Then, hoo! His soul body was completely sucked into the pupil of the ancestor of the dark.

The demon body cloned, with a mouth open, and with a strong suction, that Yasha's body as high as two hundred zhang continued to decompose.

All the flesh and blood essence is constantly being sucked into the abdomen of the demon body clone.

After a while.

The tall Yasha disappeared completely.

The pupil of the ancestor of Lin Fei's eyebrows also closed his eyelids and then disappeared.

The darkness receded, the light returned, and the light reappeared in the entire palace.

The entire palace was completely destroyed, and no complete building was left in ruins.

Only Lin Fei's slender figure remained, floating in the air, carrying his hands on his back, clothes hunting and dancing.

At this moment, all the eyes of the entire imperial capital were on Lin Fei's body.


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