Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1547: Behead the emperor


Lin Fei suddenly showed a surprised expression, because after the pupil of the ancestor of the ancestors inhaled the soul body of the family elder, it seemed to strengthen a lot.

Moreover, the degree of integration with his own flesh and blood seems to be more perfect.

It seems that the more souls absorbed by the pupil of the ancestor, the more powerful it is.

The pupil of the ancestor of Hades, strengthened to a certain degree, will give birth to a terrible light called the light of the pupil of the Hades, which can kill all the existence of spirits in the world, extremely terrifying.

Of course, all this information was from before, in the chaos and void, that thin old man broke into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Fei didn't know whether it was true or not.

However, thinking about it, that thin old man dare not lie to himself.

It seems that in the future, the pupil of the ancestor must absorb more of the soul body and increase it quickly.

At this moment, Lin Fei silently experienced the changes in the pupil of the ancestor of Hades, and was also thinking about it in his mind.

At the same time, the demon body clone, after consuming the flesh and blood essence of that Yasha, the evil energy contained in the body is also greatly enhanced.

A series of terrible evil energy thick as a giant dragon hovered on the six or seven meters high demon body, and the monstrous demon and evil aura made people daunting.

"No, Master Ji was killed by Lin Fei!"

The princes and ministers exclaimed one after another.

It was obvious that the old Ji family disappeared, and only Lin Fei remained in the entire palace.

"Great, Shengzi won and cut off the clan elders of the planner!"

The Changle Gang and other six sects were all in a carnival.

"It's over, our royal family is over..."

The emperor was completely desperate all of a sudden, with a dull expression on his face, he understood that the imperial royal family's greatest reliance was the family plan.

Now all the clan elders guarding the imperial capital have been killed.

So, now there is no one who can save the fate of the royal family.


Outside the imperial capital, dozens of shadows flee desperately.

"Run away, go back and report to the Patriarch!"

These were all planners. After the old family was beheaded, these planners, wherever they dare to stay, flee.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness has long been aware of these escaping planners.

However, Lin Fei just smiled faintly.

In fact, as long as others don't come to provoke him, Lin Fei is not a person who rushes to kill.

Just now, these planners did not attack Lin Fei from beginning to end, so Lin Fei did not catch up to kill them.

Lin Fei's figure walked in the air, slowly walking towards the position of the emperor.

"I'm still the same as before.

Those who surrendered to my Cangyan Holy Land had all the law officers appointed to their original positions, and even had the opportunity to be appointed as a noble officer.

I will not hold him accountable if he leaves automatically.

However, if you are still obsessed with comprehension, let's talk about it! "

Lin Fei's voice was very flat.

However, it has a terrifying majesty.

In this case, Lin Fei had said before.

However, at that time, not many of the royal ministers thought that Lin Fei could single-handedly overthrow the rule of the imperial royal family.

After all, behind the imperial imperial family, there is also a family plan.

However, now, Lin Fei was the elder of the Lianji family, and he was also beheaded.

Therefore, when Lin Fei said something like this again, all the princes and ministers were silent, and their hearts were fighting fiercely.

"I leave!"

Finally, a middle-aged minister said in a loud voice.

Then he turned around and rushed out of the imperial capital.

Lin Fei watched quietly, without any response, and let the middle-aged minister leave.

Suddenly, many princes and generals also chose to leave.

Because they all understand that the imperial royal family is completely finished.

But this group of people had feelings for the imperial royal family and wanted them to join the Cangyan Holy Land. They couldn't accept it, so they chose to leave.

"Holy son, I choose to return to the Cangyan Holy Land, huh, the imperial royal family is too innocent.

Over the years, excessive taxation and excessive taxation have caused complaints among the people all over the country. I have written four or five times and asked the royal family to give more consideration to the people.

Instead, I was demoted. I was disappointed in the royal family.

I hope that after the Son takes over the Ancient Cang Empire, he will be better to the people of the Empire. "

A minister wearing a purple court dress took a step forward and said respectfully to Lin Fei.

"Well, don't worry. Next, I will announce that within the entire ancient Cang Empire, within three years, all taxes and corvee will be exempted, and the world will be amnesty."

Lin Fei nodded and said to the minister.

"It is fortunate for the people of the Ancient Cang Empire to be able to do this for the Saint Son!"

The minister was overjoyed and saluted Lin Fei again and again.

Lin Fei could see that this was a good official who really took care of the people of the empire.

"Well, in the future, you will be the prime minister of the Ancient Cang Empire. I hope you can give full play to your talents and benefit the people of the Ancient Cang Empire."

Lin Fei asked.

"Thank you for your trust!

I will do my best and I will never let the son down! "

This purple-clothed minister was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and said to Lin Fei's respect.

With this purple-clothed minister taking the lead, soon a large number of princes and ministers chose to join the Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei naturally accepted it.

Soon, hundreds of princes, ministers, generals and nobles walked and surrendered.

In the end, there were still more than a dozen loyal officials and eunuchs, surrounded by the emperor.

These ministers and eunuchs have deep feelings for the royal family, and it is estimated that they will never betray the royal family.

"Well, this is your choice, I will send you on the road."

Lin Fei looked at the emperor and the dozen or so old officials and eunuchs beside him, and said in a cold tone.

This emperor had already massacred a large number of warriors in the Ancient Cang Empire in order to satisfy the old Ji family practicing the Demon Yecha Secret Art. It can be said that his hands were covered with blood, and Lin Fei could not let him go.

"Emperor Dog, you can't think of it. You have today. I helped tens of thousands of people in Montenegro and was almost slaughtered by you. Today, your retribution has arrived!"

"Emperor Dog, your end is here!"

"Kill the dog emperor!"

At this time, the Changle Gang and other six sects yelled.

"Emperor, run away, I will stop Lin Fei's evil thief!"

The two gray-haired old eunuchs, both of the strength of the high-level **** bridge realm, rushed to Lin Fei, shouting.


At this time, Lin Fei made a move, cutting out two hundred zhang sword auras, twisting the bodies of the two old eunuchs into pieces.

"Little thief Lin Fei, I played with you!"

A rickety old official rushed towards Lin Fei, he had the power of the elementary Hinayana state.


A sword gas swept across, and the veteran was cut into two pieces.

"The emperor..., the old minister tried his best..."

Before he died, the veteran had an expression of relief on his face, and he continued to be authentic.

"Okay, let's all hit the road."

Lin Fei didn't have the slightest mercy. Since these ministers are loyal to the royal family, they must be prepared to sacrifice their lives for the emperor.


As soon as Lin Fei raised his head, five sword auras of different colors formed a sword formation, strangling the past.

"Lin Fei evil thief, you cut my royal family for a thousand years, and I will not let you go as a ghost!"

Before the emperor died, he roared at Lin Fei with great bitterness.

"The cruel king, what's the use of keeping you!"

Lin Fei's expression was indifferent, and he let out a sword aura that instantly chopped the emperor's head to pieces.

"Holy Son, all the troops of the royal family choose to submit."

At this time, the leader of the Changle Gang came to Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei.

"Ah, very good.

Prime Minister, from now on, you will be responsible for rectifying all the affairs of the Imperial Capital, including the affairs of the entire Ancient Cang Empire.

We must strive to restore the order of the entire Ancient Cang Empire to normal in the shortest time.

Understood. "

Lin Fei said to the newly appointed prime minister.

"Holy Son, the minister understands."

The minister in purple quickly replied to Lin Fei.

"And you, stay in the imperial capital temporarily to assist the prime minister and manage the ancient blue empire."

Lin Fei looked at the head of the six sects including Changle Gang and said.

"Yes, follow the orders of the Son!"

The six heads answered quickly.

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