Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1552: conflict

"Hey, what are the identities of those young men?

How could there be male disciples among the Jade Profound School? "

Someone noticed that there were several young men in the team, closely following Wei Xuechan's side.

"Don't talk nonsense. The disciples of the Yuxuan Sect are all women. How could there be male disciples?

If someone from the Yuxuan school heard it, it would be catastrophic.

It is said that those young men belonged to the students of Zhuque Academy in Zhongsheng State. It is said that they were from extraordinary origins and belonged to the disciples of several ancient great teachers in Zhongsheng State.

This time, I came to the Eastern Regions with Wei Xuechan. "

Someone nearby replied in a low voice.

"It turns out to be a student of Suzaku Academy, no wonder they have extraordinary temperaments!"

The others sighed.

I saw the young men next to Wei Xuechan, all of them with outstanding temperament, walking along and stepping forward, and I knew at a glance that they were not ordinary people.

"I heard some gossip. It is said that these male students from the Vermillion Bird Academy are all because of Wei Xuechan's beauty.

Therefore, I came back to the Eastern Region with Wei Xuechan to get close to Wei Xuechan. "

In the crowd, someone lowered their voice to the lowest level and whispered quietly.

"So that's it. I look like it too."

Many people secretly nodded in agreement.

Because the young men next to Wei Xuechan's eyes were staring at Wei Xuechan's body from time to time.

Moreover, when talking with Wei Xuechan, they all carried a certain kind of flattery.

Lin Fei's gaze fell on another woman among the group of Yuxuan faction.

This is a young and beautiful woman in a pale green dress.

It was Xiao Yinyue.

"Unexpectedly, this time at the Tianyin City party, she also came."

Looking at Xiao Yinyue's figure, Lin Fei secretly said.

However, Xiao Yinyue is now a saint of the Jade Profound School, and she has a rare glazed moonlight body.

In recent years, the strength of the cultivation base has grown by leaps and bounds, and it has become very famous among the younger generation of Eastern Regions.

In addition, her outstanding appearance makes her more popular.

"Tsk tusk tusk, shit, this Wei Xuechan is much more upscale than those saints in the Eastern Region.

If you can marry such a woman, your life will be worthwhile.

I guess even my dad would praise me for being able to do it. "

Suddenly, an almost inaudible voice came from the crowd beside Lin Fei.

Ok? Could it be...

Lin Fei's heart moved, and immediately turned his head to look.

Sure enough, I saw that fellow Xiao Yuanshan was squeezing into the dense crowd, looking like a pig brother who was very awkward, staring at Wei Xuechan in a daze.

Before, Lin Fei was in the fairy sword cliff on the outskirts of Five Elements City, but Xiao Yuanshan didn't know when he left the Five Elements City. Later, Lin Fei never saw him.

Xiao Yuanshan had always been alone in the Eastern Regions, wandering everywhere, so Lin Fei didn't particularly care.

Unexpectedly, here, I met him again.

"This guy, really didn't grow up a bit."

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning as he looked at Xiao Yuanshan's fascinating look of Brother Pig.

"Huh, life and death!"

Suddenly, next to Wei Xuechan, a young man snorted coldly, and then waved his hand. A majestic and turbulent vitality rushed out of his hand, transformed into a purple-golden dragon, and rushed into the crowd.


The space was shaking, and wherever the purple golden dragon passed, the warriors flew out one by one, coughing up blood.

Lin Fei couldn't help but narrowed his gaze, because this purple-golden strip went straight towards Xiao Yuanshan.

The other warriors are just affected.

Lin Fei felt that the energy contained in this purple gold was very powerful. With Xiao Yuanshan's strength, it should be impossible to deal with it, and the consequences must be death or injury.

Moreover, that purple golden dragon, locked tightly to Xiao Yuanshan's breath, was so fast that it was difficult to avoid it.

As a result, Lin Fei immediately began to create his own body skills, and instantly rushed to Xiao Yuanshan's side, dragging Xiao Yuanshan away.

With Lin Fei's body and strength, it was naturally an instant, and he took Xiao Yuanshan to avoid it.


The purple golden dragon bombarded Xiao Yuanshan's original foothold. On the ground, several black, faint and terrifying gullies with a width of several hundred meters appeared.

"Brother Pan, what are you doing."

Wei Xuechan was taken aback, and asked the boy who shot.

"This **** is staring at you, Sister Wei, I don't think he is pleasing to your eyes.

Things like dogs are also worthy of staring at Junior Sister, isn't this blaspheming Junior Sister you. "

The boy said to Wei Xuechan in a pleasing tone.

"Xiongtai, thank you very much."

Xiao Yuanshan looked at Lin Fei and said gratefully.

He couldn't recognize the ordinary-looking young man in front of him as Lin Fei.

However, he knew that if this young man hadn't rescued himself in time just now, he might have been injured either.

"Damn, you're too cruel, isn't it just a few glances? It's necessary to kill someone as soon as they shoot.

Besides, I am not looking at you. "

Xiao Yuanshan was so angry at this time that he actually yelled at the boy.

Lin Fei couldn't help but a black line appeared on his forehead. This guy, really knowing no good or bad, had just escaped a catastrophe, and he took the initiative to provoke.

"It's Xiao Yuanshan, haha, this guy's old problem has committed again."

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Xiao Yuanshan.

"Damn, this guy, in our Eastern Region, has repeatedly molested the saints of various factions, and has done a lot of evil.

Unexpectedly, even the students from the four major academies dare to provoke them. They are really guilty. "

"Yes, isn't he just relying on his own father as a big bandit Xiao Yi, in the Eastern Region, no one dares to provoke him."

"This time, Xiao Yuanshan has stepped onto the iron plate.

You know, these are the students of Suzaku Academy.

Then Xiao Yi, no matter how arrogant he was, he would never dare to take action against the students of the four major colleges.

Otherwise, let alone the Eastern Region, the entire Saint Venerable Continent would have no place for him. "

There are many warriors around whispering.

Obviously, Xiao Yuanshan, in the Eastern Region, is not very popular, and many people are gloating.

"Sister Wei, did you hear that? It turns out that this **** often molested women.

Well, today, since I met you, I will take care of you Eastern Region and get rid of this one.

And you, another rubbish, who you want to kill, do you dare to save?

Really overwhelming.

In the next life, remember that some people are far from **** at your level and can be offended. "

The young man stared at Xiao Yuanshan and Lin Fei, full of playful eyes.

Then, the boy slowly walked towards Lin Fei and Xiao Yuanshan.

"Brother, I'm the one who made you tired. Go away.

This guy is a student of Suzaku Academy, we are not his opponent. "

Xiao Yuanshan said to Lin Fei.

"This guy is kind of conscience."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

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