Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1553: Elites gathered in Tianyin City

"Sister Wei, forget it.

Although Xiao Yuanshan was hateful, he didn't have any real evil deeds either.

Moreover, he is a friend of a friend of mine.

So, Senior Sister Wei, can you let your brother let him go temporarily. "

At this moment, Xiao Yinyue suddenly stepped forward and said to Wei Xuechan.

"oh, I see……

Well, since Junior Sister Xiao speaks, just follow Junior Sister Xiao's intention. "

Wei Xuechan said.

Xiao Yinyue is now a saint of the Jade Profound Sect. In addition, Xiao Yinyue possesses an extremely rare glazed moonlight body, and her future development is unlimited.

Therefore, although Wei Xuechan was a student of the Vermilion Bird Academy, she knew that Xiao Yinyue's future achievements would not necessarily be worse than her.

"Brother Pan, forget it.

This time, let them go. "

Wei Xuechan said to the boy.

"Well, since Junior Sister Wei and Junior Sister Xiao have both spoken.

I just let go of these two **** once.

However, if I meet these two **** again next time, they will not be so lucky. "

Said the boy.

Soon, the group of Yuxuan Sect left away.

Lin Fei looked at the young man's back and couldn't help but riot.

"This Xiao Yuanshan is really lucky. I didn't expect that this way, he would be able to escape his life from the students of the Suzaku Academy."

Someone next to him said.

"And this kid, really overwhelming, almost took his own life.

How is it, kid, what happened just now, didn't you scare you to death? "

Someone pointed at Lin Fei and laughed, with a very bad tone.

"Haha, even if it wasn't scared to death, I think it was so scared that it almost ran out of **** and urine!"

Others laughed.

"Am I offending you?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but frown, staring at the two people coldly.

At a glance, I know that these two are both bullying and fearful of evil, uneasy and kind.

"Damn, kid, what are your eyes.

Believe it or not I beat you up! "

Suddenly, the two people were upset, one of them shouted at Lin Fei.

They are all the strength of the high-level Divine Bridge Realm, and in their eyes, Lin Fei is only the strength of the primary Divine Bridge Realm, and Lin Fei is nowhere to be seen.

"Boy, don't teach you a lesson, you really think of yourself as an onion!"

The other person reacted even more and rushed towards Lin Fei directly to teach Lin Fei a lesson.

It can be seen that these two people are by no means kind.

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"You can actually laugh, I see how you pretend!"

In an instant, that person rushed to Lin Fei and swept across the slap. The entire slap was full of vigorous and violent energy.

When the people watching around thought that Lin Fei would definitely not be able to avoid this slap.

Lin Fei suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbed the slap that the man swept over, and pulled it gently.

With a click, the man's arm was broken in two, and the man suddenly screamed.

Then, Lin Fei grabbed his broken arm, like a windmill, swiped it twice, and threw it into the distant air.


The other person was dumbfounded, and he suddenly understood that he seemed to be offending someone he shouldn't.

"Didn't you say you want to beat me up, come here."

Lin Fei sneered.

"You..., how could it be possible, you are not like the strength of the Elementary God Bridge..."

That person keeps backing away, how dare to step forward.

call out!

Lin Fei moved in front of him and slapped him.

With a snap, the man threw out amidst the screams and fell thousands of meters away.

At this time, Lin Fei had already got into the crowd, and in a moment, he was gone.

Around, all the warriors below the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm were secretly grateful, but fortunately, he didn't have much trouble just now, otherwise, now the unlucky one is himself.

However, soon, everyone dispersed, this was just a small episode.

Those students from the four major colleges are the real focus of everyone's attention.

"Look at it, it's Hua Tianhao from the Holy Land of Heaven."

Soon, there was a sensation on the street again, and many people were exclaiming.

A group of people passed quickly on the street.

The leader was a young man in a golden robe, with a slender figure and a distinguished appearance. Vaguely, he revealed a high arrogance.

His gaze, between gazing and panning, occasionally looked at the people around him, appearing dismissive and contemptuous.

"It is said that Hua Tianhao is now a first-level student in Xuanwu Academy.

Sure enough, they are ordinary people. "

The people around are sighing.

"Han Shengde from the Han family is here. I heard that this Han Shengde is already a first-level student in Qinglong Academy.

Although, in the Eastern Region, the Han family and other aristocratic families and holy land are not very compatible.

However, this Han Shengde, as a first-level student of Qinglong Academy, has a very important status.

Therefore, it is also one of the main geniuses invited to this event. "

Looking at that Han Shengde, many people couldn't help but talk quietly.

Also, the strong will always be the focus of attention.

These outstanding geniuses, no matter where they go, will immediately be the subject of everyone's conversation.

"Look, the Yaozu's Jiao prince is also here."

At a certain moment, outside of Tianyin City, a group of people rolled over, with a demon spirit soaring to the sky, with a huge aura.

"It is said that this Jiao prince belongs to the first-level student in Qinglong Academy among the four colleges."

"What's weird about this.

You know, when the Jiao prince was still in the Eastern Region, his true combat power was the top three among the young generation of Eastern Region. "

Someone said.

Lin Fei was in the crowd, looking at this line of monsters.

I saw Princess Peacock and Prince Golden Crow, all following behind the Prince Jiao.

Then, students from the four major colleges appeared one after another in Tianyin City.

In addition, in the Eastern Territory, although some of the students of the four major colleges, but the outstanding young generation of strong people, also showed their faces.

Of course, there are also countless warriors who are here to watch the excitement.

After all, such a grand event is hard to find, it is rare to see it.

Almost the entire Eastern Region, the younger generation, the most elite geniuses, are all here.

The official date of the Tianyin City meeting was actually one day later.

However, most people arrived a day earlier.

The meeting place is in a mountain village called Wuxingzhuang, east of the city.

Although the location of this five-star village is in Tianyin City, its area is very wide. There are also several tall peaks in the villa, with green grass, flowing springs and waterfalls, and various auspicious birds and animals. Very beautiful.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to enter the five-star village.

Around Wuxingzhuang, there are planners who are closely guarded, and there are many masters who are sitting in the town.

It is said that only those holding invitation tickets are eligible to enter from the gate of the villa.

"Everyone, pass by, don't miss it. There are invitation coupons for Five-Star Villa for sale.

There is not much left. If you want to enter the Five-Star Villa tomorrow and see the talents of the four major colleges, you have to hurry up.

Otherwise, after passing this village, this shop will be gone. "

Lin Fei heard that someone on the street was selling invitation coupons for Five-Star Villa.

"Do you have to buy this too?"

Lin Fei was surprised, and hurriedly squeezed forward to look.

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