Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1558: enter

"Go in!"

Before the kilometer-long space crack, the seven or eight-year-old boy waved his hand and rushed into the space crack with the mysterious prison sect.

Then, the people of the other sects in Zhongsheng State also followed in one after another.

"Go, let's go in too."

The three sacred places in the Eastern Region, and the people of the three great families, have also soared into the sky, coming to the space crack, and rushing in.

Because, for things like treasure hunting, the earlier you enter, the more gains you might get.

Cangyan Holy Land and the others are in the dense forest.

"In entering the world of falling immortals, I hope everyone understands one thing.

In the world of falling immortals, it is said that in ancient times, there were places where immortals fell.

The danger inside can be imagined.

Therefore, in the Fallen Realm, although there is a great chance, there may even be a fairy.

However, entering the world of falling immortals is actually a dangerous thing in a lifetime of nine deaths, and many people must fall in it.

This is inevitable.

First of all, we have to face the dangers of the last knowledge in the world of falling immortals.

Secondly, now the entire Great Sect of the Sovereign Continent has entered the realm of falling immortals, and will surely have a scuffle in the process of hunting for treasures and fighting for opportunities.

Therefore, we have to face competition with other sects, especially those terrible sects in Central Saint State.

In a word, entering the world of falling immortals, nine deaths, extremely dangerous.

Everyone must think clearly about whether or not to enter. "

Elder Nie's gaze scanned the crowd slowly.

Suddenly, everyone in the dense forest became silent.

Because what Elder Nie said is indeed very reasonable.

Great opportunities have always been accompanied by great dangers.

Soon, some disciples with relatively low strength and conservative thoughts took the initiative to advance, staying outside and waiting, instead of entering the world of immortality.

However, most people insist on entering.

Of course Lin Fei didn't have to choose.

Lin Fei has always insisted on the adventurous spirit of seeking wealth and wealth. No matter how dangerous it is to fall into the immortal world, Lin Fei will go in and make a breakthrough

"Well, let's hurry in, too."

Elder Nie moved his body and rose in the air, heading towards the location of the space crack.

The people of Cangyan Holy Land closely followed Elder Nie.

Luohai Trading Company, Yaozu, Firecrow, and Dakou Xiaoyi and others all came to the space crack and entered together.

At this time, in the distant sky, groups of people came one after another.

It turned out that the people from the three states of Xihuang, Nanling, and Beiyuan also arrived.

In the sky, there are overwhelmingly dense figures, like locusts crossing the border, coming towards the location of the space crack, and constantly rushing into the space crack.

Of course, those who came were all sacred sites, aristocratic families, and first-class sects in various states.

As for those little sects with poor strength, there is no way to know the news of Luoxianjie's appearance in the Eastern Region.

It can be said that this time, the people who entered the realm of Falling Immortals were the most powerful large sect forces in each state in the entire Saint Venerable Continent, representing the highest level of the entire Saint Venerable Continent.

After a while, the people of Cangyan Holy Land, under the leadership of Elder Nie, came to the deep crack in the space, before the bronze gate.

Lin Fei was surprised to find that Elder Nie also understood space power, and compared to his own level, he was only strong but not weak.

Because, just now, after entering the space crack, it was Elder Nie who has been leading the way. Elder Nie walked very easily, as if taking a walk, always leading everyone to the bronze gate.

That bronze gate had long been blasted open by those big sects in Zhongshengzhou!

Inside the gate, the misty chaotic air was permeated, and in the depths, there was a faint dazzling celestial light, a dazzling mist in the invisible mist.

"This bronze door, where it points to, is uncertain, it seems to be a non-directional portal."

The goblin said suddenly.

"Do you want to gather together? After going in this way, there will be some care.

All people and horses can enter my space magic weapon. "

Elder Nie looked at Luohai Commercial Bank, Yaozu and other forces and asked.

"It's not necessary anymore. Let's disperse separately and look for your own opportunities."

The old Taoist priest of the Huo Crow tribe said lightly.

As he said, with a wave of his hand, he took the lead in the fire crow tribe.

"Yes, everyone should separate.

When they all gather together, they will compete with their own people. "

Peacock King also nodded and said.

"Our monster race also went in."

Peacock King said, and then, with the demons and horses, walked into the bronze gate.

In the team of the monster race, the Peacock Princess, the Golden Crow Prince and other outstanding young people have come, and there is also a young man with a big head and an extraordinary bearing.

Then, the team of the Huo Crow clan, the team of Luohai Trading Company, also entered the bronze gate.

"Well, in that case, everyone should separate.

Remember, after you go in, your life is the first, and the search for treasures and opportunities is second. "

Elder Nie looked at the people in Cangyan Holy Land.

"Elder Nie, the three of us, stay with you. At that time, if there is a real chance in it, even fairy fate, we must be the older generation of guys to compete.

Let these young people find their own opportunities. "

The elder said.

"Okay, the four of us are together.

You have to be careful. "

Elder Nie nodded and said.

Then, Elder Nie and the three elders locked each other's energy and stepped into the bronze gate.

"Let's go in too. Everyone be careful."

Lin Fei looked at the other disciples in Cangyan Holy Land.

This time, Cangyan Holy Land, including Lin Fei, had a total of ten disciples. Except for Lin Fei, all the rest were of the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm.

Including Luo Hui, Lin Wan'er and others.

In the Holy Land of the Eastern Territory, in the family, the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm is already at the level of the core disciple.

Lin Fei walked into the bronze gate.

The goblin had already entered the slave tower on Lin Fei.

Suddenly, a teleportation force struck, wrapping Lin Fei and teleporting.

After a few breaths.

Lin Fei was down to earth and looked forward.

In this area, the ancient trees are sparse, but they are all vigorous. Each tree needs a dozen people to hug it. The old skin is cracked, like a dragon scale.

The branches and leaves are not luxuriant, and the sky can be seen.

The distance between the trees is very large, the open space between each other is wide, there is a purple mist floating, and accompanied by a glow, the air is full of looming brilliant glow, very mysterious.


The next moment, Lin Fei couldn't help but took a deep breath, only to feel that the whole body was very comfortable, the meridians in the body were constantly dilating, and the whole person was full of energy.

"The quality of heaven and earth aura here is much higher than the quality of heaven and earth aura in Saint Venerable Continent!"

Lin Fei sighed.

Not to mention anything else, just cultivating in such a space, it is estimated that the improvement of strength is much faster than cultivating in the Holy Venerable Continent.

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