Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1559: Dorego

"It really is a non-directional teleportation array."

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness and did not find any familiar people.

However, there are many strangers haunting the neighborhood.

Lin Fei used the Dao breath method to completely change his appearance and spirit breath, and also let Azi perform illusions.

In this way, even if the holy masters and the hidden elders in the Holy Land came, they might not be able to recognize Lin Fei's true face.

Lin Feizhan started to move forward.

In a short time, he went forward for dozens of miles. Lin Fei found a lot of bones along the way. These bones seemed to be accumulated over a long period of time.

Among the bones mountains, there was a faintly terrifying aura that made people afraid to approach.

However, Lin Fei soon discovered a lot of Taoist medicines, all of which were above the second and third products, and there were still a lot of them.

"In this world of immortality, the chance is really good, it seems that Taoist medicine is everywhere."

Lin Fei praised while picking Taoist medicine.

Along the way, Lin Fei also met many other warriors, but Lin Fei was very low-key, avoiding when he saw it from afar, and didn't want to conflict with others for the time being.

Because, now is just entering the world of falling immortals, it is estimated that the real great opportunity will definitely appear later.

"Hey, what kind of medicine are these, how can they contain such a strong thunder and electricity!"

Most of the day later, in a turbulent land, Lin Fei suddenly discovered a large piece of Taoist medicine that burst out with thunder-light arcs.

These Dao medicines belong to the vines, and the rhizomes are about the size of an adult's arm, with luxuriant branches.

Moreover, there are many scarlet fist-sized fruits.

Those fruits contained a very strong thunder and electricity, and thick thunder and lightning continued to split out of the fruits.

The surrounding space is full of thick and thick thunder and lightning.

"Could it be the legendary Dao Lei Guo?!"

Lin Fei's heart was throbbing, this is a very rare Six-Rank Taoist medicine.

It is said that in the Holy Venerable Continent, it is already lost.

Unexpectedly, there are a large number of these.

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Azi, goblin, come out and help pick Dao Lei Guo!"

Lin Fei said.


Azi and the goblin figure appeared.

"Master, I remember that you used to get a medicine ring in that wild medicine forbidden valley.

The medicine ring can automatically absorb the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth, and various herbs and treasures of heaven and earth can be planted in it.

The master simply transferred these Daoliguo to the medicine ring.

In the future, you can often get Dao Lei Guo. "

A Zi suggested.

"Azi, you are right."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

If it hadn't been for Azi's reminder, Lin Fei would have almost forgotten the medication.

"Well, everyone dig out these thunderberry vines and transplant them into the medicine ring."

Lin Fei said.

As a result, the three began to disperse and dig Lei Guo Veng.

Suddenly, a murderous intent instantly enveloped Lin Fei.

Lin Fei practiced the Infinite Sutra and was able to keenly capture those very hidden murderous intentions in the surrounding space.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately began to create his own body method, and rushed out of the side like lightning when he moved.


The location where Lin Fei was just now completely exploded and turned into a dark and secluded pit, with electric lights lingering in the pit, crackling.

Then, Lin Fei flashed his eyes and let out a startled sound. It turned out to be a tall humanoid creature, covered in dense silver-white scales, with electric lights, more than ten meters long, with a big mouth and a big mouth, spewing electric awns, and a pair of copper. Ling had strange eyes, looking at Lin Fei.

This humanoid creature exudes violent thunder and electricity from all over, holding a two-meter-long white stone rod in his hand. On the stone rod, a bright lightning arc is woven into it, constantly exploding.

Moreover, not far away, there were five or six identical tall creatures, holding white stone rods in their hands, staring at the three Lin Fei angrily.

"What species is this?"

Lin Fei was very surprised and had never seen such a creature.

Moreover, from the outside, these tall humanoid creatures should be good at manipulating lightning.

Azi and the goblin were also taken aback and looked at the humanoid creatures in surprise.

"What kind of race does this guy belong to?"

Ah Zi and the goblin couldn't recognize what race these tall creatures belonged to.


Those five or six humanoid creatures, with violent gazes, stared at Lin Fei, showing an expression of anger, as if the three of Lin Fei broke into its territory.

Click click...

I saw one of the humanoid creatures, suddenly raising the stone rod in his hand, emitting a burst of thunder, rushing over, and violently slashing towards Lin Fei.

On the stone rod, with the sound of howling wind, the space was turbulent.

Moreover, thick thunder and lightning were also born in the surrounding void, constantly slashing towards Lin Fei.

Sure enough, he is good at manipulating lightning power.

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

However, the energy emitted by these humanoid creatures is probably the strength around the intermediate Hinayana realm.

Therefore, Lin Fei is not very concerned.

"Azi, goblin, you two hurry to dig Dao Lei Guo. I will deal with them!"

Lin Fei shouted.

call out!

Lin Fei waved his hand, and a black light instantly hit the head of the humanoid creature rushing towards him.


The head of the humanoid creature exploded, and the tall body flew out, hit the ground, and then remained motionless.


Many thunder and lightning radiated from its body and dissipated in the air.

Obviously, the body of this humanoid creature contains a lot of lightning.

Lin Fei's figure flickered, and shot again and again, and in a moment, all the other five or six humanoid creatures were also beheaded.

And Zi and the goblin are constantly seizing the time to dig thunder fruit vine.


Suddenly, not far away, there was a deep roar.

Lin Fei was covered with cold hair standing upright, looking in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a forest there, covered by clouds and mist, and silhouettes rushed out of the dense fog of the forest.

These figures are exactly the same as the humanoid creature that Lin Fei just killed.

Moreover, the number is extremely large, at least thousands of them, densely packed, each holding a thunder-shrouded stone rod in his hand, rushing towards Lin Fei's position with a low growl.

"Damn, these are thousands of Hinayana masters!

wrong! Among them, there are many, they are the strength of Mahayana realm! "

At this moment, Lin Fei's scalp was a little numb, there were too many opponents, and there were Mahayana realm strengths, which was a little scary.

"Azi, goblin, things are not good, hurry up!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Then, Lin Fei teleported Azi and the goblin into the slave tower at the fastest speed.

Then, Lin Fei hurriedly unfolded his own body technique and rushed to the distance.

Ho Ho Ho...

Behind him, there were roars, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and countless densely packed tall humanoid creatures came over the sky and covered the earth, and, accompanied by the sky of thunder and the huge thunder, it was deafening.

What is even more frightening is that Lin Fei discovered that these humanoid creatures are fast and scary, and they are not much slower than him!

In this way, Lin Fei tried his best and kept running away. After almost two or three sticks of incense, the distance from those chasing soldiers gradually widened.

"Hmph, you people from the Holy Land, don't be too much!

When did we provoke you! "

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded in front of him.

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback, because this voice was very familiar, Lin Fei could hear that it was the voice of a young warrior from Luohai Commercial Bank.

"Hmph, you people from Luohai Commercial Bank are guilty of being cheap, and you are mingled with the Cangyan Holy Land. They are now the public enemy of our entire Eastern Region martial artist.

Immediately hand over all the gains of your half-day time.

Then, collective suicide! "

Said a very cold voice.

"Hahaha, did you hear what Brother Tan said.

We Brother Tan, but a student of the White Tiger Academy in Zhongsheng State, our status is unattainable for you.

Brother Tan, it is a great honor for you to speak in person and talk to you.

Well, immediately follow Brother Tan's words, hand over everything on him, and commit suicide! "

Another very arrogant voice said with a big smile.

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