Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1590: The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind

"Okay, do it!"

Lin Fei's eyes burst into "she"jin", and his whole body was highly concentrated. ()

You know, the other party has seven masters of the Heavenly Caverns, as long as there is a slight mistake, not only can not save the Peacock King and the others, I am afraid that even myself will be very troublesome.

Lin Fei took a deep breath, and then, with a movement of her figure, she displayed the power of space and directly penetrated into the space.

Within such a short distance, with Lin Fei's current spatial strength, he could reach the destination accurately.

In the next moment, the planners and the Western Regions were directly above their heads.

In a certain space, suddenly, the space rippled gently.

Then, a figure rushed out at an extremely fast speed, of course it was Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei's whole body was tensed, his movements were as strong as a real dragon, and every inch of flesh and blood in his body burst out, and even faintly, there were runes all over his body, and his divine power was like a sea.

This is the effect of practicing the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art.

At this moment, Lin Fei's speed, Jian is really super level, at least ten times faster than usual!

call out!

The Chaos Cauldron appeared, and the lid of the Cauldron flew away, flipped suddenly, and the mouth of the Cauldron was downward.


A stream of jet-black sea water rushed out of the Chaos Cauldron and turned into an overwhelming curtain of water, splashing towards the masters of the Jijia and the seven caves of the Western Regions.

The terrible breath of death spread instantly, filling the entire mountain peak.

Lin Fei's speed is too fast. His movements are coherent and perfect in one go.

No one had reacted, and so did the seven masters of the Heavenly Caverns of the Judge and the Western Regions.

They are doing their best to perform terrible attacks, trying to quickly kill those monsters in the big formation.

Who can imagine that the praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole behind, in the void, will suddenly kill a terrible hunter.

The surging black sea water, falling from the sky, splashed, like a curtain of water, covering the entire space!

Lin Fei's clothes were hunting, his eyes shot out amazing killing intent, and he pointed at the Chaos Cauldron, condescending like a **** of heaven!

"Roar! What's the matter!"

Finally, at the moment when the sky was surging and the water splashed down, the seven masters of the cave world all felt something.

After all, the perception ability of the master of the cave sky is terrifying.

The seven Celestial Cave masters who felt that the situation was not good, their bodies glowed at the same time, and a series of terrible Yuanli rushed out of their bodies, forming a brilliant light curtain of Yuanli, shrouded above their heads.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The torrent of dark sea water washed down, and the layer of elemental force light curtain supported by the seven cave heaven masters could not play any role at all, it was instantly corroded by the sea water, and it was full of holes.

The sky was full of pitch black water, splashing on them.

Endless and terrible death, instantly wrapped the seven masters of the cave world.

"Ah...what the **** are these things, it is so terrible!"

On the bodies of the seven masters of the Cave Sky Realm, they were all wet by the sea water, all of them pale and uttered horrified screams.

On the bodies of the seven masters of the Cave Sky Realm, they all began to exude a trace of death, and wherever they were contaminated by the sea, they immediately began to rot.

And, at the same time.

call out!

A figure appeared, his body moved, and a terrifying energy fluctuation erupted. It struck a hidden elder of the Ji family with a punch on the back, and with a bang, he flew horizontally, half of his body exploded. Broken, blood splashed wildly.

This figure is exactly Lu Qi!

Lu Qi is also high in the cave world, and even at the level of the cave world, his combat power is much stronger than the ordinary master of the cave world.

At the same time, a master of the Heavenly Caverns of the Western Regions also screamed.

Because Lin Fei directly sacrificed the Chaos Cauldron and transformed it into a huge Dan Cauldron, condescendingly, as if the might of thunder blasted on his head, the head of the Western Region Sect master was directly exploded, bloody.

If it was normal, Lin Fei could not hit him in the head.

However, at this time, the master of the Cave Heaven Realm of the Western Regions was splashed by the sea water buried in the Xianhai. He was already severely injured and panicked. He was doing his best to move the terrible sea water out of his body.

Therefore, if he didn't pay attention, Chaos Cauldron hit his head and died tragically on the spot.

In addition, the weight of the Chaos Cauldron is simply terrifying, even if the body of the Celestial Cave Realm master received a heavy blow from the front of the Chaos Cauldron, it had to be blown up directly.


At this time, Lu Qi was already violently attacking the fat head of the Western Regions.

This Fat Head Tuo is the most powerful one among the seven Heavenly Cave Realm masters.

As long as this fat head tuo is beheaded, the opponent's overall strength will be greatly weakened.

"who are you?

What kind of water is this and why is it so terrible!


Could it be that these turned out to be the sea of ​​the sea of ​​burying Xianhai! "

The fat head tuo of the Western Regions screamed, his body was full of golden flames, wrapped around his body, and wanted to get rid of all the sea water splashed on him.

However, the sea water had already invaded his body, and his body, in many places, was as dark as ink.

The sea of ​​Buried Xianhai was rapidly destroying his body.


During the fierce battle, Lu Qi suddenly turned into a big bird overwhelming the sky, spreading the overwhelming black wings, violently flapping his wings, surging black air waves, and enveloping the fat head of the Western Regions.


For a moment, the black wing of the big bird that Lu Qi had transformed was chopped off forward, and directly chopped off the head of the Fat Tou Tuo, splashing blood all over the sky.

Lu Qi's original combat power was not much weaker than this fat head tuo.

What's more, this Fat Tou Tuo was already seriously injured when he was splashed in the sea water of the buried mountains and seas. He was still Lu Qi's opponent, and he was beheaded by Lu Qi only with a dozen moves.

At this time, Lin Fei had already released the clone of the demon body, and chased down those people from the Judge and the Western Regions.

But Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed at the Chaos Cauldron.

The Chaos Cauldron was condescending and slammed into the big formation fiercely.


With just a few efforts, that big formation was directly shattered by Chaos Cauldron!


Lin Fei was overjoyed.

The Chaos Cauldron has terrible weight and can be directly used to break the formation with brute force, which is very practical.

Within the big formation, the Peacock King, and the other people of the monster race, were stunned, their heads a little bit unable to turn.

This change was so sudden and unexpected.

This is a total of seven masters of the cave world!

The seven masters of the cave world, in the Eastern Region, are a terrifying force that any holy land and aristocratic family must be afraid of.

Unexpectedly, in an instant, they fell into the water, and three were directly beheaded.

This scene is almost a mythical color, and not many people dare to believe it.

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