Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1591: Awkward scene

After smashing the big formation, Lin Fei directly teleported all the people of the demon race such as Peacock Princess from the slave tower.

"Father! How can there be so much blood on your body, are you all right!"

When the Peacock Princess saw the Peacock King, she rushed over.

"I'm fine, don't worry.

I'll talk about it after I have solved all these people first. "

As the Peacock King said, his body moved, he rushed out and rushed to the remaining four masters of the cave world.

The Peng Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, and the two-meter-high, sturdy monster man also rushed out at the same time.

The four masters of the Yaozu Heavenly Cave Realm, who had been besieged by that great formation for most of the day, had long been suffocated.

At this time, they suddenly escaped, and one by one was so angry that they were desperate.

The remaining four masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm of the Judge and the Western Regions had been splashed in the sea water buried in the Xianhai and injured themselves.

Under this circumstance, no matter how can it be resisted, after a while, all four Heavenly Cave Realm masters were beheaded.

As for the planners and those of the Western Regions, none of them escaped, and they were all killed.

"Lin Fei, thank you, you saved us. If you didn't arrive in time, our fate would be unthinkable."

Peacock King came over and said to Lin Fei.

Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King, and the two-meter-high, sturdy monster man, also came over and thanked Lin Fei.

People of the monster race are generally more direct than human warriors, and their grievances are clear.

"Lin Fei, from now on, your business is the business of the entire monster race in the Eastern Region. As long as you need it, just speak up."

Demon King Peng even patted his chest and said to Lin Fei.

"Haha, seniors, you are so polite.

I'm just trying my best. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Lin Fei, the ones just now are really the sea water that buried Xianhai?"

Peacock King suddenly asked, very curious.

Just now, Lin Fei suddenly appeared, splashing a monstrous curtain of water, and all of a sudden, he seriously injured the seven masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm of the Ji Family and Western Regions.

It can be said that the sea water buried in the Xianhai completely reversed the whole situation.

"Yes, it is indeed the sea of ​​the sea of ​​burying the immortals."

Lin Fei nodded.


The four masters of the monster race, including the Peacock King, all gasped secretly.

"The sea of ​​the sea of ​​burying immortals, even the masters of the cave world, dare not come close, you have got so much sea water, how can you do it!"

Peng Demon King exclaimed.

"Hehe, luck."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Lin Fei, it's really hard for people to see through.

In any case, the enchantment of your qualifications is probably unique in the entire Eastern Region. "

Peacock King exclaimed.

The other three masters of the Yaozu nodded and said yes.

The four masters of the Yaozu secretly decided in their hearts that no matter what happens in the future, the young human being in front of them must make every effort to make friends.

Maybe, he will grow to an unimaginable height in the future. At that time, it may be too late to make friends again.

Of course, the relationship between the monster clan in the Eastern Region and Lin Fei is pretty good now.

However, the masters of these four monster races secretly decided to let this relationship go further.


Peacock niece, if you have anything to do in the future, please get closer to Lin Fei. Young people, communicate more with each other and make progress together. It is always a good thing! "

Suddenly, the Demon King Peng said to the princess Peacock standing nearby.

"Uncle Peng, what are you talking about..."

Princess Peacock was taken aback for a moment, and red clouds flew up on her pretty face.

"Hehe, I also agree with your Uncle Peng's words, a young and promising young man like Lin Fei, where to find it, you must know how to cherish it..."

The Demon King also spoke, he spoke more directly, and everyone could understand the meaning of his words.

"Uncle Jiao, don't be big or small, what nonsense..."

At this time, the peacock princess was so anxious that her face flushed with embarrassment.


Peacock, how could you speak to your two uncles in this tone.

Besides, your two uncles are also for you, and their words are not wrong. "

Peacock King laughed.

"Father! Even you bullied me like this, I ignore you!"

The princess Peacock was so angry that she couldn't speak. On top of her delicate face, she was ashamed and red, her face was very wonderful, and finally she twisted her waist and ran aside.


Children are thin-skinned! "

The four masters of the Yaozu Heavenly Cave Realm all laughed.

The Peacock Princess was in the distance, listening to their laughter, a pair of jade hands, covering her face, stomping her feet in anger, grind her teeth, and wanted to find someone to take a bite.

However, she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Lin Fei from between her fingers.

Finding that Lin Fei was also extremely embarrassed.

How could this atmosphere suddenly change.

Lin Fei couldn't laugh or cry.

However, the personality of the Yaozu people is generally so straightforward, and the same is true for matters between men and women. Whatever is directly expressed, it is rarely hidden.

"Master, this is the space ring of those from the Jijia and Western Regions. I have collected them all.

The master took a look at it to see if there was any necessary Taoist medicine. "

At this time, Lu Qi came over and handed all the hundreds of space rings to Lin Fei.

It turned out that after the battle just ended, he had been collecting space rings.

Because, he knew that Lin Fei still needed a lot of Taoist medicine, and Tiancai Di Baolai to cultivate the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art.


Lin Fei is also welcome, because he really urgently needs a lot of Taoist medicine.

So he took over the hundreds of spatial rings and used his divine consciousness to perceive them one by one.

Whenever it is found that there are Dao medicines of six ranks or more, take them out and take them as their own.

the host?

After hearing Lu Qi's address to Lin Fei, the four masters of the monster race were shocked again.

Just now, they witnessed Lu Qi's terrifying combat power with their own eyes.

It is much more powerful than the average master of the cave world.

Even the four of them didn't have any confidence to be able to deal with the majestic white man in front of them.

However, this man in white called Lin Fei his master!

The masters of the four monster races were full of turbulent waves in their hearts, and their evaluation of Lin Fei increased again.

However, they did not ask too much.

Because a master of the Heavenly Caverns is willing to call a younger young man the master, there must be some twists and turns in this, and it is generally not said to outsiders.

Soon, Lin Fei took out all the Dao medicines above Rank 6 and some heavenly materials and earth treasures among the hundreds of spatial rings, and put them into his spatial ring.

Lin Fei was very surprised by the harvest.

Almost two thousand Dao medicines of Grade 6 or above were obtained.

It seems that the people of the Judge and the Western Regions have gained a lot in this Fallen Immortal Realm, and they have found a large number of high-level Taoist drugs.

In particular, the space rings of the seven masters of the cave and the heavens taught by the Jijia and the Western Regions contain a large number of Tao medicines, various heaven and earth treasures, primordial stones, various high-level medicines, and even many martial arts jade. simple.

"Lin Fei, it seems that you really need a Taoist medicine of Grade 6 or above.

We have gained a lot in the past few days when we entered the world of falling immortals, and we have obtained a lot of Taoist medicine.

Since you are in a hurry, use these Dao medicines first. "

Peacock King said.

With a wave of his hand, a large pile of Taoist medicines of Grade 6 or above suspended in front of Lin Fei.

Then, the Peng Demon King, the Flood Demon King, and the two-meter-high monster clan master, all took out all the Taoist medicines of Grade 6 or higher in their bodies and piled them in front of Lin Fei.

The number is so large that it adds up to more than two thousand plants.

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