Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1592: Ching Luo's Fate

"Several seniors, how embarrassing this is. These Taoist medicines are too expensive, I can't accept them."

Lin Fei declined.

Dao medicines above the sixth rank are very valuable in the Eastern Region.

What's more, the six-rank or higher Tao medicines given by the four monster clan masters add up to more than two thousand plants, which are of amazing value.

"What did mother-in-law and mother do? You saved our lives just now.

Could it be that our lives are not comparable to this pile of Taoist drugs? "

Peacock King said.

"Well, if that's the case, I will ask to accept it.

I wrote down this situation. "

Lin Fei had to accept.

Besides, Lin Fei really needed these Dao medicines.

In this way, Lin Fei had gathered enough Dao medicines of more than 4,000 grades 6 and above.

The remaining four refining sacrifices of the Immortal Refining Tool Jinshen Jue can be carried out.

"By the way, not long ago, I met a few people from Luohai Commercial Bank. Hearing from them, the head of the head office, Ren, seems to have his daughter Ren Shanshan's whereabouts and is rushing to look for it.

Suddenly, the Peacock King said to Lin Fei.


Where is Ren Shanshan! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"I heard from the people from Luohai Commercial Bank that it seems to be in this world of falling immortals, a place with many snowy mountains.

People from Luohai Commercial Bank found Ren Shanshan's breath there.

Therefore, most of the people in Luohai Commercial Bank are now concentrated in that place. "

Peacock King said.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I will go over and take a look."

Lin Feidao.

Lin Fei and that Ren Xiaotian, and Ren Shanshan were all friends, and they wanted to find out the whereabouts of Ren Shanshan, so they decided to go and take a look.

"Hehe, don't worry.

Let's go in together and explore the cave in front of us.

This cave is estimated to be very old, maybe there is something good about it. "

Peacock King pointed to the cave not far away.

Before, the people of the Yao race were preparing to enter this cave to explore. Unexpectedly, the people of the Ji family and the Western Regions came.

Then, the two sides clashed.

No one has ever been in that cave.

"Okay, go in and take a look."

Therefore, Lin Fei and everyone from the Yaozu came to the cave that seemed to be very old.

Lu Qi also followed Lin Fei.

He can only leave the slave tower once a day, and there is only one hour.

So, I don’t want to go in so fast and spend more time outside.

"There are traces of the formation, but the remaining formation energy seems to be running out."

The Peacock King felt it immediately.

With a wave of his hand, a surging demon power like the Yangtze River blasted towards the gate of the cave.

Sure enough, a protective array emerged, resisting the demon power that had bombarded the Peacock King.

So, everyone worked together, and after a few sticks of incense, they broke the protective formation.

After walking through a long aisle, everyone came to a hall.

This hall seems to be the end.

The area of ​​the hall is very wide, with thousands of square meters.

In the center of the hall, there is a very eye-catching altar, and above the altar, there is a tall statue.

This statue has a very hideous face, and the entire skin is covered with lines of mysterious symbols.

Around the altar, there are dozens of tall yellow stone pillars, and each stone pillar is engraved with extremely mysterious symbols.

The monstrous evil spirit, rolling and boiling, filled the entire altar.

In the faint, there are strange laughter, which is transmitted from the altar, and it is horrible in the ears.


Lin Fei couldn't help screaming when he saw the statue on the altar.

It turned out that when Qingluo used the evil shadow clan's exercises before, he had revealed a phantom of the evil **** exactly like this statue.

Therefore, Lin Fei was very impressed.

"What a strong evil energy!"

The four masters of the Demon Race of the Peacock King also looked at the altar in surprise.

Lin Fei immediately thought, teleporting Qing Luo from the slave tower.

"What a strong evil energy!"

Qing Luo had just been teleported out, and immediately exclaimed in surprise and joy, her beautiful eyes staring at the altar in the middle of the hall.

Then, she moved and teleported to the altar.

"The statue of Lord Cthulhu!"

Qing Luo looked at the evil **** statue carefully and was shocked.

"Hurry up and let the old priest out."

Qing Luo said.

Lin Fei sent the old priest out with a thought.

"Master Cthulhu!"

The old priest immediately rushed to the evil **** statue and knelt down.

"Qing Luo, get down on your knees.

Lord Cthulhu, is the primitive ancestor of our evil shadow clan!

It is the eternal **** of our race! "

The old priest said excitedly.

Qing Luo also knelt down beside the old priest when he heard the words, and under the leadership of the old priest, he bowed to the evil **** statue.

Just after the old priest and Qing Luo ran three times and nine knocks, suddenly, the eyes of the evil **** statue shot out two dazzling red lights.

Two red lights cut through the space and directly shot into Qing Luo's eyes.

Suddenly, Qing Luo's delicate body trembled, and then she seemed to lose consciousness and fell into a state of faint.

Then, Qing Luo's delicate body began to float slowly, lying horizontally, suspended in the midair of the altar.

Above the entire altar, all the strong evil energy began to gather frantically into Qing Luo's body.

The body of the evil **** statue rushed out of the sky, and turned into a sea of ​​red blood, rushing into Qingluo's body.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw Qingluo lose consciousness.

"Lin Fei, don't worry, this is a great thing for Qingluo.

I can feel that Lord Cthulhu is passing on certain inheritance of our Evil Shadow Clan to Qingluo.

It is estimated that after Qing Luo gets this kind of inheritance, his strength will skyrocket. "

The old priest saw Lin Fei's worry and said to Lin Fei, his tone was extremely excited.

It is also true that Cthulhu is the belief and spiritual support of the Evil Shadow Clan, and now the Cthulhu statue conveys some kind of inheritance to Qingluo, which is a recognition of Qingluo's identity.

Lin Fei took the words of the old priest and let go.

But the monsters of the Yaozu looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

However, all of them were silent.

Because everyone knows that Qingluo's current situation is not suitable for being disturbed.

These monsters had long known the relationship between Qing Luo and Lin Fei.

Until an hour later.

Finally, on the altar, all the evil energy was absorbed by Qing Luo.

The Cthulhu statue no longer glowed red, and gradually dimmed.

Then, Qing Luo's beautiful eyes slowly opened.

An evil energy that was much stronger than ever before, quietly radiated from her delicate body.

"Intermediate Theravada!"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

This kind of leapfrog breakthrough is too exaggerated!

"In this statue of Lord Cthulhu, there is the inheritance left by an ancient senior of our Evil Shadow Clan.

Just now, a remnant soul of the predecessor’s mighty power had given me an initiation and transmission, allowing my realm of strength to advance by leaps and bounds. "

Qing Luo looked at Lin Fei and the old priest and said slowly.

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