Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1593: Being tracked

"This is a good thing!"

Lin Fei was also very happy when he heard it.

After all, Lin Fei was also very pleased that her own woman's strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

"Next, I may have to sleep for a while and digest the inheritance I just got."

Qing Luo said.


Lin Fei was taken aback.


This is a good thing for me, so don't worry.

I might turn into a cocoon as before, and fall asleep in the cocoon.

It is equal to the day I emerge from the cocoon, maybe my realm strength will be higher than you. "

Qingluo's beautiful eyes blinked and said to Lin Fei.

In the past, Qing Luo had also tried, turned into a cocoon, and slept for a long time before waking up.


Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei sent Qing Luo and the old priest into the city.

Next, everyone left the cave.

Obviously, this cave mansion was left by a senior master of the evil shadow clan in ancient times.

For the monster race, and the warriors of humans, it is of no use.

"By the way, Lin Fei, are you planning to go to the city of immortal burial by that time?"

Before breaking up, the Peacock King suddenly said to Lin Fei.

"Fairy Burial City?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"There are two places in this immortal world, and the opportunities contained therein are the greatest.

The first one is the depths of the buried sea, but the buried sea is too dangerous.

No master of the cave world dared to easily approach the funeral sea, let alone enter the depths of the funeral sea.

The second one is the city of immortal burial.

The city of immortal burial is located in the middle of a large **** desert.

It is said that there are amazing opportunities there.

Moreover, the degree of danger there is, relatively speaking, much lower than that of Buried Xianhai.

Therefore, most of the masters of the cave world have already rushed to the city of immortal buried, wanting to enter it, looking for opportunities. "

Peacock King said to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei heard the words of the Peacock King, and then it came to nothing.

"I am going to lead the demons and horses to the city of immortal burial and make a break."

Peacock King said.

"Well, I'll go to see the situation of that eldest lady first, and then go to the city of immortal burial."

Lin Fei said.

So Lin Fei broke up with these monsters.

Lin Feizhan left the mountain where the cave mansion was located, and headed in the direction the Peacock King said.

Just after Lin Fei and the Yaozu people left.

On the mountain peak, a faint black figure suddenly landed halfway down the mountain, on the open space in front of the cave.

"The sea of ​​the sea of ​​burying immortals!"

This black illusory figure looked at the wet water trails on the ground and couldn't help but scream.

"There are people who can bring the sea water of the buried Xianhai here.

It shows that this person must be able to collect the magic weapon for burying Xianhai sea water! "

This black illusory figure couldn't help being very excited.

"Hey, in this case, don't try to escape from my palm.

If our Mingjiao can collect the sea water from the sea of ​​burying the immortals, the strength of the foundation is estimated to be improved immediately! "

This black illusory figure smiled grimly.

I saw that he released his powerful spiritual consciousness, carefully perceiving some aura in the surrounding space.

After a while, he waved his hand, and a faint illusory picture appeared before his eyes.

A young man, holding a Danding in his hand, appeared abruptly, splashing down the surging water.

"Well, it turned out to be a hairy boy."

The black illusory figure sneered.

Then, he suddenly disappeared on this mountain.

This illusory figure turned into a phantom, which turned out to be in the direction where Lin Fei left, and chased it down.

Just after this illusory black figure left.

Another group of men and horses galloped from a distance and fell on the clearing halfway up the mountain.

"That kid, really came here!"

A silver-clothed boy shouted in surprise.

This team is exactly the people of Zhongshengzhou, the clean party.

"Yes, here is indeed the breath left by my tracking secret talisman.

That kid, really stayed here. "

In the team of the Cleansing School, a tall and thin middle-aged man, he is a master of the Heavenly Caverns, and a deacon of the Cleansing School.

"Hmph, I secretly planted my tracking secret charm on that kid. Even if he escapes to the end of the world, he can't escape the chasing of our dustless faction!"

The silver-clothed boy said coldly.

This silver-clothed boy was the genius disciple of the Cleansing School who had fought with Lin Fei for the silkworm cocoons of the Yi Shen silkworm that day.

"Go, the breath of that kid, living in this direction and leaving."

The tall and thin middle-aged man waved his hand, leading the people of the Cleansing Faction, and chasing him in the direction where Lin Fei left.

The value of Tianyi Divine Silkworm is too great, it is a priceless treasure, so these people of the Cleansing Sect will not easily give up tracking Lin Fei.

Besides, Lin Fei galloped all the way.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart jumped, an invisible danger was approaching.

This is a sixth sense, an intuition that has been accumulated after many life-and-death struggles, in the accumulation of blood and flesh.

at this time.

Suddenly, in the high air not far away, a black giant claw carrying an endless aura of death, came from a high altitude, whistling towards Lin Fei.


The space where Lin Fei's body was, instantly began to shake.

A powerful and terrifying energy fluctuation tightly locked Lin Fei's body.

The powerful law force completely confined the entire space.

Invisible space cracks appeared constantly, dark and faint, covering the entire space, very scary.

Lin Fei was a bit creepy.

There is a terrible super master who is shooting himself!

Lin Fei immediately understood.

In an instant, the pitch-black giant claw surrounded by terrible lifelessness caught Lin Fei's head.

The energy fluctuations emitted by this pitch-black giant claw are really terrifying.

Lin Fei knew that he had no chance of winning at all.

So, with a movement of thought, Chaos Cauldron rushed out directly.


There was a loud and deafening noise.

Chaos Cauldron successfully blocked the pitch-black giant claw.

Then, the Chaos Cauldron was constantly trembling under Lin Fei's control, and instantly shattered the law force exerted on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's body can move again.


Sure enough, there are some doorways. "

Not far away, an illusory black figure slowly emerged from the void.

"Space power!"

Lin Fei looked at the illusory figure that slowly appeared, couldn't help being surprised.

It turns out that this person is also good at space power, and he actually came out of the chaos and void.

"Hey, right now, you have only one choice, and that is, obediently tell you the secret of burying Xianhai sea water.

It's better not to wait for me to do it.

Otherwise, you will be tortured as life is worse than death. "

The illusory black figure sneered.

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