Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1594: Run away

The illusory black figure gradually became clear, this was an old man in black who looked thin and old.

Lin Fei couldn't help but change his face slightly when he felt the breath of the black-clothed old man.

This person is terrible!

Lin Fei immediately decided that he was not his opponent.

In this situation, the way Lin Fei thought of was to do his best.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not answer, but suddenly, unfolded his own body technique, instantly disappeared, and flashed away to the distance at the fastest speed he could achieve.

"Hehe, a junior boy, wants to run away in front of me? You think too much."

The skinny old man in black, seeing Lin Fei's behavior, was not anxious at all, but instead smiled slightly and said lightly.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it towards the front. Under the grab, something seemed to have been changed in the world.

Lin Fei, who had fled to the distance, suddenly had an earthy face, and his lightning-fast figure suddenly stopped in the void. He was sweaty and his face was blue.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth secretly, desperately agitating his own vitality and physical strength, trying to get rid of the invisible shackles, but to his horror, he could not move anyway.

The power of law!

Lin Fei felt that the space where his body was located was sealed by a powerful force of law.

The surrounding space seemed to freeze.

The black old man was really terrifying, and his use of the power of the law was probably more powerful than any master of the Heavenly Caverns Lin Fei had encountered before.

Lin Fei couldn't help but groan secretly in his heart, how could he suddenly be stared at by such a terrible guy.

"Well, yes, under the constraints of my law, I can still struggle.

It's pretty good that an intermediate Hinayana can do this step. "

The black-clothed old man looked at Lin Fei with a hint of approval flashing in his eyes.

"Senior, I don't seem to offend you, why should I embarrass me suddenly."

Lin Fei said to the old man in black.

"Didn't I just say it.

You will be able to collect the secrets of buried Xianhai sea water in full detail.

In front of me, don't try to escape, there is no chance.

Just cooperate well. "

The black-clothed old man was not in a hurry, he was already in full control of the situation.

"Excuse me, who is Senior?"

Lin Fei wanted to know the identity of the old man in black who suddenly embarrassed him.

"Hehe, I'm from Zhongshengzhou Mingjiao, this identity is enough."

The black old man smiled faintly.

Zhongshengzhou Mingjiao?

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

Mingjiao is a great sect in Zhongshengzhou. It is said that the exercises circulating in the teaching are very strange and terrifying, and it is a powerful sect.

It seems that it must be this black-clothed old man who discovered that he can collect the sea water to be buried in the Xianhai, so he wanted to ask him how to do it.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and answer my question honestly."

The old man in black said lightly.

As he spoke, he waved his hand at random.

Immediately, Lin Fei only felt that the force of the law exerted on him had become stronger again.

Lin Fei's body couldn't move at all.

In Lin Fei's mind, a decision had already been made.

"Well, since the senior asked me, I want to answer honestly..."

Lin Fei pretended to give in, and at the same time, on his face, it seemed that he was still struggling, and said in a loud voice.


Upon seeing this, the black-clothed old man showed a satisfied smile on his face.

He couldn't help but get very excited when he thought that he was about to get a method to collect the sea water for burying Xianhai.

It turned out that the sea water of the sea of ​​burying immortals was of great benefit to the techniques he cultivated.

If he can collect a large amount of sea water for the burying of the immortal sea, he is confident that he can make rapid progress with his cultivation strength.

At the same time, he also intends to learn more about the secrets of the ant collecting the sea water of the Xianhai buried in front of him, and then research to see if he can find a way to deal with the sea water of the buried Xianhai.

If you can find a way to deal with burying Xianhai, then it is possible to bury Xianhai deeply.

You know, buried in the sea of ​​immortals, but contains a lot of opportunities and treasures against the sky!

Just when the black-clothed old man relaxed his mind a little and fell into an excited mood.

Lin Fei suddenly offered Chaos Cauldron.

The Chaos Cauldron zoomed infinitely in an instant, and quickly rotated around the space around Lin Fei's body.

The terribly heavy Chaos Cauldron suddenly crushed the entire space and shook.

Hey, at the same time, the demon body clone appeared beside Lin Fei, the fierce and evil aura in his body, like a series of dark evil dragons, surrounding the tall demon body, whizzing wildly.

At the same time, the third magic forbidden method was exhibited, and the mysterious seal runes filled the sky, constantly flashing, filling the entire space.

Under the combined action of the Chaos Cauldron and the Demon Body Clone, the legal power that the black-clothed old man exerted on Lin Fei's body instantly weakened.

Lin Fei hurriedly seized this opportunity and immediately displayed space power, carrying the demon body clone and Chaos Cauldron, stepping into the void beside him.

"That's impossible, you will never die, I remember today's things!"

When he was about to enter the chaotic void, Lin Fei turned his head and burst into a shout.

"Huh, kid, you are looking for death!"

The black-clothed old man yelled, his eyes were cold, his face was extremely gloomy, and a strong killing intent radiated, causing the temperature of the space around his body to drop by more than ten degrees. The chill was chilly. .


He stretched out his hand towards Lin Fei's back and shook it far away. A thick black smoke appeared behind Lin Fei and enveloped Lin Fei.


Lin Fei saw a terrifying and extremely corrosive force that instantly rushed into his body, eating away at his body crazily, and Lin Fei couldn't help but vomit a few mouthfuls of blood.

Then, Lin Fei madly mobilized the vitality and physical strength in his body, desperately rushing into the chaotic void.

At the same time, the Chaos Cauldron rapidly revolved around Lin Fei's body, and the Cauldron vibrated, exuding an astonishing weight.

The demon body clone also burst out monstrous evil energy, blasting the thick black smoke around Lin Fei.

Finally, Lin Fei rushed out of the chaotic void, and his figure disappeared.

"This kid, it's really not easy, his demon body clone is extremely weird, fierce, and amazing.

His Danding's rank seems to be extremely high, and it is not inferior to the extreme immortal soldier.

Moreover, the strength of an ant, the cultivation of space power, has reached such a level that it can travel through the void in an instant.

Well, this kid, it's not easy!

There must be a big secret! "

The black-clothed old man of Mingjiao looked at the space where Lin Fei disappeared, and murmured a few words.

"However, in front of me, you still can't escape.

Well, I will compare the space power with you. "

The black-clothed old man didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Because, he felt that Lin Fei's space power was a bit worse than him.

He was confident that he could track down Lin Fei.

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