Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1615: Kill the cave master

After obtaining the Golden Body Luo Daoguo, Lin Fei planned to find a hidden place first to complete the last four sacrifices of the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art.

The terrifying physical power of that camel monster had a great impact on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was shocked and admired by such a combat power that he could deal with and even crush four masters of the Celestial Cavern realm with a powerful body alone.

It seems that the path of body refining can also achieve amazing achievements, especially once the physical supernatural powers are developed, the combat power is even more explosive, and it is enough to crush the gas refining warriors of the same level.

So Lin Fei took Wang Chan and wandered around in this **** desert, looking for a secret place, preparing to retreat and practice.

After the two wandered around for most of the day, they did not find any special secret places.

In this vast blood-colored desert, the topography and landforms everywhere are similar, with vast blood-colored sand and dust, boundless.

When passing a sand dune, Lin Fei's expression suddenly changed.

Perceived by his divine consciousness, Lin Fei found that behind the sand dune, there was a wilted figure sitting cross-legged.

"It's him!"

Lin Fei was startled and motioned to Wang Chan.

It turned out that the figure behind the sand dunes was one of the cave-sky realm masters who had besieged the camel monster before, and was the one who had been covering his body with black light.

This person is also one of the masters who chased the men and horses of the Moon Palace before.

Unexpectedly, he actually hid behind this sand dune to heal his injuries.

"It looks like he was seriously injured..."

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, carefully perceiving the figure behind the sand dune, and transmitting to Wang Chan's divine consciousness.

"Yes, the four masters of the Heavenly Caverns who have just worked with Camel Monster, he is the most injured one."

Wang Chan also nodded slightly.

"Hmph, two ants who don't know how to live or die, immediately hand over everything on your body, and then, before I change my mind, get out of here!

Otherwise, I will kill you all.

Obediently do what I say, don't have any chance of luck, in front of me, you are just trivial ants. "

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind the dunes.

It turned out that the other party also discovered Lin Fei and Wang Chan. After all, he was a master of the Celestial Cave, and his sense of consciousness was far stronger than Lin Fei and Wang Chan.

"Haha, senior, I guess you must have been hurt very badly, and it is very difficult even to move.

Otherwise, it would not just threaten us, but would have already taken action against our two ants.

Because, you originally came here to chase and kill the female disciple of the Moon Palace next to me, and now she is next to you, you actually let her go quickly.

It seems that your injury is very bad..."

Lin Fei chuckled, eyes flashing, thinking in his head.

"Hmph, don't know how to promote it, even if I am seriously injured, I will kill you two ants easily."

Said the man in the dune.

"Really? Then let me see how you killed me."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Let's do it together and kill this person."

Lin Fei spread the voice to Wang Chan's spiritual knowledge.

Wang Chan was startled and looked at Lin Fei beautifully.

This is a master of the Heavenly Caverns, even if he is injured, it is still very terrifying.

Want to beheaded is easier said than done.

"It's okay, his injury is already very bad, we can do it together, it is possible to kill him.

He originally came here to chase you down, aren't you afraid that he will come to deal with you again after his injury heals? "

Lin Fei said.

"it is good!"

When Wang Chan remembered that he was being chased and killed, he was cruel in his heart, and there was killing intent in his beautiful eyes.

Lin Fei took out the Chaos Cauldron and hovered it above his head. The Sky Swallowing Gourd was also held in his hand.

Wang Chan took out a jade bracelet, it was crystal clear, shrouded by the hazy moon, and there was strong pressure.

The two unfolded their abilities and approached the rolling sand dunes silently.

As they approached the sand dune, both of them suddenly accelerated.

Behind the sand dunes, a middle-aged man dressed in black had a thin face, **** body, and many shocking wounds on his body.

Lin Fei and Wang Chan just acted, the middle-aged man immediately became alert and opened his eyes.


Lin Fei quickly circumvented the sand dunes and rushed over. With one swallowing gourd in his hand, the sky was full of pitch-black water splashes, splashing over the black-clothed middle-aged man, and the rich lifelessness spread instantly.

"court death!"

That pitch-black middle-aged man was furious. As a master of the cave world, he was actually besieged by two Hinayana ants. This is an unimaginable thing on weekdays.

"What the **** are these!"

Looking at the dark water splashing from the sky, the middle-aged man in black couldn't help being very surprised.


A treasure wheel rushed out of his body, engraved with Eight Diagrams patterns, and the whole body burst out with runes, forming a rune light curtain, which tightly protected his body.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Streams of pitch black sea water kept falling on the rune light curtain, quickly corroding the light curtain.

The middle-aged man in black was shocked. The power of these black waters was beyond his expectations.


With a loud roar, the treasure wheel vibrated and kept shining, emitting waves of terrible coercion, covering Lin Fei to suppress Lin Fei.

Lin Fei lifted the Chaos Cauldron and slammed it against the treasure wheel.

The Chaos Cauldron instantly zoomed in, towering like a peak, filled the sky, bursting out with an incomparable terrifying weight, and blasted towards the middle-aged man in black.

call out!

Wang Chan also arrived. When she waved her hand, the crystal-clear jade bracelet flew out, splashing out bursts of brilliance, and the shadows of the waning moon, like sharp knife lights, constantly rushed out of the jade bracelet, overwhelming the black. The middle-aged man in clothing beheaded the past.

The middle-aged man in black was frightened. He was severely injured by that camel monster before. He has almost lost most of his life and is now dying.

In front of him, these two descendants, whom he regarded as ants, were so powerful that they were completely beyond his expectation.

Especially those sea waters buried in Xianhai, let him smell the breath of death.

Boom boom boom [literature museum]……

Lin Fei controlled the Chaos Cauldron and kept smashing the treasure wheel on the head of the middle-aged man in black.

The treasure wheel kept trembling and faltering.


The black-clothed middle-aged man needed to constantly instill vitality into the treasure wheel. At this time, he was shaken and spurted blood again and again, and his injuries became more serious.

"An ant-like existence, riding on my head today, I am unwilling!"

The middle-aged man in black scolded angrily, his whole body glowing, runes rushed out, turned into a black dragon, and pounced on Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei controlled the Chaos Cauldron, let it zoom in, and stand in front of him, blocking the black dragon composed of runes.

Finally, under the combined attack of Lin Fei and Wang Chan, the black-clothed middle-aged man consumed more and more, spurting blood, and his breath became more and more wilting.

"I'm not willing!"

He raised his head and yelled. If it hadn't been severely injured by that camel monster before, how could he be forced to this level by two Hinayana ants.

"Unwilling, you can accept it too.

Who told you to come and kill others! "

Lin Fei said coldly.

Finally, the middle-aged man in black ran out of vitality, and the runes from the treasure wheel above his head gradually weakened.


The sea of ​​Buried Xianhai spilled on his body.


The middle-aged man in black screamed and continued to roll on the sand.

Lin Fei motioned to Wang Chan to step back.

Because, buried in the sea of ​​Xianhai, this middle-aged man will undoubtedly die.

"I recognize you, you are a deacon of the Profound Sky Sect.

It turned out that it was your Profound Sky Sect who was chasing and killing the people in our Moon Palace. "

Wang Chan looked at the middle-aged man in black who was screaming and rolling, and suddenly screamed.

However, the middle-aged man didn't answer at all. After a few breaths, he became a corpse and remained silent.

He was already in serious condition and was dying. Now he was splashed in the sea of ​​Xianhai and died in a moment.

Lin Fei waved his sleeves and took his space ring into his hand.

"This guy, it seems that the harvest in the fairy burial world is very good!"

Lin Fei was extremely surprised.

In the space ring of this middle-aged man in black, there are a large number of high-level Tao medicines, treasures of heaven and earth, piles of various crystal stones, and a number of magic weapons.

Among them, there are thousands of Dao medicines alone.

There are even six semi-immortal medicines!

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