Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1616: Success

This middle-aged man in black is worthy of being a master of the Celestial Cave Realm, and his wealth is enormous.

Lin Fei distributed part of it to Wang Chan, including three and a half immortal medicine.

"I plan to go under the ground and practice in retreat for a period of time."

Lin Fei said to Wang Chan.

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Wang Chan didn't leave alone, after all, she was still being hunted down.

Moreover, in this vast blood-colored desert, the terrain is complicated, and there are many dangerous crises. Without Lin Fei, she would not have much confidence to go alone.

Lin Fei teleported Wang Chan into the slave tower and smashed a crack of several hundred meters in the ground with several punches.

Lin Fei jumped off the bottom of the crack and waved his hand. The wind was surging above the crack, and the wind was violently rolling. In a moment, the **** sand and dust filled the entire ground again.

And Lin Fei directly entered the slave tower and appeared in the cultivation chamber on the ninth floor.

Lin Fei took out the Chaos Cauldron, took out all the required materials, and placed them around his body.

Including five or six thousand Tao medicines of the sixth rank or above, various heavenly materials and earth treasures, five semi-immortal medicines, and the corpses of the three ancient beasts of the golden fire lion, the white jade cold tiger and the nine blood pythons.

Originally, those five half-immortal medicines were not needed or okay, because the medicinal solution left over from the previous practice still contained the medicinal power of the half-immortal medicine.

However, in cultivating this immortal refining weapon golden body formula, the more heavenly materials and earth treasures added, the better the effect, and Lin Fei would naturally not be stingy.

Finally, Lin Fei waved his hand, and a blood-red tree appeared in the secret room. It was the golden Luodao fruit tree.

Lin Fei had already distributed part of the golden Luodaoguo to Wang Chan, so at this time, there were still nine golden Luodaoguo hanging on the tree.

"It will bloom in 10,000 years, bear fruit in 10,000 years, and mature in 10,000 years. The next fruit picking will have to wait until 30,000 years later.

No matter, since this is the case, I can't wait that long, just use the whole tree for cultivation. "

Lin Fei stared at the blood-colored one and muttered to himself.

So Lin Fei took all the nine golden mangosteens from the tree and hid them.

Lin Fei intends to leave these fruits to Qing Luo, Rong Er and Wan Er.

After all, such a precious body refining holy medicine is extinct in the Holy Venerable Continent. It is extremely valuable and cannot be bought with money.

Next, Lin Fei waved his hand, four different fires rushed into the Chaos Cauldron, and four seas of fire of different colors burned.

Then, Lin Fei kept throwing all kinds of materials with amazing value into the Chaos Cauldron and smelting them with different fire.

Finally, with a move, he leaped into the cauldron and began to sacrifice himself.

In the cauldron, Lin Fei carved complicated and mysterious runes on every inch of his flesh, and then introduced the medicine into the body and burned the flesh.

The value of this pot medicine liquid is astonishingly high. It is a half immortal medicine, thousands of Taoist medicines of rank six or more, sky fire bamboo, Yuanyang fish, Yuanyin fish, three corpses of ancient beasts, and one and two. Meter-high golden Luodao fruit tree.

In each case, if it is placed outside, even a master of the Celestial Sky Realm will move with the wind and compete fiercely.

Now, all kinds of priceless treasures are all in a pot, and the essence of the smelted medicinal solution is beyond words.

Lin Fei only felt that his body, bones, muscles, skin, internal organs, and drops of blood were all being burned by the fire.

It's like being placed on a barbecue grill and receiving barbecue.

The Chaos Cauldron is like a furnace, and Lin Fei's body is like a semi-finished magic weapon being cast. It is thrown directly in, calcined, and refined steel!

And Lin Fei's body, while being burned by the different fire, was also frantically absorbing the essence of all kinds of priceless treasures.

The physical quality, physical strength, and steadily improved, it gives people the feeling that there is a terrible feeling of an ancient beast lurking in the body, choosing people and devouring them at any time.

One day later.

call out!

The lid of the Chaos Cauldron was lifted, and a shining figure slowly rose from the cauldron.

It is Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei was shining, his whole body was pure and flawless, and he became more ethereal and immortal.

However, whenever his eyes opened and closed, there would be divine light soaring, revealing a powerful aura.

Quiet like a Wolong, moving like a demon, this is a powerful and mysterious aura, and it is constantly growing, making him look deeper and deeper.

"Finally completed the next four sacrifices."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Then, make a pair of fists.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's entire body was burning with a raging illusory fire, flawless and unsullied.

This kind of sacred fire is the external manifestation of amazing physical power, without color, transparent and pure.

While the sacred fire was burning, faintly, accompanied by lightning and thunder, the divine light was as brilliant as a rainbow.

The soaring sacred fire, like a wave, rolled violently on Lin Fei's body.

His eyes are brilliant.

Qi and blood rumbling, powerful life essence circulates in the body.

"Well, it seems to have some kind of physical supernatural power."

Lin Fei felt his body for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, and the entire right palm, including the right arm, instantly zoomed infinitely, dozens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times!

An extremely huge astonishing arm almost filled the entire secret room.

Lin Fei felt that the power contained in this huge arm was terrifying.

It is estimated that it can kill most of the Mahayana warriors in one hand.

Moreover, this sturdy arm, which is as large as a giant dragon, is by no means a metamorphosis of Yuan Li or some martial skill, but a pure physical change!

Then, Lin Fei tried his left hand again, and it could zoom infinitely, transforming into a giant hand, covering the entire secret room.

However, for the time being, both arms possess physical supernatural powers.

If you want to be like that camel monster, the entire body will change and become a giant with hundreds of feet. Lin Fei's body can't reach it temporarily.


As soon as Lin Fei stretched out his hand, Wu Shablade appeared in the palm of his right hand.

"Try the toughness of your body."

Lin Fei said, and then picked up the Wu Sha blade and swiped it over his left arm.


There was a harsh metal rubbing sound.

Above the left arm, where the Wu Sha blade slashed, the fire rose, and the skin was only slightly whitish, leaving a fine white line, and then disappeared.

There is no damage!

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he controlled the Wu Sha Blade to fly and blast towards his chest.


A clear metal crash.

There was a white scratch on the chest.

There is still no damage!

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

You know, Ushablade, but a magic weapon of high rank, even the Ushablade can't hurt yourself now.

This shows that the tenacity of his body has reached a very terrifying level.

Sure enough, the flesh became a treasure!

"The Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art is really powerful."

Lin Fei was quite energetic.

A self-confidence stronger than ever before filled his chest.

"If there is a chance in the future, repeat it, and then practice the flesh for several times. It is estimated that sooner or later, real physical supernatural powers will be developed!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

It turns out that the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art can be practiced repeatedly.

As long as you find the heavenly materials and earth treasures you need, every time you practice more, your physical body can become stronger.

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