Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1629: Full of treasure

Everyone's gazes at Lin Fei became a bit hot.

"Hey, I don't think there is such a good thing on this kid."

The gray-clothed youth couldn't hide a trace of greed deep in his eyes.

This gray-clothed young man was a genius student of Qinglong Academy, Xiao Changsheng, whom Lin Fei had met not long ago.

Not only Xiao Changsheng, but everyone in the field was very interested in Tianyi Shencan.

"Moreover, it's amazing how this kid can collect the sea water used to bury the Xianhai.

However, I guess the main reason is because of the gourd in his hand. "

A twelve or thirteen-year-old child stared at the swallowing gourd in Lin Fei's hand with piercing eyes. This child is the saint son of the Profound Prison Sect.

"Not bad!"

When the rest of the people heard the words, their hearts moved and looked at the gourd in Lin Fei's hand.

"It looks like this gourd is also an incredible treasure."

A strong young man said.

"In my opinion, his Danding is terribly heavy and seems to be a powerful magic weapon. I saw him use this Danding to directly kill several people."

The other powerhouse stared at the Chaos Cauldron in Lin Fei's hands.

"Yes, his Danding can withstand the attack of a master of the cave world."

The Saint Child of the Cleanroom said coldly.

Before in the Scarlet Desert, Lin Fei killed the elder Hua of the Wuchen Sect, but the Young Master of the Wuchen Sect escaped by using the shifting talisman.

The saint son of the Wuchen Sect learned of Lin Fei's situation from the young master of the Wuchen Sect.

During this period of time, the people of the Cleansing Faction had already launched a search and hunt for Lin Fei.

This Saint Child of the Cleansing School could not have imagined that he would meet Lin Fei here.

However, he did not immediately move forward to Lin Fei.

Because, he knows, this kid in front of him, although on the surface, is only the strength of the Intermediate Hinayana, but the real combat power is very powerful.

What is even more frightening is that even the elder Hua of the Cleansing Sect was also beheaded because of the sea waters where the Xianhai was buried.

Therefore, this holy son of the dustless faction is hating Lin Feila.

As long as these powerhouses in the moving field attack Lin Fei, they can join forces to besieged.

Sure enough, all the powerhouses around began to stare at Lin Fei maliciously.

"Hey, Tianyi God Silkworm, the gourd that can collect Xianhai sea water, the weird heavy pill cauldron, and dozens of jars of immortal wine, how do I feel that this kid is full of treasure."

Xiao Changsheng's gaze at Lin Fei became increasingly fiery.

"Boy, that gourd, I fell in love with it."

Suddenly, a gloomy voice resounded in everyone's ears like a voice coming from the ground.

Then, I saw a stiff figure coming like lightning.

This was a young man full of death breath, his face was pale, as if there was no sunshine all year round, lacking vitality, and his eyes were cold and merciless.

"It turned out to be the Holy Son of Mingjiao."

Someone murmured.

"Get it."

This Holy Child of Mingjiao stared at the Sky Swallowing Gourd in Lin Fei's hand, domineering and direct, reaching out to Lin Fei.

"Brother You, be careful, this kid is not weak.

I believe that everyone will kill this person first, divide his treasure, and then compete for the ultimate immortal soldier. "

The holy son of the dust-free faction had no good intentions and planned to slap everyone into Lin Fei.

Immediately, many people were moved and faintly approached Lin Fei.

Indeed, the treasures that Lin Fei possesses are tempting.

"Damn, things are not good, it seems that these people are actually planning to work together to deal with me.

Especially the Son of the Cleansing Sect, wanted to kill me for revenge. "

Lin Fei frowned.

All these people in front of them are very powerful.

Most of them are evildoers, and Lin Fei estimates that even if he deals with one of them, he will not be able to win, let alone deal with so many at the same time.

However, Lin Fei still has a great hole card, which is the sea water of the sea of ​​burial.

The capacity of this sky swallowing gourd was terribly large. At that time, Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​immortals and collected a lot of sea water.

In Lin Fei's mind, he made up his mind. Once he encounters a mass attack, he will pour out a large amount of the funeral sea water. Even if he can't win, at least he can escape.

Therefore, Lin Fei's expression was still very calm.

"I'll say it one more time, bring the gourd."

The Mingjiao Shengzi's tone was very cold, and in his eyes, a vague murderous intent appeared, planning to attack Lin Fei.

call out!

However, just when most people were looking at Lin Fei, suddenly, a white-haired old man rushed to the weapon rack and stretched out his hand to grab the three extreme immortal soldiers.

He took advantage of everyone's attention, when they were all on Lin Fei, he wanted to quickly take away the extreme immortal soldier.


Several powerful men shot at him, and a few violent energy attacks forced the white-haired old man back.

However, a few people immediately rushed to the weapon rack and reached out to grab the three extremely immortal soldiers.

Although the baby on Lin Fei was alluring, but Jidao Xianbing was even more alluring.

Any extreme immortal soldier can immediately allow a sect to quickly increase its strength and heritage.

It's not any other baby, it can be easily compared.

Therefore, after focusing on the powerful people around Lin Fei for a while, most of the powerful people began to pay attention to the three extreme immortal soldiers. After all, this is the most precious thing, everyone wants to get.


Someone took the lead, and soon, one by one, the strong began to rush towards the weapon rack.

The melee broke out again.

Naturally, Lin Fei was unwilling to lag behind, and rushed over with a movement.


A golden halberd appeared behind Lin Fei and blasted at the back of Lin Fei's head, very sharp.

Lin Fei moved horizontally, the Chaos Cauldron in his hand turned around, and he slashed out to the rear. With a loud noise, the golden halberd was blocked.

It was the saint child of the Cleansing School who shot, his eyes were gloomy, and the golden spear in his hand exploded with bright runes, which made the space blurred.

"Hmph, you can't escape the account of killing my elder and disciple of the Cleansing Sect.

The Son of the Cleansing School said coldly.


He shot again, the golden war halberd in his hand glowed, and the aura was violent, like a big sun, the energy was overwhelming, and it blasted towards Lin Fei.

"Hmph, hand over the gourd."

A gloomy voice sounded at this time, and it was the Holy Son of Mingjiao.

He was full of lifelessness, a black chain rushed out of his body, clashed, black light shot into the sky, directly penetrated the void, and shot towards Lin Fei.

The two powerhouses attacked Lin Fei at the same time, with amazing momentum.

Lin Fei's right arm suddenly enlarged infinitely, and instantly became as thick as a dragon, holding the Chaos Cauldron in his hand and blocking it forward.


The golden euphorbia and the dark chains violently slammed on the Chaos Cauldron at the same time, erupting loudly.


Lin Fei's figure was shaken back a few steps.


Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised secretly in his heart.

These two people are worthy of being the holy sons of the ancient great sect in Central Shengzhou. The two of them worked together and had terrible strength. Even if Lin Fei held the Chaos Cauldron, he was shaken back.

Especially the attack of the Mingjiao Shengzi carried a strong breath of death. Although the dark chain was blocked by the Chaos Cauldron, a terrible breath of death was directly enveloped in Lin Fei's body. , Quickly eroded Lin Fei's vitality.

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