Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1630: Treasure

At this time, the rest of the powerhouses are all performing their tricks, and are robbing the three extreme immortal soldiers.

Moreover, the battle became more and more intense, and people were beheaded continuously.

In the melee, a middle-aged man in the high-level Mahayana finally rushed to the weapon rack, and quickly grabbed one of the extreme immortal soldiers in his hand.

This middle-aged man couldn't help being ecstatic, and he didn't expect that he had managed to obtain an extremely immortal soldier.

However, almost at the same time, boundless murderous aura rushed, dozens of strong men stared at him, one after another, making him instantly into desperation.


This middle-aged man was very decisive, using a secret technique, and threw the extreme immortal soldier in his hand to another strong man. It turned out that he had a companion here to respond.


Dozens of strong men screamed, murderous, and rushed forward.

The rest of the strong men continued to rush towards the remaining two extremely immortal soldiers.

The holy son of Mingjiao and the holy son of Wuchen Sect, seeing that someone had already obtained the Supreme Immortal Soldier, they all became anxious.

After all, the value of Extreme Immortal Soldiers was much greater in their minds than Lin Fei.

As a result, the two of them thought about it for a while, and instead of paying attention to Lin Fei for the time being, they rushed over and joined the battle to **** the extremely immortal soldiers.

Lin Fei glanced around and looked at the situation in the field roughly.

Everyone here is very powerful.

Moreover, no matter which one is strong, as long as the ultimate immortal soldier is in hand, it will be immediately attacked by other strong groups.

This kind of melee, even if it is a real powerhouse with superior combat effectiveness, it is difficult to obtain the ultimate immortal soldier.

"Damn, fight it!"

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and raised the Tiantian Gourd in his hand, shaking forward.

This time, Lin Fei really did not count the cost, the pitch black water in the gourd, like the Yangtze River, surging out.

Suddenly, a terrible breath of death instantly filled the entire palace.

All the warriors were shocked and evaded one after another.

Because the amount of sea water sprayed out of the gourd was too much, like a long dark river, swept toward everyone.

The long and dark river is horizontal and empty, and wherever it passes, the space is corroded violently, and the strong corrosive power makes the scalp numb.

Everyone already knew that the dark water belonged to the sea of ​​the buried immortal sea, so everyone dared not get it, and they backed away.

With a move, Lin Fei rushed towards the weapon rack, flicked out his sleeves, and rolled towards the three extremely immortal soldiers.

"No, he wants to swallow three extreme immortal soldiers, stop him!"

Many strong people shouted.

"Everyone, let's kill this kid first."

The Son of the Cleansing Sect shouted, his killing intent towards Lin Fei was the strongest.


The Saint Child of the Wuchen School displayed a mysterious body technique. The body seemed to turn into a ribbon, becoming weak and boneless, thin and vague, with no room for hair, passing through the sea where Lin Fei was buried in Xianhai.

Then, holding the golden halberd and slashed to Lin Fei vigorously, the offensive was fierce, and the halberd burst into bright golden runes.

The rest of the powerhouses also used a solo show to start off. While avoiding the pitch black water, they shot at Lin Fei one after another, with powerful attacks, tearing the space and rushing towards Lin Fei.

Runes in the sky are flickering, the whole space is whizzing, and the horrible vitality fluctuates like a vast ocean.

Faced with the bombardment of many powerful men, Lin Fei only felt like a lone boat in the depths of the sea, facing a violent tsunami.

"Damn, I want to rely on a lot of people, right?"

Lin Fei's two arms were directly infinitely enlarged, terribly huge, like two dragons.

The Chaos Cauldron is also constantly enlarged and shaped like a mountain.

Lin Fei held the Chaos Cauldron directly in his right arm and stood in front of him, while holding the Sky Swallowing Gourd in his left hand, shaking forward constantly.


Streams of thick and pitch-black sea water, regardless of cost, continuously lased out from the swallowing gourd, attacking indiscriminately in all directions.


A series of violent attacks continued to slam into the Chaos Cauldron in front of Lin Fei, and the roaring sound shook the entire palace as if it was about to be overthrown.

Lin Fei could only see that his body was constantly violent, and the terrifying impact energy of a muscle and thigh was continuously transmitted to the flesh from the muddle.

The Chaos Cauldron is strong in quality and has not suffered the slightest damage.

But Lin Fei's body was surging with blood, and most of his body seemed to be numb.

This is an attack from hundreds of strong men at the same time.

If you change to another warrior, even if you have Chaos Cauldron, your body will already be shaken into meat sauce.

"No, how can there be so many sea waters in the calabash gourd."

The strong people around, seeing the sea water in the gourd in Lin Fei's hand, seemed to be jetting out endlessly, and their expressions changed drastically.


A series of dark water dragons hovered around Lin Fei's body, blocking the entire space.

Although the martial artists around were unwilling, they could only keep backing away. No one dared to rush forward and resist the dark water.

Finally, Lin Fei moved to the front of the weapon rack, swept his sleeves, and rolled up the three extremely immortal soldiers.

Boom [Biquku] Boom!

The three extremely immortal soldiers vibrated at the same time, bursting out of terrible coercion on their own, and they were about to shake Lin Fei's sleeves.

However, fortunately, that kind of energy can coerce, and Lin Fei can deal with it.

Lin Fei forcibly rolled the three Extreme Way Immortal Soldiers and directly transmitted them into the slave tower.

Then show the starting method and rush out of the palace.

"court death!"

"Never let him take it away!"

At this moment, all the strong men were completely angry and shouted.

All the people showed their shapes and chased Lin Fei.

A wave of violent bombardments, tearing the space apart, burst out endless runes, like an ocean, rushing behind Lin Fei.

More than a hundred strong men were furious at the same time. Some people used vitality martial arts, and some people took out various magic weapons and attacked. The scene was very terrifying.

Lin Fei rushed out while placing the Chaos Cauldron behind him.


A series of terrifying bombardments fell on the Chaos Cauldron like a torrential rain.

Lin Fei only felt that his body was shaking violently, and even the movement of Qi and blood was a bit uncomfortable.

Boom boom boom...

There were five or six weird attacks that went around the chaotic cauldron as large as a mountain and blasted on Lin Fei's back.

Puff puff……

Lin Fei only felt that his body was hot, and a few mouthfuls of blood came out on the spot.

Fortunately, after Lin Fei completed the nine sacrifices of the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Jue, his body had already been transformed and was extremely tough.

Therefore, there is no major problem with just a slight injury.

"What?! How could this kid's body be so hard!"

The five or six strong players who shot could not help being shocked.

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