Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1631: succeed

The combat power of these five or six powerhouses is extremely terrifying, and the attack that erupts, even if it is a master of the Heavenly Caverns, dare not use the flesh to harden it.

However, Lin Fei's body had received five or six bombardments at the same time, but suffered a little injury.

Let all the strong, be stunned, can't believe it.

"Damn, careless."

Lin Fei cast his body skills to the fastest speed he could achieve, teleported away from the palace, and while escaping, he took out several healing Dao Dan at the same time and stuffed them into his mouth.

Those strong behind are naturally also in hot pursuit.

"Stop him!

Don't let him run away! "

Those strong men who followed Lin Fei kept shouting.

"what happened!"


In the front hall, the warriors who were robbing the magic weapon of Taoism also noticed the movement from the depths of the hall, and stood up one after another, intending to stop Lin Fei.


Lin Fei directly shook the Sky-Swallowing Gourd forward, splashing a jet of dark sea water.


Suddenly, the warriors blocking the way in front all fell to the ground and screamed.

"Lin Fei, what's the matter?"

With sharp eyes, Princess Peacock saw Lin Fei who was running in the front.

She saw so many terrifying powerhouses chasing Lin Fei, she couldn't help being surprised, and quickly stood up and asked Lin Fei.

The dozen or so demon clan maids, and Xiao Yuanshan, also saw this scene, and flew towards Lin.

"Don't ask too much, if you have any words, then speak slowly."

Lin Fei said to the peacock princess, and then, with a move of thought, sent all the peacock princess and others, including Xiao Yuanshan, into the slave tower.

Then rushed out of the palace.

During this process, Lin Fei tried several times, wanting to go directly into the chaotic void, but Lin Fei was surprised to find that it was impossible to travel through space here.

"Boy, you'd better run away. In this city, there seems to be some kind of forbidden air law, which is not allowed to pass through space.

When I first came in, I could already feel it faintly. "

The goblin said to Lin Fei.

At this critical juncture, Lin Fei wanted Lu Qi to come out to help, but immediately remembered that in this city of immortal burial, it is not allowed for the masters of the Celestial Cave to exist.

Na Lu Qi is a master of the Heavenly Caverns, if he appears in the city of immortal burial, it is estimated that he will be directly obliterated.

"Damn, let's run away with gritted teeth."

Helpless, Lin Fei rushed out of the palace desperately.


A series of violent bombardments continued to fall behind Lin Fei, amidst the chaotic cauldron as large as a mountain, loud noises shook the sky.

Moreover, from time to time, there was a wave of energy bombardment, bypassing the Chaos Cauldron and falling on Lin Fei's back.

Lin Fei was bombarded with coughing up blood again and again, the blood in his body surged, and the corners of his mouth kept bleeding.

After all, most of the strong men who chased after Lin Fei were the elite disciples of those ancient sects in Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges.

If Lin Fei hadn't had the sea water to bury Xianhai, and Chaos Cauldron, under the siege of so many powerful men, he would have long since died.

call out!

Lin Fei turned into a stream of light, shot out from the gate of the palace, unfolding his own body skills, disappearing instantly, wandering in the void, and fleeing away.

Huh hoo hoo...

More than a hundred powerful men, as well as a large group of warriors, rushed out from the gate of the palace.


"Damn, that kid must never be cheaper!"

Everyone chased after him.

Especially those strong men who participated in the robbing of the Extreme Dao Immortal Soldiers, one by one, were so angry that there were so many strong men on the scene. As a result, a fellow of the Intermediate Theravada realm took away all the three Extreme Immortal Soldiers.

No one can swallow this breath.

Lin Fei used his speed to the extreme, and rushed to some of the most remote streets and alleys.

Lin Fei's body method combines the three essences of the infinite body method, the nine changes of the dragon, and the power of space. It is in a class of its own. Both the speed and the effect of hiding the traces are very clever.

In addition, Lin Fei cultivated the aura of the Great Dao, and also specially concealed his traces.

So, soon, Lin Fei's traces and breath became weaker and weaker.

Those chasing soldiers in the rear began to find it harder and harder to catch Lin Fei's escape direction.

"Half Immortal Medicine! There is a Half Immortal Medicine in this palace!"

"Oh my God, there seems to be some long-lost inheritance martial skill in this palace."

"It's developed! It's the first time I have faced so many special laws, and it's full of palaces!"

From time to time in the entire city, such cheers came out.

This city is too big, many warriors, scattered everywhere, have discovered many precious treasures or opportunities.

All kinds of elixirs, magic weapons, inheritance of martial arts, and various spars of amazing value are constantly being discovered.

It can be said that this city of immortal burial contains an astonishing number of treasures and opportunities.

Therefore, those who chased Lin Fei gradually began to give up.

As a result, Lin Fei's shape and breath became more and more difficult to track.

Secondly, there are amazing treasures or opportunities to be discovered everywhere from time to time.

After about a stick of incense.

In the city, in a remote alley.

Lin Fei stopped his escape, came to the end of the alley, and teleported directly into the slave tower.

The slave tower, on the other hand, became infinitely smaller, and finally turned into a grain of sand, falling in the corner.

The slave tower is a magic weapon that is not lost to the extreme immortal soldiers. It can naturally become larger and smaller, which is very convenient.

Lin Fei's figure suddenly appeared in the ninth-level cultivation chamber of the slave tower.

In the practice secret room, three extremely immortal soldiers were suspended in front of Lin Fei.

"Huh, Jidao fairy soldier."

Lin Fei looked at the three extreme immortal soldiers in front of him, still very shocked, and couldn't believe it. He actually got three extreme immortal soldiers all at once.

This is an extremely immortal soldier, not the cheap magic weapon in the street weapon shop.

You know, in the Eastern Region, the three holy sites and the three aristocratic families all have only one extreme immortal soldier.

This is also one of the three great families and three holy places, which is one of the reasons why it can dominate the Eastern Region.

However, Lin Fei now possesses three extremely immortal soldiers.

In the Cangyan Holy Land, there is also an extremely immortal soldier, so Lin Fei has some knowledge of the extremely immortal soldier.

Extremely Dao Immortal Soldiers have a restriction on those who use it, that is, they must have the strength above the Mahayana realm to be able to mobilize Extreme Dao Immortal Soldiers.

A warrior below the strength of the Hinayana realm, even if he obtains an immortal soldier of the extreme path, cannot be urged.

"the host."

A voice sounded, and Lu Qi's figure appeared beside Lin Fei.

"Hehe, the master is really lucky, and all of a sudden, he got three extremely immortal soldiers."

Lü Qi looked at the three extreme immortal soldiers and couldn't help but exclaimed.

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