Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1632: Healing

"Senior Lu, there seems to be some kind of mark planted on me."

Lin Fei said to Lu Qi.

The saint son of the dustless school suddenly recognized that he was the one who killed the elder Hua, which made Lin Fei feel that something was wrong.

Because, even if he is a master of the cave world, he may not recognize his disguise.

But the Saint Son of the Wuchen Sect, but he could recognize himself.

The only explanation is that some kind of mark has been planted on oneself, so people of the Cleansing School can recognize themselves.

Lu Qi immediately released his divine consciousness and felt it on Lin Fei for a while.

"Yes, the master's body is indeed planted with a secret mark."

Soon, Lu Qi said in a loud voice.

Lu Qi is a master of the Heavenly Caverns realm, and he is also an ancient person hundreds of thousands of years ago. He is very knowledgeable, so he soon discovered the tracking secret charm on Lin Fei.

Lv Qiyi waved his hand, and a force of Yuan force covered Lin Fei.

Then, Lin Fei felt that there seemed to be something on his body that was directly erased.

"Master, rest assured, I have erased that secret mark."

Lu Qi said.

"That's good."

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

If the mark is erased, there is no fear of being recognized by the Cleansers.

Otherwise, I don't know when I am recognized by those people of the Cleansing School, which will definitely add a lot of trouble.

Next, Lin Fei began to heal his injuries.

Before, Lin Fei was hit dozens of times.

Although, Lin Fei had already completed nine refining sacrifices of the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art.

However, those who attacked Lin Fei were all strong, with terrible combat power, so Lin Fei was still injured.

Although the injury is not particularly serious, it also requires recuperation.

Lin Fei took out a few high-grade healing pill and threw them into his mouth.

Then, he took out a small jade bottle and poured half a bottle of blue liquid into his mouth.

These azure liquids are Poseidon water.

The Sea God Water was previously obtained by Lin Fei in Yuanwu Realm.

Moreover, there is not much left.

Lin Fei seemed to have only three or four bottles on his body.

Then, Lin Fei began to meditate cross-legged and exercised to heal his injuries.

After an hour.

Lin Fei opened his eyes abruptly and showed a smile.

The injuries on his body are basically healed.

"It seems that my Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art is still lacking in heat."

Lin Fei couldn't help muttering to himself when thinking of the injury just now.

Because, according to the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Secret Art, if the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art is cultivated to a certain extreme, it can unearth the mysterious potential hidden in the flesh, possessing a kind of tenzhang. The physical supernatural powers of the golden body of the Arhat.

At that level, you can go head-to-head with the Extreme Immortal Soldiers just with your physical body!

However, Lin Fei now has neither cultivated the physical supernatural powers of a ten-zhang golden Arhat, nor has the ability to face the extreme immortal soldiers with his physical body alone.

"Cultivate to a certain extreme..."

Lin Fei was thinking.

"Could it be that this Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art, even though it has been repeatedly refined and practiced many times, can it reach the level of possessing the supernatural powers of the flesh, and using the flesh to face the extreme immortal soldiers?"

Lin Fei remembered that the general outline of the Immortal Refining Artifacts Golden Body Jue said that the Immortal Refining Artifacts Jinshen Jue could be practiced repeatedly.

"Well, it must be so.

It seems that I need to collect more materials and perform repeated refining to have the physical supernatural powers of the ten-zhang golden arhat and golden body, and I will go head-to-head with the immortal soldiers. "

Lin Fei gradually understood.

However, Lin Fei had a headache when he thought of the amazing value of heaven and earth treasures needed to cultivate the Immortal Refining Artifacts.

However, no matter what, Lin Fei decided that he must strive to collect the materials, and then practice the Immortal Refining Artifacts and Body Techniques several times.

Next, Lin Fei teleported into the city.

Came to the street where Qingluo was.

A huge cocoon lies quietly in the middle of the street, and the old priest sits beside it to protect the law.

"Lin Fei, you are here."

As soon as Lin Fei appeared in the street, the old priest noticed something, opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fei and said.

"When will Qingluo break out of the cocoon."

Lin Fei approached the white cocoon, stretched out his hand, stroked it lightly, and asked.

"It should not have been so fast.

According to my guess, at least, there is still more than one month.

However, you don't have to worry about the queen, this is a great thing for her.

She needs time to slowly digest the inheritance gained. "

Said the old priest.

"Well, that's too."

Lin Fei nodded.

After staying in the street for a while, Lin Fei left the city and found Princess Peacock and others in the slave tower.

"Lin Fei, are you all right."

Princess Peacock, the dozen or so demon clan maids, and Xiao Yuanshan, when Lin Fei appeared, they were all very pleasantly surprised. They embraced them and asked.

"Hehe, am I alive and well?

Nothing at all. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Brother Lin Fei, I really convinced you.

Those many people chased you down, and you escaped unscathed.

If I were replaced by me, I would have died a long time ago. "

Xiao Yuanshan praised.

"Okay, let's go out and continue the treasure hunting adventure in the city of fairy burial."

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei led everyone, teleported out of the slave tower, and continued to hunt for treasure.

Of course, Lin Fei had already used the Dao breath technique to change his appearance again, and Azi also used illusion techniques to help Lin Fei conceal his true spirit.

The tracking secret talisman on Lin Fei has been erased by Lu Qi, so there is no need to worry about it anymore, it will be easily recognized by others.

And the Peacock Princess, the dozen or so demon clan maids, and Xiao Yuanshan, all followed Lin Fei, and they all dressed up in disguise.

Although their disguise methods are not as clever as Lin Fei, they also conceal their true colors. If others do not intentionally perceive them, it will be difficult to recognize for a while.


Lin Fei led everyone towards the depths of the city.

Along the way, I heard many voices of discussion.

"Oh my god, there are too many treasures in this fairy burial city. It is said that fifty or sixty half-immortal medicines have been discovered."

"In addition to the half-immortal medicine, there are more than a dozen more precious half-immortal pills, which have also been discovered.

However, they were all divided up by those genius disciples of those ancient great sects in Zhongshengzhou, and those enchanting students of the four major colleges. "

"Also, it is said that a total of seven extremely immortal soldiers have been discovered.

Moreover, three of them fell into the hands of an unknown boy.

Now, the enchanting disciples of the ancient big sects in Zhongshengzhou and the elite students of the four major colleges have all issued orders, asking everyone to pay attention to the trace of the unknown boy.

Once you find it, you will report it immediately, and you will be rewarded again. "

"Damn, is that kid out of **** luck? He actually got three extreme fairy soldiers alone."

Many warriors, in groups, hunted for treasures while talking.

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